• last year


00:00 have another powerful prophetic word to give to you today and it's called what's
00:04 in store for America. My children do not panic. Do not fret what your enemies have
00:14 done and what they are doing now. Remember in this time of frustration, in
00:20 this time of uncertainty, in this time of darkness, in this time where everything
00:26 seems so out of control, when it seems like justice is lost, it seems like the
00:31 enemies have the upper hand. Well they don't. Everything they do guarantees
00:37 their defeat, their embarrassments, their exposures, their judgments. What they
00:45 have done against my David, Donald Trump solidifies their defeat and their
00:51 endeavor. Everything that has been unjust, every lie, every crime, will all blow up
01:00 in their faces, you would say, because I am the judge over this earth. Remember
01:06 Paul and Silas when they were... I got them out. I had the final say, not the
01:14 enemy. Justice is not dead. America is not dead. I am not dead. This will all come
01:28 back and hit your enemies in a way they never thought could happen to them. I'm
01:33 on the move. I am justice. I am the God who will judge and hold them accountable
01:39 of everything they have done that they refuse to repent for. This is not their day.
01:46 This is not their nation. This is not their world. No, my children, your enemies
01:54 may be laughing now. It looks like. But I say in my word, rejoice. Yes, I am laughing
02:02 at their power. I am laughing at their arrogance, thinking they are gods and
02:06 they can do and have everything they want. And that is not true. I have told
02:15 you about indictments. I told you they would not get what they want out of this.
02:21 It will backfire. It will blow up and boomerang back on them. And they will not
02:26 touch my anointed and get away with this. My children, pray and call for justice
02:33 like never before. Continue to call down your enemies and their agendas.
02:39 For I am coming after them with my vengeance, because vengeance is mine. And
02:45 the meting out of full justice rests with me. I will settle the cause and the
02:52 cases of my people. I have said this in my word. Remember, my children, I hold the
02:59 ultimate gavel, not them. Say it the Lord of hosts. The cameras are about to catch
03:11 something on live TV that no one saw coming. And that will bring all your
03:17 enemies down and they will fall faster now. Power will slip through their hands
03:23 quicker. Yes, and the angel of death will pass through their camps of the wicked.
03:30 Watch more happen now in this time. Things will begin to speed up more and
03:35 more. Things will begin to fall apart for your enemies plans. They will not be able
03:40 to keep it together, hold their composure, and keeping up or keeping their charade
03:46 going. Now is the time to pray more, to shout louder, to decree and to declare my
03:54 word like never before. This darkness is almost over for you, my children, and you
04:00 will see the fall of governments like never before. The time has come of great
04:04 harvest. Your enemies have sown. Now it's time. Now it's judgment time, excuse me.
04:10 It's time for my hand to move quicker now to take them and move them out of
04:16 the way. The war they started, but I am the one who's ending it. I decide who
04:25 wins and who loses, not them. No men are not in control no matter what they think.
04:33 And any elitists and globalists, they will not have their world order, not now, or
04:41 their great reset right now. They will not have my nations. They will not have
04:47 what they so desire. Instead, everything they have done will be done to them.
04:54 They're going to try to keep pursuing my nations and my children, but my nations
05:02 are protected by me and so are my children. Instead of destruction of my
05:07 nations, we come greater and stronger in this time. And so will my children. While
05:17 at the same time, judgments will hit your enemies. My children, once again, I say
05:24 hold on and remember who I am. Focus on my word. Do not be moved or shaken
05:32 because I am your defender. I am your deliverer. I'm your victory and I am on
05:39 your side. Things are coming to a close, so brace for a greater impact that is
05:47 about to come that will bring your great, bring you a great victory. Say it to
05:54 Lord, your Redeemer. And before I go back on this prophetic word, the Lord has
06:00 given me a scripture to go over. It talks about this very thing that he's saying.
06:12 It's in John 16. You guys have heard me read this scripture. This is the
06:23 classical amplified version of the scripture. Listen to it very carefully.
