The Midday Bilingual News of July 24 2023 on CRTV

  • l’année dernière
Le Journal Bilingue du 24 Juillet 2023 sur la CRTV
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 (speaking in foreign language)
00:29 - Good afternoon, sit down, Monkam.
00:30 Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining us.
00:33 Let's have a quick check on our headlines.
00:36 Tears continue to flow in Douala
00:38 as the death toll of victims of the collapsed building
00:42 increases to 33, with 21 in critical condition.
00:46 Some family members are still in anguish
00:48 as their relatives remain trapped in the rubbles.
00:52 Housing and Urban Development Minister,
00:54 Celestine Kecha Koutes, is visiting the site
00:57 where such operations are ongoing.
01:00 We go to Douala live in this newscast.
01:04 The Cameroon government in all its facets
01:07 is on showcase in Yaounde as the government's
01:10 action fair sago goes underway with over 200 exhibitors
01:14 manifesting what the government can do
01:17 for the development of the country.
01:19 This one week event is taking place
01:21 at the Yaounde Sports Complex
01:23 and the opening ceremony is underway.
01:25 We shall equally be live with our reporters out there.
01:29 Cameroon gets set to host the Western Central Africa
01:33 Regional Conference of Commonwealth Local Governments Forum
01:37 this July 25 ahead of the conclave tomorrow.
01:41 The delegation from member countries has been discussing
01:44 with decentralization and local development ministers
01:47 on the stakes ahead.
01:49 All these and more will form our 30 minutes newscast.
01:53 Sidhwan, we open at the Yaounde Conference Center.
01:57 Before we go to the Hilton Hotel or the Yaounde Montfeuille Hotel,
02:05 we open this edition with this news, ladies and gentlemen,
02:08 in less than 24 hours, the Yaounde Regional Conference
02:12 of the Commonwealth Local Governments Forum
02:16 for Western and Central Africa will open the day before the event.
02:20 The participants' arrivals are intensified.
02:23 This Monday morning, the Minister of Decentralization
02:26 and Local Development, as you can see in the image,
02:29 received the various delegations led by President of the Regional Conference,
02:35 Moura Ndomo.
02:37 As a reminder, the event, which has been suspended since 2019,
02:40 is back after the health crisis due to the COVID-19 pandemic
02:46 and will examine the reflection on social and economic strategies
02:50 to strengthen resilience in the West and Central Africa.
02:56 We are now talking about health.
02:58 Health science professionals and medical teachers
03:02 at the School of University Education and Scientific Research
03:08 on Monday, June 24, will open the second pedagogical training seminar
03:15 at the Institute of Medical Technology
03:18 in partnership with the University of Nazi Mboni in Burkina Faso.
03:23 The meeting aims to improve the quality of education
03:27 in a context strongly marked by the emergence of emerging diseases.
03:32 We will come back to this in our next newscast.
03:37 The rest, Emmanuella, with Aisling Ngonkom.
03:39 Exactly, Sidouane Mnkam.
03:41 Like you heard, one of our lead stories,
03:43 Cameroon hosts the Western Central African Regional Conference
03:46 of the Commonwealth Local Government Forum.
03:49 As from Tuesday, July 25, ahead of this conclave,
03:52 the Minister of Decentralization and Local Development,
03:55 George Elanga Obam, has granted audience to the delegation
03:58 led by its president, Benjamin Walter Morugomo,
04:03 as they discuss the stakes before the conference opens in Nyaonde.
04:08 Let's now listen to Benjamin Walter Morugomo,
04:12 who spoke to our reporter, Aisling Ngonkom.
04:16 We have been doing work here on a number of issues,
04:19 local government financing, local economic development,
04:22 and the West African countries of the Commonwealth are coming together
04:28 to review the work and look at the mileage that we have covered
04:32 and strategize post-COVID what needs to be done
04:36 and how best it can be done,
04:39 and exchange lessons learned and promising best practices from this area.
04:45 We will also take these lessons learned and emerging best practices
04:48 to our Commonwealth Local Government Conference
04:52 that will be held in Rwanda towards the close of the year in November.
04:57 We are delighted for the government of Cameroon
04:59 and very thankful for the hospitality and the hosting of this conference.
05:03 This will include also the new members of the Commonwealth
05:07 in West Africa, that is being Gabon and Togo,
05:10 who will be joining us in this meeting.
05:12 Researchers and trainers of the Higher Institute of Medical Technology
05:20 have begun acquiring skills or knowledge in digitalization in the health domain.
05:27 The four-day workshop is co-organized by the Higher Institute of Medical Technology
05:31 and the Nazi-born University of Bobo Djalosu in Burkina Faso.
05:37 The launch this morning by Professor Wilfred Gapsa
05:40 marks four days of intense exchanges for the trainers
05:44 to further transmit the knowledge acquired to the students.
