BLACK WOLF Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: Embark on a gripping journey with BLACK WOLF, where a man tormented by his high school bullies discovers they have become international terrorists four decades later. Destiny aligns as he, now a CIA operative, receives the mission of his lifetime: to eliminate the very threats that once made his life a nightmare.
Directed by talented William Lee, who also stars in the film alongside Johanna McGinley and Matthew Conway.
Directed by talented William Lee, who also stars in the film alongside Johanna McGinley and Matthew Conway.
Short filmTranscript
00:00 (ominous music)
00:02 (ominous music)
00:06 I'm gonna ask you one more question, okay?
00:14 Did you kill Billy Blackwell?
00:16 (ominous music)
00:24 (heart beating)
00:26 (heart beating)
00:29 (heart beating)
00:32 (gun firing)
00:59 Billy.
00:59 I'm gonna ask you one more question, okay?
01:03 Did you kill Billy Blackwell?
01:07 Have you ever loved somebody
01:13 that you would do anything for?
01:15 Would you die for somebody?
01:16 Would you kill for somebody?
01:20 I didn't kill Billy Blackwell.
01:22 But if you find out who did before me,
01:28 just let me know.
01:29 (heart beating)