• 2 years ago
Nara Full Movies
00:00:00 (ominous music)
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00:00:16 (ominous music)
00:00:40 (ominous music)
00:00:43 - Slow down, will you?
00:00:46 - Relax, baby.
00:00:47 - Where are you taking me anyway?
00:00:53 I normally don't go to strange places on my first date.
00:00:56 - Are you scared, honey?
00:00:58 - No, I'm not scared.
00:01:00 And my name isn't honey.
00:01:02 - Well, you said you liked horror movies, right?
00:01:06 - So I like poetry too.
00:01:09 What's that have to do with anything?
00:01:10 (chuckles)
00:01:12 - We'll see.
00:01:12 (car engine revving)
00:01:17 (ominous music)
00:01:23 - Come on, let's go.
00:01:34 - Are you serious?
00:01:38 - Come on, Krista.
00:01:39 It'll be fun.
00:01:40 - All right, but this better be good.
00:01:45 - I promise.
00:01:48 You'll have a great time.
00:01:49 - Dan, where have you brought me?
00:02:01 (thunder rumbling)
00:02:09 - What is this place?
00:02:10 Have you been here before?
00:02:13 - No, but I know people have.
00:02:16 - Okay.
00:02:19 What did they say about the place?
00:02:22 - I don't know.
00:02:23 They've never been seen again since.
00:02:27 (laughing)
00:02:29 - Come on.
00:02:30 - Okay.
00:02:34 This way.
00:02:37 You first.
00:02:40 - Get out of there.
00:02:42 - Here we go.
00:02:50 - What was that?
00:03:06 - It was probably a cat or something.
00:03:09 - Yeah, that's what everybody says
00:03:11 before some psycho shows up and hacks everybody to bits.
00:03:15 - Now, if this was a horror flick,
00:03:17 you and I would be involved
00:03:18 in some real hot sex scene right now, right?
00:03:21 (laughing)
00:03:22 - Listen, maybe you wanna die a horrible death, but I don't.
00:03:26 Please take me home, Dan.
00:03:28 - Come on, Krista, you know you want to.
00:03:31 Come on.
00:03:32 (dramatic music)
00:03:35 Now, Krista, I know you want me.
00:03:45 - Let go of me.
00:03:50 - No, come on.
00:03:51 - Dan, this isn't funny anymore.
00:03:53 - I'm not trying to be funny, come on.
00:03:54 - Dan, this is not funny.
00:03:56 - No.
00:03:57 - This isn't funny.
00:03:58 - Come on. - Dan, no.
00:03:59 (screaming)
00:04:02 - You know you want to, you're comfy.
00:04:03 - Get off of me.
00:04:05 Oh my God.
00:04:07 Oh no.
00:04:09 Stop.
00:04:11 No, you don't.
00:04:12 (screaming)
00:04:17 - Shit.
00:04:18 (screaming)
00:04:21 - Wait, no, wait, wait.
00:04:25 (screaming)
00:04:27 (gun firing)
00:04:30 - Wake up.
00:04:31 (alarm beeping)
00:04:34 (car horn honking)
00:05:00 (dramatic music)
00:05:03 (dramatic music)
00:05:06 (dramatic music)
00:05:08 (dramatic music)
00:05:11 (dramatic music)
00:05:14 (dramatic music)
00:05:17 (dramatic music)
00:05:19 (dramatic music)
00:05:22 (dramatic music)
00:05:25 (dramatic music)
00:05:28 (dramatic music)
00:05:31 (dramatic music)
00:05:33 (dramatic music)
00:05:36 (dramatic music)
00:05:39 (dramatic music)
00:05:42 (dramatic music)
00:05:44 (dramatic music)
00:05:47 (dramatic music)
00:05:50 (dramatic music)
00:06:08 (dramatic music)
00:06:10 (dramatic music)
00:06:13 (dramatic music)
00:06:16 - And good morning everyone.
00:06:40 Welcome back to your very own CLKY 92.6 FM
00:06:45 with the one and only Jetman.
00:06:48 Yep, that's me.
00:06:49 As usual, I will be taking requests all morning.
00:06:53 So feel free to call in any time in the morning.
00:06:55 This chilly morning we have,
00:06:57 we can warm things up with a little bit of tune.
00:06:59 Go in, tell me what you want.
00:07:01 - Hey boy.
00:07:07 You clean the toilet today?
00:07:10 I want the floor in the kitchen to be clean.
00:07:12 You want nice food?
00:07:13 I give you nice food.
00:07:14 You like balls?
00:07:15 I give you lots of chicken balls.
00:07:17 - This just in.
00:07:26 A local female university student
00:07:28 has been missing for four days now.
00:07:31 No word from the police yet,
00:07:33 but we will keep you posted
00:07:34 on the progress of this grim news.
00:07:37 Now if you ask me,
00:07:38 the gal's probably just having a good time
00:07:41 out in the city, come on.
00:07:42 It's university, anybody heard of a party?
00:07:44 Now, back to more requests.