06:31 Even though you've heard it before, listen again because faith comes by
06:36 hearing and hearing, not I've already heard that scripture. Remember God's Word
06:41 is inexhaustible. So no matter how many times you read a scripture, you're never
06:45 going to know it all. There's always going to be more enlightenment, more
06:48 revelation out of that scripture because God's Word is living. Now it says in John
06:56 1633 in the classical amplified, "I have told you these things so that in me you
07:02 may have perfect peace and confidence in the world you'll have tribulation and
07:08 trials and distress and frustration. But be of good cheer, take courage, be
07:15 confident, certain and undaunted. For I have overcome the world. I have deprived
07:20 it of its power to harm you and I have conquered it for you." Remember what
07:27 Colossians 2 and 15 says. If you don't know that scripture, it goes along with
07:34 what John was saying. Colossians 2 and 15, "God disarmed the principalities and
07:42 powers that were raged against us and made a bold display and public example
07:46 of them and triumphing over them in him on it in the cross." Or sorry, "triumphing
07:54 over him and in it the cross." How did our Lord and Savior defeat our enemy?
08:04 Overcome him, destroy him, annihilate, bring him to nothing. He did that by the
08:11 cross. He did that by being our replacement. He ransomed us. That's why we
08:21 can be forgiven for sin because he who knew no sin became sin. Why? To
08:25 destroy it. To destroy its power over you. That's why you can come boldly to the
08:30 throne of grace in Hebrews 4 and 16. Jesus done it all. That's exactly what we
08:35 were just celebrating with Resurrection Sunday. Some people call it Easter. I call
08:41 it Resurrection Sunday because it's when our Lord and Savior was resurrected. He
08:46 was resurrected for us. He destroyed our enemy for us. He became the curse for us.
08:55 Why? To dissolve, to annihilate, to disarm, to bring it to nothing. So when we are,
09:05 because he is in us, when we have him on the inside of us, then we have what we
09:14 need that goes, that's over the curse. We are redeemed from the curse in Galatians
09:21 3, 13 and 14. We don't have to put up with. We don't have to surrender to. We don't
09:28 have to give in to it. No, we don't. Jesus has ransomed us. It says that in
09:35 Galatians 4, 4 through 7. Go and read it. It even says that we are no longer slaves.
09:43 How are we no longer slaves? We were slaves to our enemy under the curse.
09:51 That's what a lot of this system is. It's a curse. It is meant to enslave. It is
09:58 meant to torment. It is meant to torture. It is meant to suppress each and every
10:03 one of us. Why do you think that it's so important for us to know who we are in
10:08 Christ Jesus? To know whose we are. We belong to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and
10:18 Jacob. We belong to Elohim, the creator of heaven and earth. We belong to the God
10:29 who nothing is impossible. That's whom we belong to. And if we think about these
10:36 things, that all these things going on in the earth or in our own lives don't seem
10:43 so impossible or don't seem so scary or don't seem so overwhelming, our dad is
10:54 bigger than every single thing that we face. And that's what we should focus on.
11:00 Remember he said in one of the last prophetic words, if you did not see last
11:05 Thursday's, it's called, that prophetic word is called, "It's time to pray." Why
11:12 was that a prophetic word about praying? Because God is trying to get our
11:16 attention right now. It was a very powerful word that he gave about the power of our
11:22 faith, the power of our words, the power of prayer, the power of our obedience. Go
11:33 watch that. If you've watched it, watch it again. There's revelation in it. God is
11:40 trying to get our attention just like he did with the children right before, like
11:45 with the walls of Jericho. It wasn't their shouting. It was their obedience
11:51 when God told them to shout. It was their obedience when God told them to walk
11:56 around. It was something that was indestructible to them, but it wasn't
12:02 indestructible to God. What we see before us is not indestructible. What we see
12:11 before us is not too big to fall, no matter how big the giants may seem.
12:19 Nothing is bigger than our God. So I want to go back over this prophetic word. He
12:27 had me put this part in bold. He said, "Things are coming to a close, so brace for a
12:32 greater impact that is about to come that will bring you a great victory, said
12:38 the Lord your Redeemer." So things are coming to a close. That means all the
12:42 things that we see, remember it says in his word, okay, he's bringing this
12:48 scripture up. I got to pull it up. I'm not gonna quote it. Okay, so 2nd
12:59 Corinthians chapter 4 and verse 18. "So we consider and look not," I'm gonna read
13:07 that again, "we consider and look not to the things that are seen, but to the
13:16 things that are unseen. For the things that are visible are temporal, brief and
13:22 fleeting, but the things that are invisible are deathless and everlasting."
13:28 So what has he been telling us, or at last several months to a year or more?
13:34 Things are not how they appear to be. So we can't go by how things look. Why?
13:42 Because how things look will change. He says again, "Since we consider and look
13:50 not to the things which are seen, but to the things that are unseen." What are the
13:54 things that are unseen? The spirit realm, the spiritual. Those things that are
13:59 unseen are more real in the spiritual that we see in the natural. Now to our
14:08 human mind, that's the exact opposite. Before Adam and Eve sinned, they had
14:15 discernment. They weren't led by their five physical senses like we are today.
