• last year


00:00 The prophetic word today
00:02 Is called a warning on
00:05 What is to come now? I will warn you the first time I actually heard this prophetic word
00:12 I was on a prayer call our daily prayer call with the prayer team and
00:17 The Lord brought this in my spirit. I started speaking it out and
00:22 I cried the majority of the time because of the the love of God the compassion of him and
00:29 Also that his heart was grieved on the condition of the church. So I will
00:35 Read this to you and I think you guys know that I do cry sometimes
00:39 So I am warning you I may not I'm gonna try not to
00:42 And try to hold my composure, but we'll see
00:45 But this prophetic word. Yes, it is a warning
00:49 But it's also just the love of our father for his children in this time that we are living in
00:58 He gives plenty of warning
01:00 sometimes people listen and sometimes they don't and
01:03 This warning is not to get anyone in fear
01:07 And I want to say that again this warning is to not put anyone in fear
01:13 This is a warning out of love
01:16 Not to get somebody afraid of what is to come
01:20 Remember God is in control
01:24 He goes before us so who can be against us if God's on our side
01:29 Whom shall we fear?
01:32 So if we take those two different scriptures and we hold on to that and we focus on it, then it's not as bad
01:38 This is not a doom and gloom prophetic word
01:41 Okay, it's not
01:43 but I just want to warn people because they can sometimes take it that way and
01:48 I want to let you know that this is just the love of God pouring out to his people and
01:54 He's trying to get their attention on
01:56 What's about to happen?
01:59 All right a warning on what's to come. I
02:01 See my children
02:05 How circumstances have overwhelmed you I?
02:08 See what your enemies are doing
02:11 Not only against your nations. I
02:14 See what they're doing against you. I
02:18 See how hard some days are to get up I
02:23 See how hard sometimes it is to fight I
02:26 See how hard it is to walk by faith
02:30 And I see how hard it is
02:34 to stand
02:36 But my children have you forgotten my sacrifice
02:42 Have you forgotten my son the one who took it he suffered for you and
02:53 Right now I see so many of my children suffering when you don't have to
02:59 This is a time a time to war in the spirit
03:07 This is a time to pray like never before
03:11 But also this is a time to believe me
03:14 Believe me
03:18 Believe me over your feelings
03:21 Believe me over your circumstances
03:24 Believe me over those symptoms
03:27 Believe me more than what it looks like
03:31 Believe me more than the thoughts
03:35 That are in your head
03:38 I've been greatly grieved at my church
03:46 And the condition that it was in
03:51 All that despair all the fear all the sorrow all the hopelessness all the depression
03:59 all the sickness that never
04:02 Should have been
04:05 My children you have been infiltrated by your enemy
04:09 There was there has been so much deception
04:13 That has gone on around you
04:16 But my children some fell for it
04:21 My
04:23 Body should be one with me not one with the world
04:31 My children have acted like the world
04:36 Seeing things through the eyes of the world and not through the eyes of faith
04:43 Or through the eyes of trusting in me
04:48 I've already sent my son. I don't need to send him again
04:52 You just need to trust in what he did
04:55 And I promise at what you're experiencing
05:00 I
05:05 Know that pain I
05:09 Know that sorrow I know that frustration
05:16 And I see what your enemy has done to you I
05:18 Don't forget that I'm here
05:23 I'm always here
05:26 And my children have forgotten that
05:29 My children now is a time that my warnings will cease
05:38 Because the time of judgment will come
05:41 And I've said many times to pick a side
05:45 Choose you believe choose or soon the choice will be too late to pick the other side
05:51 Because the lines have been drawn the battle that you see
05:58 Things are going to get worse
06:02 Things are about to intensify and that's why I've said to walk with me
06:08 talk with me and
06:11 Receive what I've already done
06:15 I'm just waiting for you to take what I have because it's already been given
06:21 Don't fear what I just said
06:24 Don't fear it
06:26 That darkness and that uncertainty all the things that are intensifying are ready to explode and erupt. I
06:34 Told you what they are for
06:38 They're for your enemies and not you
06:42 So
06:44 My children get up now get up this is a time of maturity
06:50 This is a time to wage a great war in the spirit
06:54 your enemy is
06:57 Defeated so remember that and remember what I that I don't leave
07:02 You are never alone
07:05 Remember the great celebrations that will come because they are there