00:07:46, Food.,
00:08:15 (car engine roaring)
00:08:18 (car engine roaring)
00:08:21 (car engine roaring)
00:08:24 (car engine roaring)
00:08:28 (car engine roaring)
00:08:31 (car engine roaring)
00:08:34 (car engine roaring)
00:08:39 (car engine roaring)
00:08:47 (car engine roaring)
00:08:59 (car engine roaring)
00:09:02 (camera shutter clicking)
00:09:15 (camera shutter clicking)
00:09:18 (camera shutter clicking)
00:09:22 (soft music)
00:09:24 (soft music)
00:09:26 (soft music)
00:09:29 (soft music)
00:09:31 (soft music)
00:09:34 (soft music)
00:09:36 (soft music)
00:09:39 (door clicking)
00:09:49 (soft music)
00:09:51 (soft music)
00:10:04 (soft music)
00:10:07 (soft music)
00:10:09 (soft music)
00:10:12 (soft music)
00:10:14 (soft music)
00:10:17 (soft music)
00:10:19 (soft music)
00:10:45 (soft music)
00:10:47 (soft music)
00:11:10 (camera shutter clicking)
00:11:14 (soft music)
00:11:17 (soft music)
00:11:19 (soft music)
00:11:21 (soft music)
00:11:37 (soft music)
00:12:04 (soft music)
00:12:07 (glass shattering)
00:12:26 (soft music)
00:12:29 (paper rustling)
00:12:39 (soft music)
00:12:50 (soft music)
00:12:56 (soft music)
00:12:58 - Food.
00:13:11 (footsteps)
00:13:24 (footsteps)
00:13:26 (thud)
00:13:36 Oh my God, oh, oh I'm so sorry.
00:13:39 Here, let me help you up.
00:13:42 I'm sorry, here.
00:13:45 I ruined your food.
00:13:48 Let me pay for that, it's everywhere.
00:13:53 Hey.
00:13:54 - The guy's weird.
00:13:55 - No, hey, wait up.
00:13:56 (footsteps)
00:14:00 (soft music)
00:14:11 (soft music)
00:14:15 (soft music)
00:14:17 (soft music)
00:14:20 (soft music)
00:14:22 (soft music)
00:14:47 (soft music)
00:14:50 (police siren)
00:14:54 - Jetman here, keeping you entertained
00:15:06 with the best music station in town, CLKY 92.6 FM.
00:15:11 We have some news from the local police department
00:15:14 about the missing girl we've been keeping track of.
00:15:17 Many of you have been calling in for updates.
00:15:18 Well, here it is.
00:15:20 The police have issued a search team,
00:15:22 but are still not revealing any details
00:15:23 about the girl or information
00:15:25 relating to her disappearance.
00:15:27 All we know is that she's a dance major at the university.
00:15:30 It sounds to me like she took off with a boyfriend
00:15:32 and the family wants to keep things on the down low with,
00:15:35 well, all we hope is that everything turns out just fine.
00:15:38 Now, back to the tunes.
00:15:40 (water running)
00:15:43 (thudding)
00:15:46 (thudding)
00:15:48 (thudding)
00:15:51 (people chattering)
00:15:55 (thudding)
00:16:06 (thudding)
00:16:18 (clock ticking)
00:16:21 (eerie music)
00:16:24 (eerie music)
00:16:26 (eerie music)
00:16:53 (eerie music)
00:16:56 (eerie music)
00:17:05 (eerie music)
00:17:16 (eerie music)
00:17:19 (eerie music)
00:17:22 (water running)
00:17:30 (eerie music)
00:17:46 (eerie music)
00:17:49 - Oh, hi Blaine.
00:18:02 How was work?
00:18:03 You know, I love practicing here.
00:18:06 No one ever interrupts me.
00:18:08 - Sorry for interrupting.
00:18:09 - You're not interrupting.
00:18:11 Come on, you can see how I'm doing.
00:18:12 (eerie music)
00:18:15 (eerie music)
00:18:17 Come on.
00:18:18 (eerie music)
00:18:21 I have to be in perfect form for my scholarship interview.
00:18:24 Oh, I can't wait for that audition.
00:18:27 (eerie music)
00:18:29 (eerie music)
00:18:38 (eerie music)
00:18:40 - Spare some change, man?
00:18:48 Spare change?
00:18:49 (man mumbling)
00:18:56 - Mm.
00:18:57 You're a good man.
00:18:59 You know that.
00:19:00 Kids nowadays are just ignorant.
00:19:03 Don't care about anybody but themselves.
00:19:07 Get a job, they tell me, get a job.
00:19:10 Easy for you to say.
00:19:12 In my day, people showed respect.
00:19:15 Young fuckheads nowadays, who knows?
00:19:19 Who knows what goes through their heads?
00:19:21 They just talk, talk.
00:19:22 Doesn't make any sense to anybody.
00:19:25 (eerie music)
00:19:27 They talk to themselves.
00:19:29 (eerie music)
00:19:34 (eerie music)
00:19:36 (eerie music)
00:19:41 - Hey, you trying to get yourself killed?
