【六州选举】雪州火箭3危险区 杨美盈吁不要掉以轻心

  • last year
行动党蒲种国会议员杨美盈昨晚(8月5日)在万达镇州席政治讲座中提及行动党选情吃紧的3个州选区,她更呼吁选民不要掉以轻心 要出来投票。


00:00 We have a few election zones that are very tense right now.
00:06 The first one is in Shung Ai Village.
00:09 Yang Meiying, a member of the Action Party's Puzhong District Committee,
00:11 mentioned the three election zones in the political lecture on Monday
00:14 in the Wanda Town weekly.
00:17 She also called on voters not to be complacent and to come out and vote.
00:21 I want to apologize to you.
00:22 You could have seen the video today.
00:25 But I am a voter for the election.
00:33 I don't have to arrange for our voters to go to Shung Ai Village.
00:38 Why?
00:39 Because the election is very tense there.
00:44 It's really hard to vote.
00:49 So, Wanda Utama, we are more comfortable here.
00:52 I hope that everyone will vote.
00:55 Because we have won all the votes.
00:56 Only a few thousand votes have not been counted.
00:57 We won more votes before.
01:00 Shung Ai Village is different.
01:01 So I hope that everyone will not only support us to vote today.
01:07 We have a few election zones that are very tense right now.
01:13 The first one is in Shung Ai Village.
01:17 The second one is in Hsingbu Village.
01:20 Now, Aliah often goes to Hsingbu Village to help.
01:23 The third one is in Shigen Village.
01:25 This is the active party's dangerous zone.
01:28 If we talk about the several dangerous zones in PKR,
01:30 there are Tanjung Sepat, Lumpadjaya, and Hulu Kelang.
01:35 These are all dangerous mixed areas.
01:38 I hope that in the next week,
01:41 we will not only go to Choramak,
01:43 but also call our children,
01:47 our classmates, our children's classmates, our families.
01:51 If he is a voter from Snow, Ice, or Deep,
01:56 regardless of whether it is safe or not,
01:59 especially in dangerous zones,
02:01 please tell them not to be distracted by this election.
02:06 Come out and vote, okay?
02:09 We need everyone of you.
02:11 Every time I go to many places,
02:12 everyone says that the country is counting on you.
02:15 Actually, our leaders,
02:18 don't outsource everything to me.
02:19 You don't outsource everything on nation building
02:22 to the leaders only.
02:23 Everyone of us plays a role.
02:25 And there is no role too small
02:28 in making a difference in this country.
02:33 (Join Our Community)