07:11 They are guaranteed
07:13 To you just you can't see them yet
07:15 But if you could see what I see
07:18 Or if you could see what I see what joy it will bring to me to see my children smile
07:25 To see my children free
07:27 So just know that I am I
07:30 Am is setting you free
07:33 From what you see and what you're experiencing right now
07:37 So just hold on I am that I am and I am
07:41 delivering you
07:43 Sayeth the Lord
07:45 Now that was not a very long one
07:48 but what got me when I
07:51 Heard it the first time
07:55 Was just a love of God for all of us
08:03 I
08:05 Think sometimes we in the midst of darkness and midst of frustration
08:16 We forget
08:19 That he's there we forget
08:22 That he suffered
08:27 We forget
08:33 That he bore the cross and some people say Julie he didn't suffer
08:37 Some people truly believe that
08:41 Isaiah
08:44 53
08:48 Listen to this Isaiah 53 in verse 4
08:54 Surely he was he has born our griefs
09:00 Our sicknesses and weaknesses and distresses and carried our sorrows and pains of punishment
09:06 Remember that again
09:09 Surely he has born our griefs
09:11 Sicknesses and weaknesses and distresses and carried our sorrows and pain of punishment
09:17 Yet we ignorantly consider him stricken smitten and afflicted by God as if he would lapis with leprosy
09:24 He was wounded for our transgressions. He was bruised for our guilt and ignorance
09:30 iniquity's and chastisement needful to obtain peace and well-being was
09:35 For us was upon him the stripes that wounded him. We are healed and made whole
09:43 Now this is
09:46 What he's saying to us he was
09:49 He suffered
09:52 He suffered what reason so we would have to suffer. He was tormented so we wouldn't have to be tormented
09:58 he went through all of this and
10:01 He said what grieved him
10:04 Was you know, he said was now that was the key
10:07 It grieved him that condition the body of Christ was in
10:14 Because the body of Christ should be one with him not one with the world
10:20 We should not be suffering
10:23 We should not be going through the tests and trials that we've been going through for as long as we've been going through them
10:28 We don't have to sit there and suffer
10:33 If we just know no Jesus suffered for me
10:38 He bore that for me he took that and I don't have to bear it anymore
10:45 The love of God
10:49 He did this and he's saying see these things through what Jesus has already done
10:55 See these things
10:57 That you have already been guaranteed the victory you've already been guaranteed
11:03 That you are an overcomer
11:06 You're guaranteed to have power over the enemy if you tap into God's power
11:12 So if we think think these ways we we see things these ways
11:19 that
11:20 all of this
11:22 That we see before us
11:24 We won't fear it
11:26 We won't fear the enemy
11:28 We won't fear the gods warnings because they're not they're not for us. They're for our enemy. All he's doing is warning us. Hey
11:37 Walk with me
11:41 Think about that God Almighty has to ask his children walk with me
11:49 Should that already be automatic that we do that that we walk with him
11:55 Sing about the love if he had even for Adam
11:59 He walked with him and they cool the day
12:02 That is our hearts or God's hearts desire is to walk with us
12:07 Have relationship with us
12:14 But we're so overwhelmed
12:16 with
12:17 Daily cares and worries in situations that are going on in the world
12:22 That we don't see that he's right there
12:25 That we don't see
12:30 That he already took all this the heap or this for us he says I know your pain
12:42 Jesus came as a man upon this earth
12:47 Suffer
12:55 To take that suffering from you
12:58 And so when the Lord see what our father sees
13:02 that the church that's in the condition at its end I
13:07 Mean how differently are we than the world and why would the world give us any attention right now?
13:14 We are just like them
13:18 That's why there needs to be a glory that's why there needs to be a separation. That's why there's a shaking right now
13:25 That's why
13:29 Because the church needs to know who they are
13:34 And you know the power that they have in them
13:37 Now I want to read something else to you
13:40 Of course this is Proverbs now, I'm gonna read it in the new
13:48 International version the NIV
13:52 Trusting the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding in all your ways
13:57 Submit to him and he will make your path straight
14:03 I'm gonna trust I'm gonna leave that again Proverbs 3 5 through 6 now read and write this down
14:09 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding in all your ways submit to him and he will make
14:16 your paths
14:17 Straight a lot of people are asking the Lord right now
14:20 They're asking him what can we do?
14:24 Where do we go?
