FTS 16:30 29-07: Israeli regime killed 185 Palestinians so far in 2023

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FTS 16.30
* Protest continue amid Peru's independence celebrations
*International organizations disown junta in Niger
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00:00 In Peru, mobilizations against the Navolatorz government continue amid the 202nd anniversary
00:16 of the nation's independence.
00:20 In Palestine, Israeli occupation forces have killed 185 Palestinians so far in 2023.
00:25 A UN office for humanitarian affairs also registered over 6,000 injured.
00:33 Various international organizations disowned the joint attestation power in Niger and demanded
00:38 release of President Mohamed Basun.
00:41 Hello, welcome to From the South.
00:45 I'm Luis Alberto Matos from Atalasu Studios in Havana, Cuba.
00:49 We begin with the news.
00:50 In Peru, citizens celebrated the 202nd anniversary of the declaration of its independence amid
00:55 its protests against the government of the Navolatorz.
00:58 Social movements announced several mobilizations, road blockades and other acts in rejection
01:04 of appointed President de Navolatorz in the framework of the celebration of the national
01:08 holidays.
01:09 Among the events is the so-called "Rally of All the Bloods" at the Plaza Dos de Mayo
01:13 in Lima.
01:14 Also, protesters from more than 10 districts of the Puno region announced that they will
01:18 go on strike for 72 hours as a measure of rejection to the President and the Congress
01:23 of the Republic.
01:29 And in this context, the security forces carried out repressive actions against the social
01:33 movements protesting to demand the resignation of President de Navolatorz.
01:38 The Peruvian police violently repressed demonstrators who were peacefully trying to reach the Peruvian
01:43 Congress.
01:44 Protesters denounced that national police fired rubber bullets at the demonstration, triggering
01:48 a stampede.
01:49 In Uruguay, workers of the public water and sewage company are on a 48-hour general strike.
01:59 The workers are denouncing a government plan to close the state company.
02:02 However, there is a small amount of personnel continuing working to carry out pipes maintenance
02:07 and repairs throughout the country in view of the current water crisis in the nation.
02:12 Following the actions undertaken by the Union, the Ministry of Labor has called for a meeting
02:17 to mediate between water company workers and management.
02:25 On Sunday, the Colombian Attorney General's office announced on a press release that they
02:29 have arrested Nicolas Petro, son of the Colombian President, on charges of money laundering.
02:35 The General Prosecutor's Office confirmed the execution of an arrest warrant against
02:39 Nicolas Petro and his former wife, Taisuris Vazquez.
02:43 The detainees have been accused of money laundering and illicit enrichment.
02:48 Colombian President Gustavo Petro said he will not take any part in the investigation.
03:00 In a tweet, Colombian President Gustavo Petro said, "My son Nicolas and his former wife
03:06 have been captured by the prosecutor's office.
03:09 As a person and as a father, it hurts me very much to see such self-destructive behavior
03:14 that a son of mine may have to go to prison, but as President of the Republic, I told the
03:19 prosecutor's office that they have all guarantees on my part to proceed according to the law.
03:25 I wish my son luck and strength.
03:27 May these events forge his character and may he reflect on his own mistakes.
03:33 As I have already told the Attorney General, I will not intervene nor put any pressure
03:38 on his decisions.
03:39 May the law freely guide the process."
03:45 In Ecuador, the army has raided again the El Litoral prison under the state of exception
03:50 decreed by President Guillermo Lasso in an effort to curb increasing violence in the
03:54 country.
03:55 Over a thousand troops took part in the raid.
03:58 They seized 27 firearms, 17 hand grenades, 15 homemade explosives, 7,000 9mm caliber
04:05 bullets, and 4,500 rounds of 5.56 caliber ammunition, smuggled into prison.
04:13 They also found bags with drugs, cell phones, tools, and bulletproof vests, among other
04:17 things.