14:21 What is God doing? He's getting us back to discernment and not being moved by
14:28 our five physical senses and not letting the five physical senses control us or
14:33 dominate the way we believe. We need to believe in the Word of God and what it
14:44 says, not how we feel. We need to believe the Word of God more than what things
14:52 look like. Because God's Word, what? He's the same yesterday, today and forever. You
14:59 hear me say that all the time because people think God's change, He changes and
15:03 He doesn't. They think He changes with the societies and with the world and how
15:07 the world is. He doesn't. He's the same. His Word is everlasting. His Word is
15:17 spirit. It's life. His Word is a two-edged sword against our enemy. So if we think
15:28 about these things, He's a spiritual being. Our dad is a spiritual being and
15:36 that is more powerful than anything that we see. He created the world. He created
15:43 the universe that's still expanding, by the way, today. It hasn't stopped because
15:48 He hasn't told it to. So we think about how big and how awesome He is, then we
15:56 won't be afraid of what we see in front of us. Okay, my children, once again I say,
16:04 "Hold on and remember who I am. Focus on my Word. Do not be moved or shaken because
16:10 I am your defender. I am your deliverer. I am your victory and I am on your side." He
16:17 says, "Hold on. What's that scripture? Write these scriptures down." I had no
16:23 intention of doing these. I had no idea what the Lord wanted me to do today. Again,
16:28 I don't know what He's ever going to say or have me do after the prophetic Word.
16:33 He may or may not give me scriptures. These scriptures today, I did not get
16:39 before this Word. That's why it is so important because it's His Words. It's
16:48 His revelation knowledge. It's the Word that He wants you to hear for this very
16:52 day, in this very hour. I am just the mouthpiece. It's Him who does and says
17:00 these things that He wants me to say and do. Now, Hebrews chapter 10.
17:09 I'm going to read a couple of different scriptures. Hebrews chapter 10 and verse
17:19 23. This goes along with what the prophetic Word was saying when He's
17:25 talking about "Hold on." Verse 23. Hebrews 10 verse 23. "So let us seize and hold
17:34 fast and retain without wavering the hope we cherish and confess and
17:42 acknowledgement of it. For he who promised is reliable, he's sure and
17:49 faithful to his word. And let us consider," this is verse 24, "let us consider and
17:57 give attentive and continuous care, watching over one another, studying how
18:03 we may stir up and stimulate and incite in love and helpful deeds and notable
18:08 activities." So this is talking about holding fast. Holding fast to what? Holding
18:14 fast to God. Holding fast to His Word. Holding fast to truth. Holding fast to
18:19 our joy, which is the joy the Lord is our strength, our peace. Then it says, "And so
18:29 if we hold fast and we seize," I'm going to look that, hold on. Sometimes I like to do
18:35 this when I'm studying and I'm gonna do this right when I have you guys on here.
18:40 Because I like to get the definitions of things. I mean, I know what a
18:46 word is, but I like to see the definition for it anyway. "To seize, take hold of and
18:55 suddenly and forcibly." This is the reason why I love studying this stuff when
19:01 he shows me words. Okay, so again, seize. S-E-I-Z-E. Take hold of suddenly and
19:12 forcibly. And then the second definition is, "Take an opportunity or intentive,
19:18 eagerly and decisively." So what are we supposed to do? Hold on to what God is
19:24 saying. He's talking to us to not fear. He's saying, "Don't be moved." He's saying,
19:29 "Don't worry. Look to me. Focus on my word." That's what he's trying to get our
19:35 attention to. Seize and hold fast to the fact that God is the creator of heaven
19:39 and earth. Seize and hold fast to the God that he whom nothing is impossible. Seize
19:44 and hold on to the fact that God is unbeatable. He's undefeated. And seize and
19:53 hold fast to the point. He's already defeated our enemy. And anyone he uses is
19:58 defeated because their power is given to them by the one who's been defeated. So
20:05 then again, then we don't get so overwhelmed with the things that we're
20:09 looking at right now in the world today. All right, I mess up. When I put my my Bible
20:21 down, I change the pages. Okay. Now Hebrews chapter 10, verse 35. Now listen to this.