14:27 How do we do this? He will lead you he will guide you in the right direction
14:33 That's what he does
14:35 He is the way maker so he'll lead the way and also something when you're going through
14:41 Situations where they seem so impossible and you don't know what the way out
14:47 You can't see the way out. You can't feel the way out. You don't understand it
14:51 Think about Abraham
14:55 Think about in the in Genesis chapter 22
15:02 And when he had to go and he had to sacrifice Isaac
15:10 His own son. I have three of them and I can't even fathom what Abraham
15:17 Had to go through I can't
15:21 But he did
15:23 He went through it
15:25 He had to walk up that mountain with his son knowing I have to kill him
15:32 I
15:33 Have to sacrifice my own child
15:36 For God, but somehow someway because remember he even told
15:40 His like people who worked for him. He said you stay here and my son and I will return
15:48 That's a fake statement
15:51 They didn't know
15:53 And neither did Isaac at the time
15:55 That he was supposed to sacrifice Isaac not an animal
16:00 So Isaac's thinking they're just gonna go get something so did his his helpers or his workers
16:06 They just thought they were just gonna go get their sacrifice and they're gonna come at they're gonna come down
16:12 And Abraham was thinking in his heart
16:16 God has to make a way
16:20 So my son and I will return
16:22 And he had laid him on that altar
16:28 Still thinking even if he has to raise him from the dead in ashes. He'll do it
16:34 And
16:38 Beautiful story is as soon as he had that knife up
16:40 The angel said stop and
16:44 There was a ram in the thicket
16:47 now why that story is so beautiful is
16:49 because
16:52 Abraham couldn't see that ram
16:54 He just trusted in God
16:59 You think about how dark that might have seen to him how horrible that might have seen to him
17:05 But he had so much faith and trust in God that God would do something about it
17:13 And he did
17:16 He did
17:17 and even in
17:19 That that mountain is now where it was
17:21 I'm gonna I'm gonna read this really quick
17:26 Because
17:28 Hold on a minute because I want to read
17:34 What it says it's so awesome
17:40 I
17:49 Love that story. Okay, then Abraham looked up. This is verse 13
17:54 Genesis 22 in verse 13 and Abraham looked up and glanced around and behold behind him was a ram
17:59 Caught in a thicket by the thorns or horns and Abraham looked and went and took the ram and offered it up for a burnt
18:06 Offering and ascended sacrifice instead of his son
18:09 Verse 14 so Abraham called the name of the place the Lord will provide
18:14 It shall be this day on the Mount the Lord. It shall be provided
18:18 The Lord will provide
18:20 Jehovah Jireh our provider now the reason why this is so important right now is
18:25 Because reason why he the Lord wanted me he gave me that to read today
18:30 the reason why he wanted me to do that is because
18:32 We don't know how he's going to provide certain things
18:36 We see how things are going in the opposite direction
18:40 Abraham had to make a choice
18:44 I'm gonna trust God
18:46 There are times in our own lives
18:48 There are times in our own lives
18:50 even in the darkest hours and we can't see the other side, but God does and
18:55 If we lean on him, we trust in him. We rely on him
18:59 We'll get to that other side
19:03 And he will be protected
19:05 And also he said something else to me this morning. I
19:10 Want to read to you
19:14 Psalm
19:16 People don't think that God hears I've read this scripture many times, but he wanted me to read it again
19:35 Psalm 34
19:38 And
19:40 Verse 17 when the righteous cry for help the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their distresses and troubles
19:51 the Lord hears and the Lord delivers
19:55 I'm gonna read verse 19 many evils confront the consistently righteous, but the Lord delivers them out of
20:00 them all
20:03 God is warning us about what is coming
20:07 He's warned us about a shakings. He's warned us about things looking darker before they got better
20:13 But we should have faith of Abraham member or the seat of Abraham and Janet or Galatians 3 and 29
20:20 We're the seat of Abraham and heir to the promise
20:23 Look what he did for Abraham. Look what he did for Moses and the children of Israel
20:28 Look what he did for Noah
20:31 in the ark
20:34 Look what he did for the children in the walls of Jericho. Look what he did for a shadrach Meshach and bedding Oh David
20:40 Look what we did for Daniel. Look at all the times in the instances in the Bible
20:44 No matter how hard or the how things seemed
20:48 God never left them alone without an answer never
20:56 Trust me. I know how some things look and some things seem
21:03 And you just want it to be over right now you want the darkness to be gone
21:07 You want to reprieve from the fight he is your rest
21:15 If you read an axe chapter 3, okay, you just give it to me I don't I didn't have this pulled up
21:28 This is how you get rest and from the fight that you're in
21:33 Acts chapter 3
21:36 So repent and versus not this is verse 19
21:38 Repent and change your mind and purpose and turn around and return to God
21:42 that your sins may be erased and blotted out wiped clean the time of refreshing of
21:47 Recovering from the effects of the heat of reviving with fresh air may come from the presence of the Lord
21:52 How do you get reprieve? How do you get rest?
21:54 How do you get strengthened again?
