• last year
八点最热报 | 前首相马哈迪昨晚再次化身伊党的“超级助选员”,去到希盟的“前线州”雪兰莪,与伊党主席哈迪阿旺同台亮相。而两人的言论,依旧离不开操弄马来人危机感,继续大打“种族牌”,呼吁马来选民,用选票夺回政治权力。(主播:梁宝仪)


00:00 Before watching the video, let me remind you that there is more content on the Hotline.
00:05 After the former Prime Minister Mahathir was on the stage for the National Alliance last week,
00:08 he became a super-voter for the party again last night.
00:12 He went to the front line of the Alliance, which is the Snowy Blue Island,
00:15 and appeared on the same stage as the party's chairman Hadi Awang.
00:18 The two's speech still can't get rid of the sense of crisis that manipulates Malays.
00:23 They continue to beat the race cards, call on Malays to use votes to regain political power.
00:28 Otherwise, it will make outsiders, non-Malays, take away what belongs to Malays,
00:34 and eventually cause the next generation to suffer.
00:37 Mahathir pointed out in his speech that Malays are a generous nation,
00:41 so he gave the right of citizenship to outsiders to live in the land that belongs to Malays.
00:49 But what he couldn't accept was that after these so-called outsiders came to Malaysia,
00:54 they were unwilling to integrate into the Malays' culture and language.
00:58 He even said that this country is not the land of Malays, but the land that everyone has in common.
01:03 Therefore, Mahathir called on all Malays to stop being so generous.
01:08 It's time to stand up and defend the land that belongs to Malays.
01:12 Now, Mahathir and Hadi Awang, the former enemies,
01:16 have become close comrades in arms.
01:19 He said that he chose to stand with the National Alliance for a Party
01:23 to convince the Malays to join forces with all the Malays to save the country.
01:29 Because if he didn't do that, the Malays would one day lose their place on this land.
01:36 Hadi Awang explained that he chose to stand with the former enemy Mahathir
01:42 because he had the power to defend religion.
01:48 If the Malays don't unite and defend the country,
01:53 we will lose our country.
01:56 And our children's future will be so bad
02:01 because of the atrocities that we have committed.
02:05 Mahathir visited Sha'anan, a snowy province, last night
02:08 to attend a dialogue with the former party leader Hadi Awang.
02:11 During the speech, he called on the Malays to unite
02:14 and defend the land that belongs to the Malays.
02:17 He criticized the non-Malays for claiming that
02:20 Malaysia is not only a land that belongs to the Malays.
02:24 He said he couldn't accept this.
02:27 They said that this country doesn't only belong to the Malays.
02:32 We were born here and this is our country, not the Malays'.
02:38 I think we have reached a point where the Malays can no longer accept the religion.
02:48 Mahathir later used the war in Europe as an example to vote for the National Alliance.
02:53 He praised the fact that the Ukrainians love their country
02:55 and are even willing to sacrifice their lives to protect their homeland.
02:58 In Malaysia, the Malays don't need to fight.
03:01 They just need to vote for the National Alliance
03:04 and they can defend their land.
03:06 In Malaysia, we don't need to fight.
03:11 We don't need to sacrifice our lives.
03:14 We just need to vote.
03:16 With that, we can save our country.
03:20 If we don't vote, if we don't support the Malays,
03:26 our country will no longer be a Malay land.
03:32 In addition to calling on the Malays to vote for the National Alliance,
03:36 Mahathir's friend, Hadi Awang, also reminded the Malays
03:38 that they should have the mindset to defend their country
03:41 or they will be no match for an ant.
03:43 All the small animals,
03:46 God has given them the ability to think and defend their people.
03:50 How can we Malays not think like that?
03:53 We should just vote.
03:58 Last night, Dunmah not only called on the Malays to vote for the National Alliance,
04:04 but also pointed his finger at Anwar.
04:06 Dunmah challenged Anwar to show him evidence of corruption.
04:10 If Anwar dared to expose the evidence,
04:12 he would be willing to give half of his money to Anwar.
04:15 Mahathir said Anwar always said he had meaningful evidence
04:19 and he had the documents.
04:21 But when he asked Anwar to show the evidence,
04:23 Anwar said it was confidential.
04:26 Dunmah also said he was confident that if the National Alliance becomes a government,
04:30 it will be able to solve the problem of the five-state economic crisis.
04:34 When it comes to the national debt of 1 trillion,
04:36 he believes the problem can still be solved,
04:38 but it must be done in the right way.
04:40 Just like he has received medical training,
04:42 so when you want to treat anyone,
04:45 you must know what the cause of the disease is.
04:48 After listening to Dunmah's conversation,
04:52 we will pause for a moment to look at today's evening headlines.
04:55 Thank you.
04:57 The End
04:59 Thank you for watching.
