• l’année dernière
La ville de Saint-Just recevait le Garde des Sceaux. Éric Dupond-Moretti a été accueilli avec enthousiasme. En France, ils sont déjà 70.000 à avoir bénéficié du « reset » du Code civil sur le changement de nom. Occasion d’évoquer le succès d’une loi qui a un an.

Le 20230615 interview Éric Dupond-Moretti à Saint-Just


00:00 Just a question about the law, about the sequence we just lived.
00:03 The law has strengthened the equality between matronym and patronym.
00:07 Do we have a follow-up and a study of the appeasement it creates
00:11 or the irritation it can create within families, in some families?
00:14 You have to ask my daughter, you have to ask her grandmother, you have to ask her mother.
00:19 I would like to tell you that today I am taking a circular to further fluidify this possibility of changing names,
00:29 but we are here, you understand, in the register, in the field of intimacy.
00:34 It's not nothing to change names. It commits you, it commits your whole family.
00:40 So no, I don't have a particular study on the way things are received and apprehended.
00:50 But what I know is that this boy, for example, has been waiting for a long time to have this possibility.
00:55 It is offered to him by the law and I think we were not wrong.
00:59 And the enthusiasm for this law, and for this law, is the answer to the question you ask me.
01:07 70,000, we were less than 2,000 before. Less than 2,000 name changes, we are today at 70,000.
01:15 It's an explosion and it comforts me in the idea that it was a societal law that was obviously very much awaited.
01:24 (upbeat music)
01:26 (laughing)