04:18 Security analysts say the current confrontation between criminal gangs is over the control
04:22 of routes for illegal drug trafficking.
04:30 In Mexico, the National Migration Institute said Friday that they have located 154 migrants
04:35 mostly from Africa and Asia in the city of Sonoyta in the northern state of Sonora.
04:40 The Migration Institute said in a statement that the migrants are citizens of Angola,
04:45 Egypt, India, Mauritania, and Senegal, as well as from Ecuador, all trying to cross
04:50 into the United States.
04:52 The foreign migrants were sent to a multi-purpose center to provide them with medical attention
04:56 and food and to start the corresponding repatriation procedures.
05:00 The Institute said that in order to locate the immigrants, they conducted two operations
05:04 in the city of Sonoyta, and that 46 of the immigrants had been illegally imprisoned.
05:15 In Bolivia, health authorities registered an increase in whooping cough, a respiratory
05:20 disease with high daily infections.
05:22 This has led to the implementation of emergency measures in the Department of Santa Cruz,
05:27 where eight people have died from this vaccine-preventable disease.
05:31 Bolivian Health Minister Maria Rene reported 596 cases in that region.
05:36 Whooping cough, or pertussis, is a respiratory disease that swells the trachea and bronchial
05:42 tubes.
05:43 It also causes violent coughing, with a shocking sensation.
05:46 Disease is preventable by means of the pentavalent vaccine.
05:49 It also covers diphtheria, tetanus, influenza B, and hepatitis.
05:54 Both parents do not immunize their children.
05:57 So far, only 32 percent have been vaccinated.
06:04 On Saturday, in the city of La Paz, the Mayor of San Andres University holds a celebration
06:10 in homage to Bolivian culture and university autonomy, after 28 years of continuous work.
06:16 The university folkloric festival began at 7 a.m. local time, on Montes Avenue, where
06:21 at least 10,000 dancers from 65 fraternities perform with joy, culture, and effort.
06:27 Ten hours are scheduled for typical dances such as diablada, tinku, pujlay, tarqueada,
06:32 among others, from different regions of the country to be presented during the event.
06:37 In addition, Oscar Heredia, Dean of the University, stated that at least 300 policemen are participating
06:43 in the event to ensure security and peace.
06:46 Members of the Culture Commission and the University Council are also participating.
06:56 Let's take a short break, but remember you can join us on TikTok @TelesforEnglish, where
06:59 you will find news in different formats, news updates, and much more.
07:03 Other stories coming up.
07:04 Stay with us.
07:05 Welcome back from the South.
07:29 The Russian government announced the temporary suspension of rice exports until the end of
07:34 the year.
07:35 An official statement reported that the decision was made to maintain stability on the domestic
07:40 market.
07:41 The ban does not apply to other members of the Eurasian Economic Union, meaning Armenia,
07:46 Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan, nor South Ossetia and Abkhazia.
07:51 Moreover, rice can still be shipped abroad for humanitarian aid or transited through
07:56 Russian territory.
07:57 Earlier this week, India, the world's biggest rice exporter, adopted a similar measure banning
08:04 overseas sales of non-basmati white rice.
08:07 New Delhi said the move would ensure adequate availability and control prices in the domestic
08:13 market.
08:19 The Russian government earmarked $2 million through the UN for the purchase of food for
08:24 Mali.
08:25 President Biden reportedly announced the decision during a meeting with Malian authorities.
08:29 The Russian president also pointed out that he considers Mali as one of the key partners
08:34 in the region, where bilateral trade alliances and political dialogue remain close.
08:39 The government of Mali emphasized that the meeting is grateful for the efforts of the
08:43 Russian president in favor of peace and stability in this African nation.
08:55 On Friday and Saturday, thousands took to the streets to protest against the far-right
08:59 alternative for Germany, as the party held a convention to choose its candidates for
09:04 European parliamentary elections next year.
