Colombia celebrated Independence Day

  • last year
The Colombian people celebrated with parades, parties and mobilizations the 213th anniversary of their independence, for the first time under the leadership of progressive and leftist forces. teleSUR
00:00 On the occasion of the 213th anniversary of Colombia's independence, President Gustavo
00:04 Petro traveled to the island of San Andres to commemorate the date. In the context of the
00:09 recent decision of the Inter-American Court of Justice on the litigation, the President focused
00:14 his speech on the history of victories that led to Colombia's independence 200 years ago,
00:20 and the history of defeats that in more recent years have caused the loss of territories to
00:24 the country on several occasions. The head of state highlighted the importance of the relationship
00:29 with the Caribbean for the development of the events that led to independence and emphasized
00:35 that the concept of homeland goes beyond the formalities of protocol and monuments.
