Echec de la France : Les soldats Français chassés du NIGER.

  • last year
La situation au Niger devient de plus en plus tendue alors que la junte au pouvoir dénonce les accords de coopération militaire avec la France. Les putschistes exigent le retrait des 1 500 soldats français déployés dans le pays pour la lutte contre les groupes djihadistes. Les rues de Niamey résonnent des slogans anti-France tandis que la population soutient la décision de la junte, remettant en question l'efficacité de l'armée française. Cette escalade survient après la suspension des médias français internationaux et la menace d'une intervention militaire de la CEDEAO si les militaires putschistes ne se retirent pas. La crise soulève des inquiétudes quant à la stabilité régionale et l'avenir de la coopération antiterroriste.
Dans cette crise diplomatique en cours au Niger, la junte au pouvoir exige le départ des militaires français, remettant en question les accords de coopération sécuritaire. Les manifestations anti-France à Niamey renforcent la position de la junte, accusant l'armée française de ne pas avoir réussi sa mission contre les djihadistes au Sahel. La suspension des médias français et la menace d'une intervention militaire de la CEDEAO ajoutent à la tension. La situation est cruciale pour la stabilité de la région et la lutte contre le terrorisme. L'avenir des relations franco-nigériennes et la coopération internationale dans cette lutte sont remis en cause, nécessitant une résolution pacifique et des mesures de renforcement de la sécurité régionale. #TensionsAuNiger #Junte #DépartMilitairesFrançais #CoopérationAntiterroriste #Putschistes #ManifestationAntiFrance #Niamey #ArméeFrançaise #SuspensionMédiasFrançais #InterventionMilitaireCEDEAO #CriseDiplomatique #CoopérationSécuritaire #DjihadistesAuSahel #StabilitéRégionale #RelationsFrancoNigériennes #LutteContreLeTerrorisme #RésolutionPacifique #RenforcementSécuritéRégionale #frt
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00:00 In Niger, tensions are rising as the Putschists denounce military cooperation agreements
00:13 and security with a foreign country.
00:15 The Jint, led by Colonel-Major Amadou Abdrahman and represented by his spokesman, questions
00:22 the presence of the 1,500 French soldiers deployed in the country for the anti-jihadist
00:26 struggle.
00:27 In the streets of the capital Niamé, protesters gather and chant anti-France slogans,
00:32 thus expressing their support for the Jint's decision.
00:35 Last night, the situation took a new turn as the Jint officially demanded
00:40 the departure of French soldiers from Niger.
00:43 Colonel-Major Amadou Abdrahman, during a public statement, denounced the attitude
00:48 of the invaders of France and announced that the National Council for the Preservation
00:51 of the Homeland (CNSP) denounced cooperation agreements in the field of security and
00:56 defense concluded with this country this summer.
00:58 France's reaction to this request has not been officially communicated so far.
01:04 On the ground, 1,500 French soldiers are engaged in the fight against the jihadist groups
01:09 in the Sahel, a region that is experiencing growing instability.
01:12 However, in the streets of Niamé, the population supports the Jint's decision,
01:18 estimating that the French army has not succeeded in fulfilling its mission in a satisfactory way.
01:22 It should be noted that this decision intervenes only 24 hours after the suspension of French
01:28 media international in the country, a measure that has been severely condemned by the Quai
01:32 d'Orsay, the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
01:35 This escalation of tensions between the Jint and France raises concerns as to the future
01:40 of bilateral relations between the two countries.
01:42 Faced with this critical situation, the Economic Community of the States of West Africa (CDAO)
01:48 expressed its concern and threatened to intervene militarily if the Putschist military
01:53 did not withdraw.
01:54 This statement emphasizes the importance of regional stability and international cooperation
01:59 in the fight against terrorism and violent extremism.
02:02 Niger, a country located in the heart of the Sahel region, is facing many
02:07 security challenges due to the presence of jihadist groups and trans-frontal crime.
02:12 Cooperation with France and other international partners has been crucial in the fight
02:17 against these threats, but recent events question the continuity of this cooperation
02:22 and the effectiveness of joint efforts.
02:24 The stability of Niger is of strategic importance not only for the Sahel region, but also
02:30 for global security.
02:31 The current situation requires a peaceful resolution and a deep reflection on
02:37 the means to strengthen regional and international cooperation to face
02:40 security challenges.
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02:50 Also leave your point of view in the comments.
02:52 (air whooshing)