00:19:48 (eerie music)
00:19:50 (horn honking)
00:19:54 (eerie music)
00:19:56 (eerie music)
00:19:59 (man mumbling)
00:20:09 (guns firing)
00:20:12 (man mumbling)
00:20:14 (guns firing)
00:20:17 (man mumbling)
00:20:19 (guns firing)
00:20:22 (man mumbling)
00:20:24 (guns firing)
00:20:27 (man mumbling)
00:20:30 (guns firing)
00:20:32 (man mumbling)
00:20:36 (guns firing)
00:20:39 (door slams)
00:20:49 (eerie music)
00:20:52 (eerie music)
00:20:54 (eerie music)
00:21:00 (eerie music)
00:21:17 (eerie music)
00:21:20 (dog barking)
00:21:45 (dog whining)
00:21:47 (eerie music)
00:21:50 (leaves rustling)
00:22:10 (eerie music)
00:22:12 (eerie music)
00:22:15 (eerie music)
00:22:25 (eerie music)
00:22:39 (eerie music)
00:22:41 (eerie music)
00:23:08 (eerie music)
00:23:11 (eerie music)
00:23:28 (man mumbling)
00:23:30 (eerie music)
00:23:48 (eerie music)
00:23:56 (eerie music)
00:23:59 (eerie music)
00:24:26 (eerie music)
00:24:28 (eerie music)
00:24:39 (man mumbling)
00:24:44 (eerie music)
00:24:47 (eerie music)
00:24:52 (eerie music)
00:24:55 (man grunts)
00:25:06 (thunder rumbling)
00:25:07 - Don't be afraid, Blaine.
00:25:09 Looks are deceiving, especially when you're detached
00:25:12 from your body.
00:25:14 My name is Nora, or I should say was.
00:25:17 You don't have to be afraid of me, Blaine.
00:25:19 I don't exactly have the means to harm you now, do I?
00:25:22 (eerie music)
00:25:25 (man grunts)
00:25:33 Sorry, couldn't resist. (laughs)
00:25:36 (eerie music)
00:25:38 (man gasps)
00:25:47 (eerie music)
00:25:50 - You're listening to CLKY 92.6.
00:25:59 (eerie music)
00:26:06 (eerie music)
00:26:08 (thunder rumbling)
00:26:15 - Who's that?
00:26:19 (man laughing)
00:26:24 Have you been here before?
00:26:26 - No, but I know people who have.
00:26:29 - Okay.
00:26:34 What do they say about this place?
00:26:37 - I don't know.
00:26:39 They've never been seen again since.
00:26:42 (man laughing)
00:26:45 (eerie music)
00:26:47 - What was that?
00:26:53 - It was probably a cat or something.
00:26:56 - Yeah, that's what everybody says
00:26:58 before some psycho shows up and hacks everybody to bits.
00:27:02 Now, if this was a horror flick,
00:27:04 you and I would be involved in some real hot sex scene
00:27:07 right now, right?
00:27:08 Come on.
00:27:09 (eerie music)
00:27:11 (woman laughing)
00:27:19 (eerie music)
00:27:21 - Oh, there's still people.
00:27:27 Jesus, I'm tired.
00:27:29 (eerie music)
00:27:31 - Where are you going?
00:27:34 What are you doing?
00:27:35 Stop it!
00:27:36 - Come on.
00:27:37 - No!
00:27:38 - This isn't funny.
00:27:39 - Come on. - Dan!
00:27:40 No, stop it!
00:27:41 - Come on. - Dan!
00:27:42 - Come on. - Oh, no!
00:27:44 Stop!
00:27:45 - Come on. - Stop it.
00:27:46 - No, you baby.
00:27:47 - God, get off of me!
00:27:49 - No. - Oh, my God!
00:27:51 - Come on. - Oh, no!
00:27:53 (woman screaming)
00:27:56 - Shit!
00:27:57 - What the fuck?
00:27:59 (woman screaming)
00:28:02 - No, let me.
00:28:05 (woman screaming)
00:28:07 (gun firing)
00:28:09 (eerie music)
00:28:11 (eerie music)
00:28:17 - So, it's been a week now, Krista,
00:28:26 and you still haven't reported that rapist to the cops.
00:28:29 - Yeah, I can't believe Dan fucking tried to hump you
00:28:31 and then left you there when you told him to fuck off.
00:28:34 - Fucking asshole cocksucker.
00:28:36 I wonder if he'll show his face at the party tonight.
00:28:39 - You're just lucky he was hammered enough
00:28:41 for you to fight him off.
00:28:43 - Yeah, I'll meet up with you guys later on, okay?
00:28:46 - Are you gonna be okay, Krista?
00:28:48 - Yeah, I'll be fine.
00:28:50 I just wanna be alone.
00:28:52 - Okay, well, call us if you need anything.
00:28:54 And please, please come tonight.
00:28:56 - Mm-hmm, will do.
00:28:58 (bells ringing)
00:29:08 (eerie music)
00:29:11 (bells ringing)
00:29:14 (eerie music)
00:29:38 (water dripping)
00:29:41 (gun firing)
00:30:03 (eerie music)
00:30:07 (gun firing)
00:30:09 (eerie music)
00:30:12 - You know, Blaine, I'm glad that you found me.