05:47 The initiative is said to be in line with the professionalization
05:52 of studies prescribed by the university policy in Cameroon.
05:59 Let's go over to the littoral region now where the death toll has risen to 33,
06:05 with 21 people seriously injured following the collapse of a three-storey building
06:13 in the Dogbong neighborhood over the weekend.
06:15 Family members of some victims remain in total anguish
06:19 as their loved ones are still trapped in the rubbles.
06:23 Housing and Urban Development Minister Celestine Kecha Kutes
06:27 has visited the site of the collapsed building as search operations continue.
06:34 Let's meet our reporters, Kola Maloke, at the La Kentini Hospital
06:38 that is hosting wounded victims.
06:41 Good afternoon out there. Tell us the atmosphere at the La Kentini Hospital.
06:46 Hello and welcome to the Dedo District Hospital.
06:49 We are standing in front of the emergency unit
06:52 where some of the survivors of the collapsed building of Sunday, July 23rd
06:57 are being taken care of.
06:59 As at now, the Minister of Housing and Urban Development,
07:02 Mrs Celestine Kecha Kutes, is visiting this hospital
07:06 to see some of the survivors and give them words of comfort.
07:10 She was earlier at the site of the incident
07:13 where she saw for herself how the four-storey building crushed right down,
07:18 taking along a building of a neighboring wall,
07:21 of a neighboring building, which also killed people.
07:25 According to the updates, we already have 33 deaths recorded.
07:31 The corpses, some of the corpses were recovered last night.
07:34 And for those who are in the hospitals receiving medical treatment,
07:38 there are 21 of them.
07:40 Five of them are in a situation where they need urgent emergency situations
07:47 and others are in the reanimation unit.
07:50 So the situation right now is very, very delicate.
07:53 Some population, some members of the public
07:56 still waiting to see their family members who are residents in the building.
08:02 We met one man there crying, saying that he has not yet found his wife,
08:07 the nanny and the two children,
08:08 that they are still inside the debris of the collapsed building
08:12 because it's gone through the hospitals and the morgues
08:15 and the corpses or bodies are not there.
08:17 So that is how it is here in Douala.
08:20 It's still a very morose situation.
08:22 Morose situation where the population,
08:24 especially those of Ndokbong neighborhood,
08:27 are still to come to terms with what would have caused that building to collapse.
08:32 We shall be bringing you more updates as time goes on.
08:36 From the Deido District Hospital in Douala,
08:38 Skola Maloke for Midday News.
08:42 Thank you, Skola Maloke, live from Douala.
08:44 Let's talk about the digital transformation of women members of the network
08:48 Awa Support Network for better financial inclusion.
08:52 The goal is to build a workshop to strengthen the capacity of the organization.
08:56 Their intention is to do so on Saturday,
08:58 with the support of the Ministry of Finance and other banking institutions.
09:03 Let's meet Christelle Fouda.
09:06 Everywhere, let it ring.
09:09 A driving force for growth and social inclusion in Africa,
09:12 women have more than ever resolved to gain economic autonomy.
09:16 A dream carried by the Tab One Support Network,
09:20 which has focused on financial inclusion like no other.
09:24 Our goal is to strengthen the digital capacity
09:28 thanks to the financial technology that has already brought certain tools,
09:33 such as mobile money,
09:35 the "Bayam Selam",
09:36 which can still have their account,
09:38 through their mobile money account,
09:40 they can also have their account.
09:43 Women can now use it,
09:45 they can keep their money,
09:48 to use it for their health,
09:50 to promote their business.
09:51 An ambitious project that benefits not only the settlement,
09:55 but also the strategic support of public authorities via the MINCHI,
09:59 but also banks and microfinance institutions.
10:02 We want to say a lot of courage to the association
10:07 and to the Tab One Network.
10:09 And we think that when women are trained,
10:12 they will bring more.
10:14 A wish that beneficiaries would not be able to fulfill.
10:17 I produce liquid soap.
10:19 I came here to promote this product,
10:23 so that it raises my financial status.
10:27 More than skills,
10:28 it is therefore an open door to the world,
10:30 that the Tab One Support Network offers.
10:34 Producing the main in Cameroon products,
10:36 best.
10:37 The city of Douala, as it is going this Monday morning,
10:42 after the news of the sinister incident,
10:44 on Saturday night and Sunday,
10:46 which saddened the whole of Cameroon,
10:48 already thirty deaths recorded according to our sources on site,
10:52 for the latest news the day after this black Sunday in Douala,
10:56 we find our reporter Clovis Tiamabo, from Sea-Active Littoral.
11:00 Hello Clovis, how did Douala wake up this Monday?
11:03 Hello, welcome here in Douala.
11:06 We are presently at the hospital of the victims.
