iPhone saves driver who crashed off 400-ft cliff

  • last year
One Los Angeles man has his cell phone to thank for saving his life after his car plummetted nearly 400 feet off a cliff.
00:00 This is video of the late night rescue,
00:03 hundreds of feet off the side of the Angeles Crest Highway
00:07 in a spot so far down,
00:09 Montrose search and rescue team members say
00:12 they might have flown over it 10 times without seeing anything.
00:15 He was 400 feet down in a canyon with virtually no way out,
00:19 and so who knows when or if we would have located him.
00:24 Except this victim has an iPhone.
00:27 For years iPhones have been able to detect when you've been in a crash
00:30 and call 911, and since his is an iPhone 14 like this one,
00:35 with the latest satellite SOS technology, it went one step further.
00:40 However, in this location there is no cell service available,
00:44 so it then reverts to satellite communication.
00:47 It sends a text message via satellite to the Apple Communication Center.
00:52 The victim's phone sent his location to Apple,
00:55 which then called the closest law enforcement agency,
00:58 in this case, Crescenta Valley Sheriff's Station,
01:01 with his satellite coordinates.
01:03 The location that we got from the iPhone activation was spot on.
01:07 That led rescuers right to him.
01:09 It was basically his phone on its own, you know, calling for help on his behalf.
01:14 Without it, they say it might have been days before they even knew he drove over the side,
01:19 more days before they found him if they could at all.
01:22 Mike Liam was lowered some 400 feet over the side to reach the victim,
01:27 who he says was bleeding from the head, his car totaled.
01:30 I believe that if we didn't have that good location information in a timely manner,
01:35 he probably would have bled out.
01:37 I kept telling him how lucky he was.