00:30:15 At least my soul has some hope of resting in pieces.
00:30:19 Oh, I mean peace. (laughs)
00:30:22 You know, you and I are so similar.
00:30:25 We're both lost souls alone in this world.
00:30:28 Blaine, I feel so lost.
00:30:35 I wonder if anyone is even looking for me.
00:30:38 I mean, don't I have family and friends?
00:30:41 I just think that everything is so dark now.
00:30:48 (eerie music)
00:30:51 (eerie music)
00:30:54 (screams)
00:31:00 (eerie music)
00:31:04 (eerie music)
00:31:07 (eerie music)
00:31:10 (sniffles)
00:31:16 - Ow.
00:31:19 Ow.
00:31:27 (sniffles)
00:31:29 (sniffles)
00:31:31 (sniffles)
00:31:34 (sniffles)
00:31:36 (sniffles)
00:31:55 (footsteps)
00:31:58 (footsteps)
00:32:01 (footsteps)
00:32:29 (footsteps)
00:32:32 (footsteps)
00:32:35 (footsteps)
00:32:37 (footsteps)
00:32:39 (footsteps)
00:32:41 (footsteps)
00:33:03 (footsteps)
00:33:05 (gentle music)
00:33:08 (gentle music)
00:33:10 (gentle music)
00:33:13 (gentle music)
00:33:15 (gentle music)
00:33:20 (gentle music)
00:33:25 (gentle music)
00:33:28 (gentle music)
00:33:32 (gentle music)
00:33:36 (gentle music)
00:33:41 (gentle music)
00:33:43 - Hi, I'm free.
00:34:01 Oh, you're hungry.
00:34:04 Yeah, hi.
00:34:04 Hi.
00:34:09 You want some?
00:34:11 Okay.
00:34:12 (gentle music)
00:34:14 Oh, there you go.
00:34:17 (gentle music)
00:34:20 (gentle music)
00:34:23 (gentle music)
00:34:25 (gentle music)
00:34:28 (gentle music)
00:34:30 (gentle music)
00:34:37 (gentle music)
00:34:44 (gentle music)
00:34:47 (gentle music)
00:34:55 (gentle music)
00:34:57 - Hi, Blaine.
00:35:06 (gentle music)
00:35:09 - You don't mind if I come up, do you?
00:35:32 (footsteps clattering)
00:35:35 (footsteps clattering)
00:35:38 (object clattering)
00:36:02 - Shit.
00:36:03 (object clattering)
00:36:06 (footsteps clattering)
00:36:09 (object clattering)
00:36:13 (object clattering)
00:36:16 (footsteps clattering)
00:36:20 (footsteps clattering)
00:36:23 (object clattering)
00:36:26 (gentle music)
00:36:50 (door creaking)
00:36:53 - You're really pretty.
00:37:10 Just like the girls in the magazines.
00:37:18 (Blaine sniffling)
00:37:21 So the boy speaks.
00:37:22 (Blaine sighing)
00:37:28 Look, I don't usually do this.
00:37:31 I hang out with strangers and strange things.
00:37:36 But I felt really bad about the way I reacted
00:37:41 the other night when you saved me from that asshole.
00:37:44 I just wanted to thank you properly.
00:37:47 (gentle music)
00:37:50 Well, thank you, Blaine.
00:37:52 - How did you know my name?
00:37:55 - I'm a resourceful gal.
00:37:59 (gentle music)
00:38:07 - It's time for me to eat.
00:38:08 (plastic crinkling)
00:38:11 - Oh.
00:38:15 I have to go anyway.
00:38:16 Well, I'll see you around.
00:38:21 All right.
00:38:24 - I'm sorry.
00:38:26 For last night.
00:38:29 I didn't know that it was you.
00:38:33 I thought it was someone else trying to hurt me.
00:38:37 I didn't mean to...
00:38:44 I didn't mean to bash your head in.
00:38:46 - You didn't bash my head in.
00:38:49 Just a little bump.
00:38:50 (Blaine chuckling)
00:38:54 Hey, it's okay.
00:38:55 Okay.
00:39:07 Okay.
00:39:07 (Blaine sighing)
00:39:34 (gentle music)
00:39:37 (gentle music)
00:39:39 (gentle music)
00:39:42 (gentle music)
00:39:45 (gentle music)
00:39:48 (gentle music)
00:39:50 (Blaine gasping)
00:40:12 (gentle music)
00:40:15 (gentle music)
00:40:18 - You're hungry, aren't you?
00:40:30 Come with me.
00:40:35 (gentle music)
00:40:38 You should try to make something of your life.
00:40:47 Earn a little self-respect, learn to fend for yourself.
00:40:51 I actually know someone who owns a little restaurant.
00:40:53 I'm sure he'll let you work there.
00:40:55 You'll get fed every day
00:40:58 and have something to look forward to.
00:41:00 You won't have to beg people for change anymore.
00:41:02 You'll be your own man standing on your own two feet.
00:41:06 Would you be willing to do that, to work?
00:41:09 (Blaine sobbing)
00:41:26 - Why, Blaine?
00:41:28 Why me?
