Young Australians make up almost half of enrolled voters

  • last year
Young Australian voters are expected to play an important role in the outcome of the voice referendum. Millennials and members of Gen Z make up more than 40 per cent of enrolled voters, however, not all know exactly what it means.


00:00 For Australians under the age of 42, this will be the first time they've ever had to vote in a referendum.
00:07 Some say they're in support.
00:09 I support the voice of parliament because we've been given a yes or no question and I think that we can't say no.
00:15 I think that we owe the Indigenous people just one thing at least and that this could be it.
00:20 Others are unsure.
00:21 I'm interested to find out more about how the voice will actually work in practice.
00:26 I've heard from a lot of Indigenous people that they don't support it.
00:29 A few polls suggest younger Australians are more likely to support the idea than their parents' generation.
00:35 But for Paul, that's not the case.
00:37 There's many issues across the board and I believe that this voice is going to do more bad than good
00:45 due to the fact that it is breaching Aboriginal protocol in so many ways.
00:49 He believes it wouldn't reflect the diversity of Indigenous communities.
00:53 People cannot speak on behalf of other tribes and that's exactly what's happening in regards to the voice to parliament.
01:00 With activism in his blood, Paul is no stranger to calls for improvement going unheard.
01:06 We've been a voice and no one's listened so I don't know why they would listen to the voice to parliament.
01:13 According to the government, the voice would include a permanent youth advisory body
01:17 which would aim to provide advice and recommendations on issues that affect young people directly.
01:21 A good incentive for First Nations youth.
01:24 Something Noah supports in full.
01:26 It would be an opportunity for younger people to have a say on matters that affect them as well.
01:30 It's always good to have your elders speaking for you as well
01:33 but I think having a mix of opinions and views would be a good thing to go hand in hand together.
01:38 He believes a voice would be an important step towards reconciliation.
01:42 If we have a voice to parliament, can have a say on stuff that impacts us,
01:47 ultimately at the end of the day, that's a good thing I believe.
01:51 Influenced by his elders, he wants to see improvements for generations to come.
01:55 We're the future of this country and so I think something like this would be a start of a good path to go down to, to be more united.
02:04 A complex range of opinions about a somewhat simple question.
