Kate and William are preparing a special 10th birthday party for Prince George

  • last year
00:00 Prince George is turning 10 years old and is expected to celebrate with family.
00:04 The party will take place on the Windsor Estate, where he resides.
00:15 The eldest child of Prince William and Kate Middleton is expected to have action-packed
00:19 activities at his celebration.
00:28 Not too long ago, we were all waiting to see if Prince William would ever stop being single.
00:36 Now, we're about to see his oldest child age out of single digits.
00:44 Prince George, the eldest child of William and Kate, will turn 10 years old on July 22,
00:50 and befitting to his royal lineage, his parents plan to celebrate in style on their English
00:54 estate.
01:02 Will the young prince get the best birthday present any English prince has gotten at 10?
01:07 Probably not.
01:08 That honor still goes to Richard II, who ascended to the throne at the ripe age of 10.
01:21 Then again, considering how things wound up for O. L. Dickey Dose, you know, that whole
01:25 I wasted time, and now doth time waste me thing Shakespeare wrote about, Prince George
01:30 is probably better off seeking a second pickleball set to play with Louis than a seat on the
01:35 throne quite yet.
01:40 So, what can Prince George expect for his big day?
01:46 Well, we know where it will be.
01:54 As opposed to past celebrations, which have occurred in exotic locales like a luxury villa
01:59 on the private Caribbean island of Mystique as Hello!
02:02 Notes, this is expected to occur on the same Windsor estate where George resides with his
02:07 family.
02:15 Beyond that, it's a matter of speculation.
02:18 Given Prince George fondness for sports, including a recent trip to Wimbledon, Hello!
02:23 anticipates action-packed activities on the agenda.
02:33 And as for the cake, Hello!
02:34 turned to Kate Middleton's appearance on Mary Berry's A Berry Royal Christmas to conclude
02:39 that Kate herself might prepare the sweet treat for her son.
02:49 I love making the cake, she shared.
02:52 It's become a bit of a tradition that I stay up till midnight with ridiculous amounts of
02:56 cake mix and icing, and I make far too much.
03:06 But I love it.
03:07 Sure, that's all a bit tame compared to the raucous celebration some of Prince George
03:11 relatives have been known to have, but that's just from our limited point of view.
03:22 Who knows how wild those games of red light, green light, or pin the tail on the donkey
03:26 might get once the party is in full swing?
03:29 Someone might need to summon a bobby for a noise complaint once they crank up Baby Shark.
03:41 Anything's possible.
03:42 [silence]