09:07 Protesters outside the conference venue in the city of Maxburg waved banners with messages
09:11 like "Stand Together Against Right-Wing Hate" or "Nazis Out".
09:15 The AfD last month won a vote for a district leader for the first time and is on course
09:20 to win three upcoming state elections in East Germany.
09:24 Its rise has drawn concern from the domestic intelligence service about extremism.
09:28 Vocals among the protesters in Maxburg were grannies against the far-right, calling for
09:34 an end to racism and far-right politics.
09:42 In the United Kingdom, on Saturday, members of the Union and the 14 rail companies went
09:47 on strike as part of a long-running dispute over pay, jobs and conditions.
09:53 A new day of strike forced the suspension of half the UK's train services.
09:58 As more than 20,000 rail workers walked out, members of the Rail, Maritime and Transport
10:02 Union, employed by several train operating companies, staged a one-day walkout in response
10:07 to controversial plans to close most ticket offices across the country.
10:12 The strikes reflect a broader trend of industrial action in the public and private sectors as
10:17 workers demand wage increases amid runway inflation and a cost-of-living crisis.
10:23 Saturday's action is the last strike on the calendar and unions have to give at least
10:27 a 14-day notice to hold any further strikes.
10:30 However, next week, as left, the Train Drivers Union plans on an overtime ban, which will
10:37 also affect rail services.
10:43 The Chinese government rejects a US$345 million in defence aid to Taiwan from Washington and
10:49 urged the US to stop building up tensions.
10:52 Chinese Embassy spokesman Liu Pengyu said her country is firmly opposed to US military
10:57 ties and arms sales to Taiwan.
10:59 The US government should abide by the "One China" principle and the Joint Statements
11:03 to stop selling arms to Taiwan and cease creating risk to peace and stability.
11:09 The Biden administration insists on its commitment to the Taiwan agreements, but the aid came
11:13 after the break in contact between the US and the Asian country.
11:23 According to the Military Watch Portal, China has increased production of its fifth-generation
11:28 J-20 fighters to about 120 units per year, more than double previous estimates.
11:35 The J-20, a fifth-generation stealth fighter developed and produced by the Chengdu Aircraft
11:40 Industry Corporation, factory for the Chinese People's Liberation Army Air Force, is a
11:45 heavy twin-engine aircraft designed primarily for long-range air-to-air combat, unlike the
11:50 US F-35, which is for air-to-ground operations.
11:54 This increase in production puts the Chinese military in a league of its own, for in terms
11:58 of modernizing its air force, to the point that this year it will surpass the US as its
12:03 closest rival in terms of supplying fifth-generation fighters.
12:11 On Saturday, an explosion ripped through a firework warehouse in Thailand, killing nine
12:15 people and injuring more than 100.
12:18 The blast occurred in the town of Sungai Kolok in the southern province of Narathibua.
12:22 The region's governor, Sanam Phomkakorn, said the resulting fire was under control,
12:27 adding that preliminary investigations suggest the cause is a technical error during the
12:32 steel welding process, as the building is under construction.
12:35 A local broadcaster reported that as many as 500 houses were damaged by the explosion
12:40 in the border town on the frontier with Malaysia.
12:48 We have a second short break coming up, but before we invite you to visit our YouTube
12:51 channel at Telesur English, where you'll be able to re-watch our interviews, top stories,
12:55 special broadcastings, and more.
12:57 Hit the subscribe button and activate the notification bell to stay up to date on the
13:02 world's most recent events.
13:03 Found a short break?
13:04 Don't go away.
13:05 Welcome back from the south.
13:16 The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs reported that the
13:22 Israeli regime's security forces killed 185 Palestinians so far in 2023.
13:28 The office detailed that 154 Palestinians lost their lives in the West Bank and arrested
13:33 in the Gaza Strip, while another 6,000 were injured.
13:36 In the same period, Israeli occupation troops forced Palestinians to demolish 542 structures
13:41 in the West Bank, 141 of them in the occupied Jerusalem area.