20:33 This is also key. This is about us being consistent. It's about us being
20:39 persistent. Because remember, we are children in the army of the Lord. We're
20:44 fighting a battle. We're fighting the good fight of faith. All right,
20:51 now Hebrews 10, verse 35. "Do not therefore fling away your fearless
20:55 confidence, for it carries a great and glorious compensation of reward." God's
21:01 been telling us for those who have been standing and walking by faith, who
21:04 refuse to give up, who refuse to quit, there is a great reward. He talks about
21:08 that in his Word right here. Then he also says in verse 36, "If you have need of
21:13 steadfast patience." You have need of steadfast patience. He's perfecting our
21:20 patience. Because when we are in times like this, it looks like it's not gonna
21:24 happen. But we have faith and patience. They are the power twins. Faith and
21:31 patience. For a lot of people nowadays, patience is very hard. Because we get
21:36 things so instantaneously. And people think faith is the same way. And it's not.
21:42 "For you have need of steadfast patience and endurance, so that you may perform
21:48 and fully accomplish the will of God, and thus receive and carry away and enjoy to
21:52 the full what is promised." So that's how we get what is promised to us. Is if we
21:58 cease, we hold fast, we don't let go, we don't give up, we don't give in, we don't
22:06 surrender, we don't quit. And we will receive what is promised. What is promised?
22:12 Our victory! That's what's promised. Our victory. That God has overcome our enemy.
22:22 So that means we're overcomers. Remember that says that in 1st John 5. Go read it.
22:29 We are overcomers. We overcome what? The world and everything in it. Okay.
22:35 Now, listen to this. This is what he had me put in bold. "The war they started, but I
22:44 am the one who is ending it. I decide who wins and who loses, not them. No men are
22:51 not in control, no matter what they think. Like in any other elites and globalists,
23:03 they will not have their world order, not now, or their great reset right now. They
23:10 will not have my nations. They will not have what they so desire. Instead,
23:15 everything they have done will be done to them. They are going,
23:19 he's telling you, they're gonna keep pursuing. I mean, things are
23:24 gonna look a little bit worse. But don't fear that. They're gonna keep
23:30 pursuing my nations and my children. But my nations are protected by me, and so
23:34 are my children. Instead of destruction of my nations, it'll become greater, and
23:39 my children will become stronger in this time." So his nations and his children
23:47 will become stronger in this time. "While at the same time, judgments will hit your
23:56 enemies." What is he talking about? Look at the children of Goshen. They are
24:05 protected, while at the same time, there was judgment. Okay, so then, hold on one
24:17 second.
24:24 All right, now. "Now's the time to pray. More to shout louder, to decree, and to
24:32 declare my word like never before. Think the walls of Jericho." Now is the time to
24:39 pray more. As I said, go back and watch that prophetic word from Thursday.
24:46 It's time to pray. Why? He talks about how important it is your words are, your faith
24:54 is, your trust is, your obedience is. He's talking to you about how these things are
25:00 important. Then he says, "Decree and declare my word like never before. This
25:05 darkness is almost over for you, my children, and you will see the fall of
25:10 governments like never before. The time has come of a great harvest. Your enemies
25:14 have sown, and now it's time for judgment. Now it's judgment time."
25:17 Excuse me. "Now it's judgment time." And that part is in bold. "It's time for my
25:22 hand to move quicker now to take them and move them out of the way." Watch more
25:30 happen now in this time. Things will begin to speed up more and more. Things
25:34 will begin to fall apart for your enemies' plans. They will not be able to
25:38 keep it together, hold their composure, and keep their charade going. Why? Because
25:45 God is not going to let them keep going. They're going to try to keep pursuing
25:50 just like Pharaoh did with the children of Israel. And then it ended in the Red
25:55 Sea. But God held them back until the Red Sea parted and until they crossed over
26:02 to the other side. God is in the way, remember? He's the way, but he's also in
26:09 the way. Now he says, this is also in bold. "The cameras are about to catch
26:15 something on live TV." He's been talking about many things about live TV. Things
26:21 have already started to happen. One of the things he said a long time ago before
26:24 this started happening more and more, it's almost become normal, people collapsing
26:28 on live TV. It's hard to see that. But the Lord said that would happen. We
26:40 don't rejoice in the fact that people are collapsing. No, he warned us of it.