21:57 by the presence of the Lord
21:59 So Julie, how do I get the presence of the Lord you ask him you say Heavenly Father in Jesus name?
22:05 You have the Father's attention
22:07 You ask it says you have not because you asked not
22:12 You could ask him for his presence you could ask him
22:17 Remember, he's the greater one. He lives on the inside of you
22:21 He's not a million miles away somewhere
22:25 Don't go by feelings because feelings will tell you that he is but he's not
22:28 It's important
22:32 To get in the presence of the Lord just by prayer. All right, I'm gonna go back over this prophetic word
22:38 So my children get up now get up. This is a time of maturity
22:42 remember he talked about there was a maturity from the disciples from when Jesus was actually with them walking on the earth and then until
22:50 Then he ascended and went up
22:53 To heaven with the father and they had maturity they had matured in such an amazing way
22:59 Now it's time for us to rise up in the body of Christ and become more mature in our authority in our knowledge of God
23:07 This is the time to wage a great war in the spirit
23:12 This is your enemy is defeated
23:15 So remember that remember that I don't leave you are never alone
23:19 Remember the great celebrations that will come because they are there
23:23 They are guaranteed to you. Just you can't see them yet
23:26 But if you could see what I see, oh if you could see what I see what joy it would bring
23:31 To me to see my children smile
23:34 See that caught me
23:37 To see my children free
23:42 So just know that I am and that I am is setting you free
23:46 From what you see and what you are experiencing right now to just hold on I am that I am and I am delivering you
23:52 Say it's the Lord
23:54 To see a children's I know being a mother it just to see your children smile
24:00 You know when you give them gifts or when you just give them whatever
24:06 To see them smile. God has that heart to even greater than us
24:14 My children now is the time that my warnings will cease because the time of judgment will come
24:19 And I have said many times to pick a side choose what you choose what you believe
24:24 Choose or soon the choice will be too late to pick the other side
24:27 Because the lines have been drawn the battle you see that things are going to get worse things are about to intensify
24:33 That's why I have said walk with me
24:35 He said things are going to intensify but it didn't say it was going to affect you if you're focused on him it won't
24:43 Talk with me and receive what I have already done
24:46 I'm just waiting for you to take what I have because it's already been given
24:49 Don't fear what I just said don't fear it that darkness and that uncertainty and all those things are intensifying are already
24:56 Are ready to explode and erupt. I
24:58 Told you what they are for there for your enemies and not you
25:04 So then people are asking them why is the warning
25:11 Because some of God's children aren't listening and they'll be on the wrong side
25:17 My body should be one with me not one with the world
25:26 My children have acted like the world
25:29 Seen things like the world see things through the eyes of the world and not through the eyes of faith
25:33 Or through the eyes of trusting in me. I've already sent my son. I don't need to send him again
25:38 You just need to trust in what he did and I promise at what you're experiencing. I know that pain. I know that sorrow
25:44 I know that frustration and I see what your enemy has done to you, but don't forget that I'm here
25:49 I'm always here and my children have forgotten that
25:52 In dark times people do forget that God is there they do forget that he knows their pain and their suffering
26:01 But he did something about it. And so now it's our time to take and receive
26:07 What has already been given?
26:09 Satan is trying to steal what's rightfully yours and
26:13 That's when you know the power of the authority in the name of Jesus to get him off of your stuff
26:18 And that's your freedom your peace of mind your health
26:21 My children you have been infiltrated by your enemy, what does that mean? That means the churches have been infiltrated
26:29 there's been so many man-made doctrines and so many twisting and
26:33 Just turning of this the Word of God and what it really means and so people don't know the total truth
26:40 and it hasn't set them free and that's reason why so many people are living in so much captivity because
26:44 They have a diluted version of the Word of God
26:48 and he says
26:51 There's been so much deception that has gone around but my children some fell for it
26:55 Some people in churches right now are still falling for this deception
27:00 they're still falling for the lies of a man-made doctrine that is turning and twisting the truth and
27:06 Getting people to turn away from God and offend it instead of turning them toward God
27:10 I've been greatly grieved at my church and the condition that it was in
27:16 All the despair all the fear all the sorrow all the hopelessness all the depression all the sickness that never should have been
27:22 All that never should have been
27:26 But
27:30 God said was he said past tense
27:32 Remember he's a faith God
27:38 He calls those days as not as though they are
27:42 And so it doesn't matter the condition of the church the way it looks like God's turning it around
27:46 This is a time a time to war in the spirit
27:49 This is a time to pray like never before but also this is the time to believe me
27:53 Believe me believe me over your feelings believe me over your circumstances believe me over those symptoms
27:58 Believe me more than what it looks like believe me more than the thoughts that are in your head
28:03 Do you hear how many times he said believe me?
