Allansford footballer Tom Mott

  • last year
Allansford footballer Tom Mott is a marine biology student at Deakin University.
00:00 Thanks for joining us Tom here at Allensford Training. You've been at the club for a couple
00:04 of years, a uni student at Deakin. Can you tell us how you got involved at the Cats?
00:08 So I had a mate who played at the club and he convinced me to come down. It had been
00:13 a few years since I'd played footy so I was keen to get back into it and it seemed like
00:17 the perfect club for me just because I already had a mate here and he helped me transition
00:22 in pretty easily.
00:24 And you're studying marine biology, can you tell us about that?
00:26 Yeah, so I'm in my third year of marine biology now and it's been a lot of fun. A bit challenging
00:31 at times but it's been good and Deakin here is a pretty good spot for it, especially with
00:37 the research boat and all the options they have available for you so it's been good fun.
00:44 And what role has Tim Noel got you playing for the Cats this year?
00:48 So I've been playing a tagging role along with Lockie Reid. I've just been running and
00:54 trying to minimise the impact of some of the better players on the opposition.
00:58 Alright, thanks very much.
01:00 All good.
01:00 for me.