26:44 That's why it's time to pray. "The cameras are about to catch something on live TV
26:55 that no one saw coming. They will bring all your enemies down and they will fall
26:58 faster now. Power will slip through their hands quicker. Yes, the angel of death
27:02 will pass through the camps of the wicked." Again, we don't rejoice in that
27:08 either. We rejoice in the judgment of someone else. But God did say, "Vengeance
27:15 is mine." And when people keep pursuing God's children, even after he warns,
27:20 judgment comes. Now it's their decision whether they receive judgment or not. We
27:27 pray that they repent and they turn back and they stop what they're doing. But a lot
27:33 of them will harden their heart. And that's why the angel of death came in
27:38 Egypt. And that's why it will come again. Not that he wants it to. He's given so
27:46 many warnings over and over again. He's given them time to turn back. And they
27:55 don't. And they won't. We have to pray for even our enemies. "My children, pray and
28:06 call for justice like never before. Continue to call down your enemies and
28:09 their agendas. For I am coming after them and my vengeance, because vengeance is
28:14 mine. And the meting out of full justice rests with me. I will settle the cause in
28:18 the cases of my people. I have said this in my word. Remember, my children, I hold
28:23 the ultimate gavel and not them, saith the Lord of hosts." Can you put that in
28:29 bold? "I hold the ultimate gavel." What does that mean? No matter what our enemies do,
28:39 no matter what judges they use, Supreme Court or another court, God has an
28:48 ultimate gavel. Because he's the judge over all the earth. It doesn't matter
28:53 what they have said in their courts, what judgments that they have put, or what
28:58 sentencing they have put on someone, or what indictments they have put on
29:02 someone. If it wasn't justifiable, if justice was not being served, God is the
29:10 God of justice. He will turn it around. Just like he says up here about Paul and
29:16 Silas. Look what happened to them. I'm gonna keep reading. "I have told you about
29:22 it. I have told you they would not get what they wanted out of this." That's what that
29:27 prophetic word said about last week when we talked about what was gonna happen
29:30 with President Trump and what that indictment was. God said, "No." No. What? It
29:38 was not gonna go the way they wanted it. He didn't say one wasn't going to happen.
29:43 He said the way that they wanted it wasn't gonna go the way they wanted it
29:50 to go. And don't think that they're not gonna try another one. And don't get
29:59 fearful about that either. Remember, they are desperate. That's why we pray. "Know my
30:08 children, your enemies may be laughing now, it looks like, but I have, I say in my
30:14 word, rejoice. I am laughing at their power. I am laughing at their arrogance,
30:17 thinking they are gods and they can do everything they want." And that's not true.
30:20 Now again, he told you, he told us about it. But he also says, "I told you that they
30:25 will not get what they want out of this. It will backfire and it will blow up and
30:30 boomerang back on them and they will not touch my anointed and get away with this."
30:33 What's already happened to this case with Alvin Bragg? It's not going
30:39 very well. Even the people on his side are saying it was kind of like a nothing.
30:45 It was disappointing. They were very underwhelmed, I think was another word
30:54 that somebody used. Prophecy Fulfilled, prophecy fulfilled page. There's a
31:01 couple of those clips on there. Okay, now, let's see how far I need to go back up.
31:11 Okay, "Everything that has been unjust, every lie, every crime will all blow up in
31:15 their faces, you would say, because I am the judge over all this earth." Remember
31:20 Paul and Silas when they were falsely accused and imprisoned? I got them out. I
31:25 had the final say, not the enemy. Remember there was a massive earthquake. Now when
31:31 Paul and Silas were in jail, they could have sat there and cried and mourned and
31:36 got upset, got offended at God, got mad at God. They didn't. They praised and
31:41 worshipped Him. What happens when people praise and worship? It destroys the power
31:46 of the enemy. So when Paul and Silas, they sat there and they worshipped God, it
31:52 opened the prison cells and their chains came off and a giant earthquake took
31:57 place. That's God. All right, and then he says it, he has me put this in bold,
32:03 "Justice is not dead." That's right, because God's a God of justice, so justice
32:07 can't be dead. And then he goes on to say, "America is not dead. I am not dead.
32:13 God's not dead." I love those movies, but it's true. God's not dead. "This all will
32:21 come back and hit your enemies in a way they never thought could happen to them.
32:24 I am on the move. I am justice. Justice is not dead because God is justice. I'm the
32:32 God who will judge." Remember, He's a God, He's a judge over all the earth. "And I
32:36 will hold them accountable of everything they have done and they have refused to
32:39 repent for. This is not their day." Then he goes on to say, look what he's
32:43 saying, "This is not their day. This is not their nation. This is not their world.