28:05 He shouldn't have to say that but he does
28:09 Because so many people in the body of Christ don't believe him over their circumstances over the thoughts in their head over the impossible
28:16 Looking situations. They don't believe him
28:18 There's just a hope it intuition
28:21 But that you know that you know that you know just like Abraham knew that he knew that he knew
28:26 He was gonna walk down that Mount with his son
28:28 And that's what we have to we have to know no matter what it is
28:31 No matter what it looks like no matter how dark it gets no matter how much it shakes
28:35 No matter how much it intensifies we know that we know that we know
28:39 That God is in control. I
28:42 See my children how
28:46 Circumstances have overwhelmed you I see what your enemies are doing not only against your nation's
28:51 I see what they're doing against you. I see how hard some days are to get up
28:55 I see how hard sometimes it is to fight. I see how hard it is to walk my faith
28:59 I see how hard it is to stand
29:01 Remember to fish and six it says stand and stand therefore
29:05 God knows how hard it is to stand sometimes with what you're dealing with
29:10 He said but my children have you forgotten my sacrifice?
29:14 Have you forgotten my son the one who took it he suffered for you right now
29:18 I see so many of my children suffering, but you don't have to
29:24 So what do we take away from this prophetic word
29:26 There's warnings he's saying things are gonna get worse things are gonna intensify
29:33 He said don't forget my sacrifice. Don't forget what my son is already done then he said
29:42 Believe me
29:46 You're supposed to be one with me not the world that's what he said
29:52 So Julie, how do we do this is too hard? No, it's not he gives you the strength Ephesians 6 and verse 10
29:57 It's not by our strength in our mind. It's his
30:01 So if we just lean on him trust in him rely on him get that refreshing from the effects of the heat
30:07 If we just believe him over our circumstances or over our thoughts in our head
30:11 And sometimes that's not easy
30:18 Will we take away with us God is in control
30:21 Our enemies have had time so is the body of Christ they've had time
30:27 So now's the time to choose do I believe God or I'm just gonna kind of just sit there and see how it plays out
30:36 Don't do that
30:38 Choose God
30:40 He will not let you down he doesn't fail
30:45 So
30:47 I want to pray over each and every one of you right now
30:50 I want to pray that you will stand and stand there for I want to pray
30:53 That you will believe in trusting God and get that
30:56 Refreshing that you need from the effects of all these things that are going on in the world
31:00 And all these things are going on in you in your personal life and in your head
31:04 In your mind your thoughts that are just trying to torment every single second of your day
31:09 You just want reprieve and freedom from it
31:13 And I want to pray for you Heavenly Father right now in the name of Jesus
31:16 I just looked up every person the sound of my voice and Heavenly Father you said in this prophetic word, you know
31:21 The pain, you know the suffering, you know that torment
31:24 You know what these people are going through and I thank you Father God that you are their way
31:29 You are their truth. You are their life
31:31 You are the great I am and you have every single answer that they need father God that they need peace in their mind
31:38 So I command right now in the name of Jesus. They have a strong and a sound mind
31:43 Sing get your hands off of God's property. I plead the blood of Jesus over them for the top
31:48 They had the soles of their feet. They've been washed by the blood
31:50 They've been paid for by the blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. You cannot hold them. They are children of the Most High God
31:58 And I thank you father God for giving them that peace in their mind that they need
32:04 Giving them situations in their life and turning them around
32:08 Their circumstances turn them around Lord. I thank you no matter how dark it gets that we will keep our eyes on you
32:15 Because you are our victory. You are our provider. You are our Avenger
32:20 You are our victory and we thank you father God for your love
32:24 We thank you for these prophetic words. You've given us the words of encouragement words of truth words of life words of blessing
32:31 We thank you father God
32:35 How awesome it is we get to hear your heart we get to see your words come to pass so often
32:43 And I thank you father God for lifting up each and every one of them
32:47 out of their darkness out of their despair out of their hopelessness and
32:52 Putting them up on solid ground for them to fight another day. I think it praise you for their victories
32:59 I think it praise you for setting them free because it truth sets them free
33:04 And I thank you for it in Jesus name
33:06 Amen, and amen. Well, hope this encouraged you today
33:10 And please like subscribe and share and give this to everyone
33:15 You know who needs to hear an encouraging word who needs to hear the truth because the truth will
33:20 Set you free. God loves you. I love you. God bless you and have a wonderful day
