PH Space Agency, Mindanao Devt Authority sign agreement for data use

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PH Space Agency, Mindanao Devt Authority sign agreement for data use

Mindanao Development Authority (MinDA) Chairman Ma. Belen Acosta and Philippine Space Agency Director-General Joel Joseph Marciano sign a memorandum of understanding (MoU) that would allow MinDA to use space data from PhilSA to aid in project planning and development on the sidelines of the PH Space Week launch in Quezon City on Tuesday, Aug. 8, 2023. Marciano also cited PhilSA's achievements and the importance of space communication.


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00:00 [Music]
00:12 Thank you for that. I think everybody feels pride in their work.
00:17 But I think there's a lot more work that needs to be done.
00:21 I think what we want to highlight now is the need for partnerships, the need for collaboration.
00:28 Our technologies might be good, we might be able to access them, but if it's not used, there's no innovation.
00:37 We don't have innovation if it's not cascading in society, if it's not used by government agencies,
00:45 if it's not used by the private sector, if it's not used by the public.
00:49 So that's what we dedicate ourselves to.
00:52 As we look back on being able to build the agency, I think we built it to a stage where we can now contribute more.
00:59 And we're ready. And our government trusts us.
01:03 Hopefully our public is also able to trust us with these technologies and be able to serve our country's needs.
01:11 What the public can expect is really just being able for us to execute consistently.
01:17 Whatever resources we have, we should use them efficiently, to use them for the public good.
01:24 And along the way, to make everybody appreciate the value of this capability in our country.
01:31 This is one of our messages.
01:34 That's why we launched our theme, "Yamang Kalawakan".
01:38 It means, literally, wealth.
01:43 But if you look at outer space now, it's now part of the environment where we can build infrastructure.
01:50 We're building infrastructure here on Earth.
01:54 Airports, roads, bridges, it's very important.
01:57 The infrastructure in space is also like that.
01:59 Because those satellites give valuable information that we use in our daily lives.
02:06 In our commute, in ordering food, in connecting to the internet, or sometimes in sending information,
02:13 in getting information, space technology plays a role.
02:17 So consistency in execution of our programs and projects, making use of available resources,
02:23 growing international partnerships, and being able to establish the Philippines as a responsible and productive global player in the space arena.
02:34 That's open for collaboration and cooperation with countries, so that we can learn from them and also contribute something to them.
02:41 Now, on our 4th anniversary, we chose to highlight the role of the media.
02:45 In general, communication, science communication is key, of course, to being able to propagate the message of, in the first place, the "why".
02:57 Why are we investing in this? Why are we building capability in this?
03:03 How is this being used? How is this being used?
03:08 We are very much appreciative of the role of the media in communicating this message.
03:13 It's a partnership. Together, our goal is, you know, the space, when we look at it, is very far, very distant from our lives.
03:23 But that's not true. It's close.
03:26 We want to bring it closer to the lives of our fellow Filipinos, by showing how this can improve the efficiency of delivery of services,
03:37 how it can protect our environment, how our resources can be used more efficiently through this technology.
03:49 (c) 2014 University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences UGA Extension Office of Communications and Creative Services