00:41:31 Will you find whoever did this to me?
00:41:34 Do you know who did this to me?
00:41:41 Blaine, why are you silent all the time?
00:41:49 What are you hiding?
00:41:52 Tell me!
00:41:55 - Don't cry.
00:41:57 (Blaine crying)
00:42:00 (Blaine sobbing)
00:42:02 I'll take care of you.
00:42:03 - Will you?
00:42:06 She didn't answer you.
00:42:23 - What?
00:42:29 - When you asked her how she knew your name,
00:42:33 she didn't answer you.
00:42:35 - Yeah?
00:42:37 - She found your name in your diary, you know?
00:42:40 She went through all your stuff when you weren't here,
00:42:45 when you were at work in the morning.
00:42:47 - How do you know?
00:42:50 Did you see this?
00:42:51 - I look out for you, Blaine.
00:42:55 (Blaine sniffling)
00:42:58 - The police department has assigned
00:43:04 more manpower to the case.
00:43:06 Chief Inspector Mark Rosnick issued a statement--
00:43:09 - Hey, Blaine.
00:43:09 - Which confirms that foul play was involved.
00:43:13 Stay tuned for more updates.
00:43:15 (Blaine laughing)
00:43:25 - Hey, hop in, let's go for a ride.
00:43:28 (Blaine whimpering)
00:43:31, (door creaking)
00:43:37 (wind howling)
00:43:39 (door creaking)
00:43:50 (door creaking)
00:43:58 (wind howling)
00:44:02 (wind howling)
00:44:05 - Don't you have things to do?
00:44:13 - Nope, I have the day off.
00:44:15 - What do you do for work?
00:44:20 - I don't, I go to school.
00:44:22 I'm getting my master's in social work.
00:44:24 - So am I like your final project or something?
00:44:30 - Don't be silly, Blaine.
00:44:31 I know this place doesn't look like much,
00:44:40 but I get everything that I need here.
00:44:42 These look good.
00:44:51 (wind howling)
00:44:54 I know that you were in a foster home when you were a child,
00:45:08 and that you didn't really like it there.
00:45:13 (wind howling)
00:45:15 Do you have any idea who your real parents are?
00:45:25 - No.
00:45:27 - I'm sorry I read your journal.
00:45:35 I just sort of came upon it
00:45:38 when I was waiting for you the other night.
00:45:40 (wind howling)
00:45:42 Are you upset with me?
00:45:51 - No.
00:45:54 - Okay.
00:46:08 - Hmm.
00:46:09 It doesn't have to be this way, you know?
00:46:19 There are other ways you can live.
00:46:24 You don't have to be alone.
00:46:25 - I'm content with what I've built for myself.
00:46:36 (wind howling)
00:46:38 - Well, you shouldn't be afraid of making relationships.
00:46:46 Not everybody's like your parents.
00:46:50 Most of us are pretty nice.
00:46:54 All that food that we bought back at your place,
00:47:05 that's for you, okay?
00:47:06 Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
00:47:09 I don't want you eating all that Chinese food.
00:47:12 It's bad for you.
00:47:13 And I know the food we bought isn't exactly gourmet,
00:47:17 but till we get you a place with electricity,
00:47:20 it'll have to do.
00:47:21 - Why are you doing this for me?
00:47:25 I'm fine just the way I am.
00:47:28 - I never said anything was wrong with you.
00:47:32 (wind howling)
00:47:34 It's just that I know what it's like to be alone.
00:47:39 To lose someone dear to you.
00:47:43 I know about the girl you're in love with.
00:47:50 You write about her.
00:47:53 (sighs)
00:47:59 I lost someone too when I was little.
00:48:02 Kevin.
00:48:03 He was 12 and I was 10 when he went missing.
00:48:08 I think he ran away.
00:48:13 I remember him saying he wasn't happy with his family.
00:48:17 You know, typical story.
00:48:21 Rich, over-ambitious parents.
00:48:23 Wouldn't think twice about slapping him across the face
00:48:26 if he seeked attention.
00:48:28 I wouldn't be surprised if he staged his own disappearance.
00:48:32 (sighs)
00:48:34 I used to look forward to the next morning
00:48:36 just to spend time with him.
00:48:37 There is this aura around him.
00:48:42 When I was with Kevin, I felt like I was in another world.
00:48:46 Maybe it's just a childish fantasy, but...
00:48:49 One thing's for sure, I still think about it.
00:48:54 (paper rustling)
00:49:00 (eerie music)
00:49:02 - Blaine?
00:49:26 Blaine?
00:49:30 No!
00:49:31 Blaine?
00:49:37 Blaine?
00:49:41 You taking a shower?
00:49:48 - Just getting ready for work.
00:49:52 - I didn't even know they had showers in this place.
00:49:55 That's kinda neat.
00:49:58 You don't have to go to work today, I skipped my morning class.
00:50:00 I got a surprise for you.
00:50:02 Oh, coffee.
00:50:03 You drink coffee, don't you?
00:50:04 Yes, of course you drink coffee.
00:50:05 But not yet.
00:50:06 First you go upstairs and change, okay?
