Anne Roumanoff : ce sujet qui concerne tous les Français dont elle n'ose plus parler dans ses specta

  • last year
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Anne Roumanoff : ce sujet qui concerne tous les Français dont elle n'ose plus parler dans ses spectacles

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00:32 she went from one scene to the other in the province, and invited "Donor of the Montagnette" at a party near Avignon, on Sunday, August 6th, in the company of the "Animateur de France" of Olivier Mine.
00:43 She will then continue on her way home, but also on the way to the shoot with the return of Michel Drucker and of "Vivement Dimanche".
00:57 With our daily comrade "La Marseillaise", she confines herself nevertheless on some jokes that she no longer makes.
01:04 Anne Roumanoff, this subject of which she no longer speaks in her inevitable show on the humor scene, Anne Roumanoff forbids herself nevertheless certain subjects.
01:18 If she addresses the news, she explains that the E.U. no longer really gave its place in its show, inflation, if it is not that it is no longer a subject, but three months ago, one could make people laugh at the cost of the increase in life, now not.
01:33 We feel that there are certain subjects, when we address them, where the public can be anxious.
01:44 To try to deride her audience a little, the humorist nevertheless has these little tips, you have to find other ways to talk about it or do it by small touches.
01:53 I'm very calm about the reactions of the public, I make perpetual adjustments because there may be subjects that will work at one time and more at another.
02:08 However, Anne Roumanoff does not want to censor herself and yet, in the absolute, we must be able to talk about everything, to laugh about everything.
02:17 After, you also have to have something to say when you address a subject.
02:24 And even after 35 years of experience, we know that we do not know, there are always surprises.
02:35 There are things that we write that we think are funny and the public does not at all, and vice versa.
02:41 We do not know the reaction of the public in advance, and if there is one, so much the better, otherwise it would be boring.
02:50 A humorist committed against sexism is comfortable on the boards, Anne Roumanoff is also comfortable when it comes to carrying out her fights.
03:02 Recently, she has risen to the challenge against sexism in humor, and in particular the place of women in the face of male superstars like Danny Boon.
03:11 Whether in politics or in the field of entertainment, as soon as a woman leaves the frame, people shoot real bullets.
03:24 Even now, and among young people, there are still resistances, including from women who have access to power, she had launched last month.
03:34 And if you are a woman, you are a woman.
03:38 And if you are a man, you are a man.
03:44 And if you are a woman, you are a woman.
03:50 And if you are a man, you are a man.
03:58 And if you are a woman, you are a woman.
04:04 And if you are a man, you are a man.
04:10 And if you are a woman, you are a woman.
04:16 And if you are a man, you are a man.
04:24 And if you are a woman, you are a woman.
