Tropical development could be on the horizon

  • last year
AccuWeather meteorologists say an active weather pattern across the Atlantic could potentially spark tropical development before the end of July.
00:00 Dawn and no longer a feature out in the Atlantic. It was basically hold my beer.
00:06 Let me just continue to spin out in the Atlantic doing loop-de-loops even
00:11 becoming a hurricane this past weekend. But now again we are no longer tracking
00:17 dawn. But typically the first name storm happens around June 20th. We were above
00:22 that or before that historical average date. But then the first hurricane we
00:27 don't typically see until around August 11th versus that historical average
00:32 date. So dawn pretty impressive for this time of year. Now next on our list we've
00:39 crossed out D. We're going straight to Emily for our next Atlantic storm names.
00:44 And as we're tracking more disturbances out in the Atlantic, well ocean
00:50 temperatures are still running above those historical averages. And so we need
00:55 those ingredients. One of those ingredients being those warm ocean
00:59 temperatures. But we also need plenty of moisture and we also need low wind shear.
01:06 And so what's stopping a lot of these tropical disturbances or at least
01:11 tropical waves from fully developing is because we've had a lot of dry air and
01:16 we've also had a lot of wind shear that's ripping apart these disturbances.
01:20 Now this week though we do have an increase in moisture right. We're going
01:25 to swing this back from the African coast increasing moisture and tropical
01:28 waves. But we're still dealing with that dry and dusty air coming out of the
01:32 Caribbean and east throughout the Atlantic. And we're also also running
01:38 into a lot of wind shear too. So the areas that we're going to be concerned
01:42 about well here July 27th through the 29th that's going to skirt along the
01:47 eastern seaboard. There is going to be chance there is going to be a chance for
01:51 impacts to the southeast of the United States. But the development is low. Again
01:57 we're running into cooler waters as we continue to travel north. And also we are
02:03 running into higher wind shear and also that drier air. Similar story for this
02:08 tropical tracker that we are putting our eye on July 25th through the 26th. Closer
02:13 towards the Lesser Antilles. That's also a low development potential. And then
02:17 right behind it July 28th through the 30th also going to be low development
02:22 potential.