00:50:08 I'll wait here.
00:50:09 - I have to go to work. - No, no, no, come on, be quick.
00:50:10 Please, I got a surprise for you and you're really gonna like it.
00:50:13 I'm excited, come on, please.
00:50:15 Go, go, go. - Okay.
00:50:16 - Okay, thank you.
00:50:17 (eerie music)
00:50:25 (eerie music)
00:50:28 - I think you need some color in your life.
00:50:49 (eerie music)
00:50:53 (eerie music)
00:50:55 - What do you think?
00:51:01 Pretty neat, huh?
00:51:04 I set it up all by myself.
00:51:06 I used to paint a lot when I was younger.
00:51:14 With Kevin.
00:51:17 I stopped when he disappeared.
00:51:21 Anyways.
00:51:22 Here, put those on.
00:51:26 - But I have to go to work.
00:51:28 - I know you make the big bucks over there,
00:51:30 but today you work for me, okay?
00:51:33 (laughs)
00:51:36 (eerie music)
00:51:39 - Thank you.
00:51:49 - Thank you.
00:51:50 - For what?
00:51:53 - For this moment.
00:51:59 - Let's celebrate.
00:52:07 - Celebrate?
00:52:10 - Yeah, we just created an original piece of art.
00:52:13 We have to celebrate.
00:52:14 - But I don't think that--
00:52:16 - No, no excuses.
00:52:20 You and I both ditched our daily responsibilities today.
00:52:23 We can't just waste the rest of the day.
00:52:25 - Krista.
00:52:29 - You know that's the first time you said my name?
00:52:34 - I'm not used to this.
00:52:41 - To what?
00:52:44 Listen.
00:52:49 You don't have to be afraid.
00:52:51 I'm your friend.
00:52:55 I'm here to help you.
00:52:56 - Who said I needed help?
00:53:02 - I didn't mean it that way.
00:53:03 It's just...
00:53:04 Everybody needs a friend.
00:53:08 - I have a friend.
00:53:09 - Yeah, well now you have another one.
00:53:12 (leaves rustling)
00:53:14 Hey.
00:53:26 - Hi.
00:53:28 - I need new shoes.
00:53:32 You wanna keep me company while I go shopping?
00:53:34 - I'm not sure I'm ready for that.
00:53:38 - I'm not sure I'm ready for that.
00:53:40 (clanking)
00:53:42 - What's in the bag?
00:54:04 - Just some stuff.
00:54:07 (engine revving)
00:54:10 (electronic whirring)
00:54:12 (soft music)
00:54:17 (water running)
00:54:19 (soft music)
00:54:21 (soft music)
00:54:23 (dramatic music)
00:54:41 (dramatic music)
00:54:43 (dramatic music)
00:54:45 (dramatic music)
00:54:51 (dramatic music)
00:54:56 (dramatic music)
00:55:01 (dramatic music)
00:55:11 (dramatic music)
00:55:13 - Lane?
00:55:21 (dramatic music)
00:55:23 (dramatic music)
00:55:32 Lane?
00:55:34 (dramatic music)
00:55:38 (dramatic music)
00:55:40 (dramatic music)
00:55:51 (dramatic music)
00:55:54 - I'm here where police have discovered
00:56:00 a female body just hours ago.
00:56:02 Investigators are treating this as a top priority
00:56:05 but are unable to find the head of the deceased.
00:56:08 Parts of the body were found by a local city worker
00:56:11 and it is believed the body has been there for three weeks.
00:56:14 The identified woman is the only child
00:56:17 of a local high school teacher.
00:56:19 Police are still investigating.
00:56:22 (dramatic music)
00:56:24 - Lane?
00:56:34 Lane?
00:56:35 Lane, is that you?
00:56:40 (dramatic music)
00:56:50 What are you doing here?
00:56:56 - Having some coffee.
00:57:01 - Why didn't you call me over?
00:57:02 Didn't you see me standing there?
00:57:04 - I didn't want to disturb you.
00:57:08 You look so beautiful and sad.
00:57:11 - Sad?
00:57:15 - Yeah.
00:57:16 - I'm not sad.
00:57:19 I was just thinking.
00:57:21 Lane, looking back on your life,
00:57:25 if you could just look at me.
00:57:30 If you had the chance to do it all again,
00:57:32 would you choose a different path?
00:57:35 - I don't know.
00:57:39 I guess I'd have to be given the chance
00:57:43 to answer that question.
00:57:45 - Can I ask you something?
00:57:53 - Yeah.
00:57:58 - I can understand why you have your,
00:58:00 your companion back at your place.
00:58:04 - You mean Nara?
00:58:05 - Nara.
00:58:09 Is that her name?
00:58:11 - That's what she told me.
00:58:14 - She told you?
00:58:17 Oh.
00:58:21 So you knew her before you found her in the park.
00:58:24 That's where you found her, right?
00:58:26 The park?
00:58:27 - You really enjoy my writing, don't you?
00:58:34 - I didn't mean to pry.
00:58:36 - No, it's okay.
00:58:38 I don't mind that you read it.
00:58:41 - Because I'm your friend, right?
