PBBM seeks new laws to make gov't procurement and auditing "more attuned to these changing times."

  • last year
PBBM urges lawmakers to enact new laws to make government procurement and auditing "more attuned to these changing times." #SONA2023
00:00 We will need the help and capability of the entire government and the entire country.
00:06 And so we shall do the same for the next five years.
00:09 We seek not only to become more effective, but more, to become truly transformative.
00:16 This approach will be operationalized through the interagency cooperations as well as through
00:21 coordinated efforts between and among the three branches of government and the independent
00:27 constitutional bodies.
00:28 We have organized private sector advisory councils and national local mechanisms to
00:34 establish the needed linkages.
00:36 Once again, on this same principle, I urge the government to enact a new government procurement
00:43 law and a new government auditing code.
00:53 This to make government procurement and auditing more attuned to these changing times.
00:59 We will give effect to the mandate of the Constitution and the local government code
01:03 as clarified by the Supreme Court very soon.
01:08 Almost all the required devolution transition plans of the LGUs are done.
01:12 To fully prepare them for optimal devolution, the necessary technical and financial assistance
01:19 is being extended to our local governments.
01:23 In everything that we do, the enduring Filipino quality of Bayanihan will still be our guide.