32:47 No, my children, your enemies may be laughing now, it looks like, but I say in
32:53 my word, rejoice. Yes, I am laughing at their power. I am laughing at their
32:59 arrogance, thinking they are gods and they can do whatever and have everything
33:03 they want and that's not true. It's not true. They think it is and they're
33:09 laughing all the way to the end with all their stuff and all their stuff. In people's lives, God has
33:19 seen it all. Then he says, this is the first paragraph, "My children, do not
33:25 panic. Do not fret what your enemies have done and what they are doing now. Remember
33:29 in this time of frustration, in this time of uncertainty, in this time of darkness,
33:33 in this time where everything seems so out of control, when it seems like
33:37 justice is lost, it seems like the enemies have the upper hand. Well, they
33:41 don't. Everything they do guarantees their defeat, their embarrassments, their
33:45 exposures, their judgment. What they have done against my David, Donald Trump
33:48 solidifies their judgment and their embarrassment." Again, it's not just about our rightful
33:54 president. He's just a symbol of a free nation. He's the one who's standing in
34:02 the way of their one world. That's who God is using. He's anointed and appointed
34:07 for this time. Why do you think the radical left and everybody else goes
34:12 dramatically only for him? Well, not only for him because they're going for people
34:17 like you and I. They're going for Christians. Remember, in the last days,
34:26 good will be portrayed as evil and evil as good. So, we see that right now. We see
34:38 love and we see what's going on and it's being portrayed as hate. But we love on
34:45 people but they're saying it's hate speech. We're telling the truth and
34:49 they're saying it's disinformation. Why do you think they silence our voices on
34:56 so many platforms everywhere? They don't want the truth. If we weren't telling the
35:03 truth, then why would they be afraid? If we weren't telling the truth, then why
35:13 would they be afraid? Why are people being cut off of so many different
35:19 social media platforms? Why are they being silenced? Why was our rightful
35:23 president silenced? How many times? On all platforms. Now, he's back on all of a
35:28 sudden. Hmm. They tried to shut our mouths. They tried to silence us. It's not
35:36 working. That's why God is saying to shout louder. Pray more. Say the words
35:42 that God needs us to say. This is our time. No matter what it looks like. This
35:48 is our time. The church's time. We just need to come together and unite
35:52 surrounding our Lord and Savior. Alright, I have to make another video so I have to
35:58 go. But I want to pray for each and every one of you. Heavenly Father, right now in
36:02 the name of Jesus, I just lift up every person at the sound of my voice. I want to
36:05 praise and thank you, Father God, that they are in the army of the Lord. That
36:08 they are hand-picked for such a time as this. I want to thank and praise you,
36:12 Father God, that we are more God inside minded. That we have your faith. That we
36:18 have the Spirit. We have yours, the greater one, who's on the inside of us.
36:22 That he that's in the world. But we know that. That we have a greater revelation.
36:27 That we have the greater one on the inside of us. So every impossible
36:31 situation that we're facing, I thank you, Father God, that you are in control.
36:35 Because you are the God whom nothing is impossible. I thank you, Father God, our
36:39 enemies are coming down. And no matter what they want, they will not get it. I
36:43 thank you that no weapon formed against us shall prosper. I thank you, Father God,
36:47 that America is not dead. That you are not dead. That justice is not dead. That
36:52 our freedoms are not dead. Because you are alive. And you are the judge over all
36:57 the earth. So we praise you. And we thank you, Father God, that your will is being
37:02 done on earth as it is in heaven. We thank and praise you, Father God, for
37:07 your protection. Just like you've given us in Psalm 91. We thank you that you are
37:13 our avenger. Because you said, "Vengeance is mine." And I thank you, Father God, for
37:19 moving your hand. For placing judgment on our enemies. You placed blessing on us.
37:24 That justice will be served. I thank and praise you, Father God, and all those
37:31 people who refuse to repent. I lift them up to you, Father God, and I thank you
37:35 that somehow, someway, you send laborers into their path. That it gives them a
37:43 chance to find you. Because Heavenly Father, I know in your will, it says, you
37:52 wish that no man perish. They turn back. They stop pursuing. And they turn from
37:59 the wicked ways. We thank you, Father God, for protecting this country. We thank you,
38:06 Father God, for protecting your children. We thank you, Father God, that you are the
38:10 Most High God. And we thank and praise you that you are our victory. In Jesus'
38:16 mighty name. Amen and amen. Well, I hope this encourages you today. Please like, subscribe,
38:22 and share. And give this to everyone you know. Who needs to hear an encouraging
38:25 word? Who needs to hear the truth? Because the truth will set you free. God loves
38:30 you. I love you. God bless you. And have a wonderful day.
