The New York Mets' Season Is A Complete Embarrassment!

  • last year
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:03 - You cannot tell me that they weren't going
00:05 through the paces in Kansas City.
00:06 They quit, they didn't try,
00:08 they didn't put any effort out at all.
00:11 They are throwing games now,
00:13 and that's all, you cannot tell me
00:15 that they didn't throw those games in Kansas City.
00:17 They just didn't wanna play.
00:18 They didn't even wanna show up.
00:19 None of them wanted to work.
00:21 - I think it's a natural letdown.
00:23 I mean, we have an owner spend $350, $360 million
00:27 and say, "We're all in.
00:28 "We're gonna win the World Series."
00:30 And all of a sudden, you pull the plug and say,
00:33 "You're done.
00:34 "Well, we're gonna trade these guys
00:35 "who are trading Tommy Pham,
00:38 "and like I said, Ken Robertson, Scherzer, Berlander."
00:41 Hey, they tried to trade Alonzo too.
00:43 They'll trade Pete Alonzo in the off season.
00:45 They may trade Edwin Diaz before he throws another pitch.
00:49 So they're all in for a rebuild.
00:52 Yeah, I think we saw the same thing with Cleveland.
00:54 The Cleveland Guardians were really livid.
00:56 The fact that they gave up on this season.
00:58 So what happens, they get no hit by the Astros,
01:01 and it's so bad that the GM and president
01:04 of baseball operations plied down a Houston
01:07 just trying to control things
01:09 because the players were that upset.
01:10 It can be, when a GM makes some trades at deadline,
01:14 if you don't do anything, if you trade away pieces
01:16 when you're in the race, it can be a big backfire.
01:18 [MUSIC]