11:09 There is the caravan of Mrs. Célestine Ketia Koutais,
11:13 who is in the Ministry of Finance,
11:16 to follow up on this incident,
11:18 which has been harming the population of the economic sector since yesterday.
11:23 In Cameroon in general,
11:25 on the ground earlier,
11:26 the raids were still going on.
11:28 It must be said that the count has almost doubled,
11:31 from 16 deaths yesterday evening,
11:33 we are at 33 already on the count,
11:36 and many injured as well.
11:38 So we are about 54 families
11:42 who are affected by this incident.
11:44 And on the ground as well,
11:45 we have seen compatriots who continue to claim
11:49 the bodies of their wives, their children, their children, etc.
11:53 This is a tragic situation.
11:55 As you already know,
11:57 we continue to follow this news,
11:59 and we will be back with you in the next edition.
12:01 To you Yaoundé.
12:02 Thank you Clovis Tiamabo,
12:07 we would say from Douala on site,
12:08 Yaoundé, the government and its actions are on display
12:12 at the Polyvalent Palace of Esports of Yaoundé.
12:14 The 12th edition of the Salon de l'Action Gouvernementale Sago
12:17 officially opens on Monday.
12:19 Less than 150,000 people are expected to be there
12:22 to discuss the development of infrastructures
12:25 and the structural transformation of the economy
12:28 until July 29, 2023.
12:30 The opening ceremony is currently underway at the Polyvalent Palace of Esports,
12:34 where we meet our live reporters,
12:37 Franck Evina and Yoti Kalei Lissongue.
12:40 Hello to you, how is the atmosphere there at Sago?
12:42 The Spanish of the Polyvalent Palace of Esports of Yaoundé,
12:57 here in Ouarda.
12:58 And at the moment we are going to give the floor to the governor,
13:03 the bearer of the Sago project through its non-communicative structure,
13:07 Patrice Asigat, who has just given his welcome speech.
13:13 The ceremony is chaired by the Minister of Communication,
13:18 René-Emmanuel Sadiou, on behalf of the Prime Minister,
13:20 the head of the government, Joseph-Dionne Goutet,
13:23 who, it must be said, chairs this ceremony of Sago.
13:27 He is also represented by the Minister of Communication,
13:30 René-Emmanuel Sadiou.
13:32 We have just followed the speech of the governor, Patrice Asigat.
13:38 Now we are announcing the words of the Minister of Public Works,
13:44 Emmanuel Gannoudjou-Messi.
13:45 This is the second important articulation of this ceremony
13:49 of the official opening of Sago.
13:51 After which we will hear the speech,
13:54 the circumstances of the representative of the Prime Minister,
13:57 the head of the government, the Minister of Communication,
13:59 the spokesman of the government, René-Emmanuel Sadiou.
14:03 After this speech, we will move on to the cutting of the symbolic ribbon.
14:09 After the symbolic ribbon, there will be a tour,
14:14 a visit of the different stands that are deployed here.
14:17 Mr. Gannoudjou, you have reminded the number of visitors and exhibitors
14:21 that we are waiting for at the occasion of this Sago,
14:22 which ends on the 29th of June.
14:26 The presence is significant.
14:29 There is a good range of members of the government,
14:33 of the directors-general, of the state-owned enterprises,
14:37 of the other officials, of the public administrations,
14:42 of the different public services.
14:43 There are also many mayors,
14:45 we note the presence of the mayor of the city of Troilac,
14:49 who we just saw pass in front of our screen.
14:53 So, the official opening ceremony of Sago 2023 is waiting for us.
14:58 I am here with Yoti Kalé-Lissonguet,
15:01 who will certainly give more details on this event in the language of the government.
15:07 -
15:09 Ladies and gentlemen, the director-general of the government,
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15:22 unfolding under the stewardship of the Minister of Communications Emmanuel Sadi,
15:27 who is also representing the Prime Minister and the Head of Government, to the exhibition
15:32 ground where about 250 exhibitors present came ready to impress and entice visitors.
15:39 While some of them are showcasing their skills in domains like telecommunications,
15:44 civil engineering, marketing and management, others are simply exposing their creativity.
15:51 It is an opportunity as well for them to meet potential investors as the idea governing
15:58 the Government Action Fair is the structural transformation of Cameroon's economy and equally
16:04 to enhance trade between Cameroon and other countries in and out of the country.
16:10 One of the main innovations this year are the daily live chats by the Ministry of Communication
16:16 to apprise Cameroonians both at home and abroad of Government's priority projects aimed at
16:23 promoting the well-being of the population. So the general idea here is to catch the attention
16:28 of those tripping in and out, provided you are assuming you don't have any more questions.
16:36 For us, we are Yoti Kalel-Isongue and Frank Evina signing off.
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