Sommet Russie-Afrique : Biden jaloux de la réussite de Poutine

  • last year
Dans un sommet international à Saint-Pétersbourg, les médias britanniques et américains ont couvert l'événement mettant l'accent sur le nombre de présidents africains présents, l'accord sur les céréales annulé par la Russie, et la présence controversée du groupe paramilitaire Wagner en Afrique. Le sommet a rassemblé des responsables de 49 pays africains pour discuter de la coopération dans un ordre mondial multipolaire. Certains médias occidentaux ont critiqué la "faible participation" des chefs d'État africains, tandis que d'autres ont soulevé des inquiétudes concernant l'impact de l'annulation de l'accord sur la sécurité alimentaire mondiale. La présence de Wagner sur le continent a également alimenté les débats sur son influence dans la région.
Le sommet Russie-Afrique a suscité des débats médiatiques, avec une focalisation sur le nombre de présidents présents et l'annulation par la Russie de l'accord d'exportation de céréales vers l'Ukraine. Les médias ont également abordé la présence du groupe paramilitaire Wagner en Afrique. Malgré la coopération déclarée entre les pays africains et la Russie pour un ordre mondial multipolaire, certains médias occidentaux ont insisté sur une "faible participation" des dirigeants africains. Ces discussions ont mis en lumière les nuances complexes des relations internationales et ont attiré l'attention sur des enjeux tels que la sécurité alimentaire mondiale et les politiques de sanctions.
#SommetRussieAfrique, #SaintPétersbourg, #MédiasBritanniques, #MédiasAméricains, #PrésidentsAfricains, #AccordCéréales, #SécuritéAlimentaire, #ExportationCéréales, #SanctionsOccidentales, #GroupeWagner, #OrdreMondialMultipolaire, #DiplomateKenyan, #KorirSingOei, #Kremlin, #ParticipationSommet, #WashingtonPost, #ONU, #RelationsInternationales, #VladimirPoutine, #PremierMinistreÉthiopien.

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00:00 British and American media have adopted a set of points of similar discussion in their
00:13 coverage of this major event, but have chosen to focus on certain aspects, thus arousing
00:18 divergent debates and opinions.
00:20 At the heart of this media coverage is the question of the number of African presidents
00:25 present at the summit.
00:26 Some Western media have insisted that only 17 African heads of state were present,
00:32 emphasizing that it was less than half the number of leaders who participated in the
00:36 first Russian-African summit in 2019.
00:38 However, it is important to note that these figures do not reflect the complete reality.
00:43 In fact, 49 African countries have sent officials to this conference, which shows
00:49 a significant interest and participation from the African continent.
00:53 The summit resulted in a joint statement in 74 points, highlighting the commitment
00:59 of the participating countries to cooperate in the development of a multipolar world order.
01:03 But Western media have chosen to focus on another sensitive issue, the cancellation
01:08 by Russia of an export agreement from cereal to Ukraine.
01:11 This decision was widely criticized, in particular by a Kenyan diplomat, Khorir Singhoi, who
01:18 described this cancellation as a "punch in the back" for the world prices of food
01:22 products.
01:23 To better understand this question of cereals, it should be noted that the agreement allowed
01:28 Ukraine to export 33 million tons of cereals, mainly to EU, Turkey and China,
01:34 with only a small amount reaching Africa.
01:36 However, the UN has never authorized the export of Russian cereals and fertilizers due to
01:41 Western maritime sanctions imposed on Russia.
01:44 This situation has created tensions and disagreements between the parties involved.
01:48 The presence of the paramilitary group Wagner on the African continent has also been mentioned
01:54 by the media.
01:55 This group is known for its operations in certain regions of Africa, arousing concerns
02:00 and debates about its role and influence in the region.
02:02 Western media have also raised questions about Africa's attitude towards Russia.
02:09 Some have suggested that the low participation of African leaders reflected a change
02:13 of attitude towards Moscow.
02:15 However, these allegations have not been corroborated and it is important to recognize that 32 other
02:20 countries were represented by officials or ambassadors at the summit.
02:33 (air whooshing)