00:58:44 - Because I like you.
00:58:53 - I think we should bring Nara to the police.
00:58:55 - Police, why?
00:58:57 - Well.
00:58:59 - Well, I suppose that they,
00:59:01 they could help us find her killer.
00:59:04 - Yes, exactly.
00:59:06 - I've been trying to figure out a way I could help her.
00:59:12 - Well, as your friend,
00:59:16 I will help you through every step of the process.
00:59:19 - I'm sorry.
00:59:23 (Nara sighs)
00:59:25 - Okay, good.
00:59:27 (Nara laughs)
00:59:31 I can't wait to tell her.
00:59:33 She's gonna be so happy.
00:59:35 - So you talked to her?
00:59:39 - Yeah.
00:59:43 I found it strange at first.
00:59:51 When she first talked to me.
00:59:53 But it's nice.
00:59:58 No one seems to talk to me except Nara.
01:00:03 I think she's my best friend.
01:00:08 I wanted to introduce you two.
01:00:17 But I think she needs a little more time.
01:00:20 - I think she's a little intimidated around you.
01:00:23 - I see.
01:00:26 - Yeah.
01:00:28 You having a fully functioning body and everything.
01:00:32 - Mm-hmm.
01:00:35 It must be getting pretty late.
01:00:38 I gotta go.
01:00:40 - See you tomorrow?
01:00:44 - Oh, I don't know.
01:00:48 I got this project I gotta finish up for school.
01:00:50 Maybe.
01:00:52 - No!
01:01:05 - I just wanna introduce you two.
01:01:08 She's my friend too.
01:01:10 - So you don't care how I feel?
01:01:13 I don't like her.
01:01:16 You give her all your attention when she's around and you ignore me.
01:01:19 You get so embarrassed that you throw this stupid cloth over me when she's here.
01:01:24 - Nara, don't be ridiculous.
01:01:26 - Are you mad at me, Blaine?
01:01:28 Oh, please don't be mad at me.
01:01:32 Who else can I talk to when I'm sad?
01:01:35 - You miss your body, don't you?
01:01:37 You look at her and you see your old self.
01:01:45 That's what bothers you.
01:01:46 - It bothers me that I only remember fragments of my life.
01:01:51 I remember I had a family.
01:01:54 I remember I couldn't move.
01:01:56 I just wanna be alive again.
01:01:59 Alive!
01:02:02 Alive!
01:02:04 [wind howling]
01:02:06 [door creaking]
01:02:15 [door creaking]
01:02:26 [eerie music]
01:02:30 [wind howling]
01:02:32 [siren blaring]
01:02:41 [siren blaring]
01:02:48 [siren blaring]
01:02:56 [siren blaring]
01:02:58 [sighs]
01:03:03 [wind howling]
01:03:23 [eerie music]
01:03:26 [wind howling]
01:03:28 [eerie music]
01:03:31 [wind howling]
01:03:33 - I have something for you I think you might like.
01:04:00 - For me?
01:04:01 Oh, Blaine!
01:04:08 [wind howling]
01:04:13 [wind howling]
01:04:15 - Blaine?
01:04:33 Blaine?
01:04:42 Blaine?
01:04:43 Blaine?
01:04:49 Blaine?
01:04:56 Hi, Blaine.
01:05:00 You scared me.
01:05:02 - Sorry.
01:05:10 - I see you got a new coat.
01:05:12 - You look really nice.
01:05:17 - Thank you.
01:05:19 I thought I would take you out to dinner.
01:05:23 Someplace nice.
01:05:25 We could talk.
01:05:28 We need to talk.
01:05:31 - What's wrong with here?
01:05:39 - Nothing.
01:05:40 But don't you want to get out sometimes?
01:05:45 - Everything I need is here.
01:05:48 Even you.
01:05:51 - Come on.
01:05:55 I got all dressed up for you.
01:05:59 My parents are going to be here next week.
01:06:04 I won't be able to spend much time with you then.
01:06:09 - Why not?
01:06:10 - Because my parents will be in town.
01:06:13 I have to spend time with them.
01:06:16 - Why don't you bring them here?
01:06:20 - I would.
01:06:22 But not everyone will understand your...
01:06:28 Your special bond with Nara.
01:06:37 They might get scared.
01:06:39 They could report you to the police, Blaine.
01:06:43 - Come on.
01:06:59 You must know this is wrong.
01:07:02 This is not normal.
01:07:05 You can't just keep a girl's head in your room.
01:07:08 The police are going to find this place sooner or later.
01:07:14 What are you going to do then?
01:07:17 - I'll protect her.
01:07:19 - Blaine.
01:07:34 Please.
01:07:35 I'll be your friend.
01:07:40 I am your friend.
01:07:44 Nara needs a proper burial.
01:07:48 You must let her have that.
01:07:51 Can you smell that?
01:07:58 That's the stench of rotting human flesh, Blaine.
01:08:02 It's disgusting.
01:08:03 It's disgusting.
01:08:04 It's disgusting.
01:08:06 [coughing]
01:08:08 [screaming]
01:08:20 [screaming]
01:08:30 [screaming]
01:08:32 - Oh, shit!