13:46 As a result, 940 citizens were displaced from their lands.
13:49 Additionally, 2,000 Palestinians were arrested in the West Bank and Jerusalem, and 28 military
13:54 raids in the Gaza Strip were recorded.
14:02 In India, a massive protest rally was held in the state of Manipur over escalating ethnic
14:06 violence.
14:07 Thousands rallied against Jin Kookie narco-terrorism in Imphal, demanding a resolution to the crisis
14:13 in Manipur.
14:14 At least 120 people have been killed since May in armed clashes between the predominantly
14:19 Hindu-Maitei and Christian-Maitei Kookie in the northeastern state.
14:24 Many in Manipur believe the toll could be higher.
14:32 Several international organizations condemned the coup d'etat in Niger and disowned the
14:36 new government.
14:37 The UN Security Council issued a statement condemning the change of government and expressed
14:42 concern about the impact of these unconstitutional actions in the region.
14:47 The European Union declared this Saturday that it will not recognize the coup plotters
14:51 in Niger and suspended security cooperation with the nation.
14:55 Both entities request the release of President Mohamed Bassem, who is being held in his residence
15:01 after the country's defense and security forces announced his dismissal, the closing
15:07 of the borders and the imposition of a curfew.
15:10 The African Union and the governments of China and the United States have also stated their
15:15 support for the return to constitutional order.
15:23 On Saturday, Senegal's public prosecutor announced seven new charges against opposition politician
15:28 Ousmane Sonko, adding that they were unrelated to a Moroccan corruption case last month that
15:33 sparked deadly protests.
15:35 We have therefore decided to initiate a public prosecution, which is why he is now in police
15:41 custody and will be brought before us shortly.
15:44 His case is practically complete.
15:47 He will be prosecuted for calling for insurrection, criminal conspiracy, undermining state security,
15:53 plotting against state authority, acts and maneuvers to compromise public security, to
15:58 create serious political unrest, criminal conspiracy in connection with a terrorist
16:03 enterprise but also theft.
16:20 In Algeria, for the past few days, wildfires have ravaged the northeast mountain forests
16:25 of the Capigalia region on the Mediterranean coast.
16:28 On Saturday, the nation mourned 16 victims of these wildfires, all from a small village
16:32 located 150 miles away from the capital, Algiers.
16:36 Those 16 people killed as they tried to flee the flames made up 10% of the village population.
16:42 At the funeral, one of the relatives of the victims said that on top of the great human
16:47 loss, they had suffered 99% of their farmland and their farmland had been scorched, land
16:54 that the remaining survivors were still standing on their feet only by the grace of God.
16:59 In the areas affected by the wildfires, water and electricity remain cut off, but aid supplies
17:05 are arriving.
17:06 And we're going to continue in China, because on Saturday, China declared a red alert for
17:12 parts of the northern regions, including Beijing, due to the expected torrential rains caused
17:18 by the advance of Typhoon Dogtsuri, which is currently battering the other end of the
17:22 country.
17:23 According to the Chinese water service, Dogtsuri is moving northward, with its influence already
17:28 being felt.
17:30 Local media report that this is the first time since 2011 that such alert for torrential
17:34 rains has been issued.
17:36 Weather services projected that more than 60 centimeters of precipitation may fall.
17:41 Dogtsuri caused major property damage in the southeast of the country on Friday, with wind
17:45 speeds of up to 175 kilometers per hour.
17:49 Its intensity has since decreased.
17:51 China faces extreme weather conditions and record temperatures in recent months, exacerbated
17:55 by climate change.
17:56 That is the end of this news, but you can find this and many other stories on our website
18:06 at TELUS.net, and also join us on social media, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Telegram and
18:12 TikTok.
18:13 For TELUS for English, I'm Luis Alberto Matos.
18:15 Thank you for watching.
18:16 You're here.
