The Dick Tracy show - ep. 010 - The purple boy

  • l’année dernière
Production : UPA
March 5, 1961


00:00 [music]
00:07 The Dick Tracy Show!
00:11 [music]
00:25 [music]
00:28 Okay, Chief. I'll get on it right away.
00:30 Dick Tracy calling Hemlock Holmes. Calling Hemlock Holmes.
00:34 Hemlock Holmes to Dick Tracy. Go ahead.
00:37 Famous purple boy painting stolen from art museum, valued at one million dollars.
00:41 Crooks last seen heading south on 101 in a white panel truck.
00:45 Nabbed them before they crossed the border.
00:47 Don't worry, Tracy. I'll encircle them, throw a loop around them. I'll tighten the noose. I'll, I'll...
00:54 Good, Hemlock. We're depending on you.
00:56 Six-two and even. Over and out.
00:58 Hemlock Holmes calling the retouchables. Calling...
01:02 [gunshot]
01:03 Take off in helicopter. Recover purple boy painting.
01:08 Crooks headed south on 101 in a white panel truck. Head off at border and drop those yo-yos.
01:16 Border panel purple truck. White 101.
01:20 Shot the picture.
01:21 Purple panel painting.
01:23 Hey, wait for me. Stop, I say. Don't!
01:28 [whistle]
01:29 I told you to stop playing yo-yo.
01:34 Think we'll have trouble crossing the border, prune face?
01:40 Of course not. Now stop scratching and keep driving, itchy.
01:45 Marvelous juxtaposition of color. What an exquisite purple palette.
01:49 Besides all that, it's worth a cool million.
01:53 There they are, men.
01:54 Into those woods. Now cut that motor. We've got to lose that chopper.
01:58 Stop! Way past him.
02:00 Hurry up, hurry up. Slap on that camouflage, itchy.
02:12 Hey, you know, this pink paint makes me itch.
02:15 Do stop scratching and keep painting. Got to be across the border by midnight.
02:21 Don't move. I've got you covered. Now hand over that painting in the name of the law.
02:27 Yeah, in the name of the law.
02:29 One moment, officer. When I'm finished painting it...
02:32 Oh, you mean you're still painting it?
02:35 Certainly.
02:37 With a cigarette holder?
02:39 It's a new school of painting. You have just witnessed...
02:44 ...the birth of a new art form.
02:48 I did?
02:54 We did?
02:55 We did.
02:56 Oh, I didn't know we did.
02:57 Yeah, we did.
02:58 Gee, can I touch it?
03:00 Oh, I suppose so. It can't do any harm.
03:04 Hey, that paint is dry and purple. That's the purple boy painting.
03:10 Grab him, retouchables.
03:12 On the double.
03:13 Double blue.
03:14 Double pink.
03:15 The truck is finished and so are you, copper.
03:18 Here, go out and paint the town pink.
03:22 Hold everything. Hemlock Holmes to Dick Tricey.
03:25 I read you, Hemlock. Go ahead.
03:27 We canvassed the area and located the crooks just north of the border and I'm about to get the...
03:34 ...painting.
03:35 Great work, Hemlock. We'll take a helicopter and meet you right away.
03:38 Six, two and even. Over and out.
03:41 Let's get out of here.
03:43 The crooks. They're getting away.
03:47 After them. After them.
03:49 I'll track them on the ground.
03:52 We'll be at the border in a few minutes now.
03:56 The trail's getting hot.
03:59 There they are.
04:00 Come on. Come on.
04:01 Over there.
04:02 Watch those bumps. Stop. The painting flew out.
04:10 Wow. The purple boy painting.
04:13 The cops. Cops are painting.
04:16 After him.
04:17 I see the retouchables have pruned face and itchy.
04:27 Now, where's Hemlock?
04:29 There he is.
04:30 Hemlock, are you okay?
04:32 Sure, Tricey. I'm in the pink.
04:35 I mean, I'm in the purple, boy.
04:38 [laughs]
04:42 [music]
04:45 [music]
04:48 [music]
04:51 [music]
04:54 [music]