01:08:41 Oh, shit!
01:08:47 [screaming]
01:08:49 - Emergency, what is the problem?
01:09:12 Emergency, what is your location?
01:09:17 Can I help you?
01:09:18 What am I doing?
01:09:36 Blaine.
01:09:43 Blaine.
01:09:45 Forget it, I'm not interested in being a fucking mummy for heaven's sake.
01:09:48 What's that supposed to mean?
01:09:50 Holy shit.
01:09:52 See what she's done now, that girlfriend of yours?
01:09:54 She's turning you against me, that's what she's doing.
01:09:58 And you don't even realize it.
01:10:01 - Stop it, Nara.
01:10:03 - You tell her to stop it.
01:10:04 She's the unstable one.
01:10:06 First she's your best friend, and then she's running me over with her car.
01:10:10 If only I could kill that fucking bitch.
01:10:13 - Stop, Nara!
01:10:14 - Stop, Nara!
01:10:15 - Fucking bitch.
01:10:18 [music]
01:10:21 [explosion]
01:10:24 [music]
01:10:27 [music]
01:10:30 [music]
01:10:58 [music]
01:11:01 [music]
01:11:03 [music]
01:11:16 [music]
01:11:18 [music]
01:11:21 [music]
01:11:23 [music]
01:11:26 [music]
01:11:29 [music]
01:11:32 [music]
01:11:35 [music]
01:11:38 [music]
01:11:41 [music]
01:11:44 [music]
01:11:49 [music]
01:11:51 [music]
01:11:53 [music]
01:11:55 [music]
01:11:57 [music]
01:11:59 [music]
01:12:02 [music]
01:12:04 [music]
01:12:07 [music]
01:12:10 [music]
01:12:13 [music]
01:12:16 [music]
01:12:19 [music]
01:12:22 [music]
01:12:25 [music]
01:12:29 (wind howling)
01:12:31 (wind howling)
01:12:34 (wind howling)
01:12:36 (wind howling)
01:12:40 (water running)
01:12:46 (water running)
01:12:49 (water running)
01:12:51 (water running)
01:12:56 (water running)
01:13:01 (water running)
01:13:05 (water running)
01:13:09 (water running)
01:13:13 (wind howling)
01:13:18 (wind howling)
01:13:21 - Blaine?
01:13:22 Blaine, if that's you, just wait outside the door.
01:13:33 I'm coming right out.
01:13:34 (wind howling)
01:13:42 (panting)
01:13:44 (panting)
01:13:46 (panting)
01:13:49 (panting)
01:13:52 (panting)
01:13:54 (panting)
01:13:56 the door.
01:14:01 (panting)
01:14:03 (panting)
01:14:32 Well, that proves it.
01:14:34 I'm going nuts.
01:14:35 (water running)
01:14:50 (water running)
01:14:52 (water running)
01:14:55 (water running)
01:14:58 (water running)
01:15:00 (water running)
01:15:03 (water running)
01:15:06 (water running)
01:15:08 (water running)
01:15:11 (water running)
01:15:14 (gasping)
01:15:38 (dramatic music)
01:15:40 (clock ticking)
01:15:46 Blaine?
01:16:03 Blaine?
01:16:04 Blaine?
01:16:07 Hey, Blaine.
01:16:08 I'll be going to the Royal Ballet School in England, Blaine.
01:16:18 That's my dream.
01:16:20 I got in.
01:16:20 Aren't you happy for me?
01:16:30 (wind howling)
01:16:33 (crying)
01:16:43 (dramatic music)
01:16:48 (dramatic music)
01:16:58 (dramatic music)
01:17:01 See?
01:17:13 I knew there was a way for us all to be together.
01:17:18 I'm glad you think so too, Nara.
01:17:28 Yes, she is pretty, isn't she?
01:17:32 If I could have one wish,
01:17:37 it would be that this moment would last
01:17:43 forever.
01:17:47 (dramatic music)
01:17:58 (dramatic music)
01:18:01 (eerie music)
01:18:10 (eerie music)
01:18:13 (eerie music)
01:18:15 (eerie music)
01:18:18 (thudding)
01:18:31 (eerie music)
01:18:36 (eerie music)
01:18:39 (thudding)
01:18:51 (eerie music)
01:18:55 (thudding)
01:19:00 (eerie music)
01:19:05 (eerie music)
01:19:07 (eerie music)
01:19:14 (eerie music)
01:19:20 (thudding)
01:19:26 (eerie music)
01:19:31 (eerie music)
01:19:34 (eerie music)
01:19:41 (eerie music)
01:19:46 (eerie music)
01:19:59 (eerie music)
01:20:01 (eerie music)
01:20:11 (eerie music)
01:20:25 (eerie music)
01:20:29 (eerie music)
01:20:31 (eerie music)
01:20:53 (eerie music)
01:20:56 (eerie music)
01:20:58 (eerie music)
01:21:01 (eerie music)
01:21:04 (eerie music)
01:21:06 (eerie music)
01:21:09 (eerie music)
01:21:11 (eerie music)
01:21:14 [BLANK_AUDIO]