गुडियां के नानक सिंह बावरी को बावरी समाज टिब्बी तहसील का अध्यक्ष चुना गया

  • last year
00:00 Many people tried to divide us, but our Babri community sent them a message from Urupgarh
00:07 that Babri community is united.
00:11 We are not divided in Punjabi or Desi.
00:14 We are one Babri community and we will remain united.
00:18 And we will remain united until we reach our goal.
00:23 We will always keep Babasaheb Birbhai Ambedkar in our homes because of him we have learnt to sit and walk on this stage.
00:35 I will take my time but I will try my best to work for my Babri community.
00:46 I would like to tell you that a son has been sent a message from many villages.
