Trad: Countries with Amazonian territories must join forces to overcome problems

  • last year
Senator Nelsinho Trad, president of Parlamaz, expresses the importance of the Amazonian Parliament, because of the need for the legislative houses to face the region's problems through joint work. teleSUR
00:00 I would like to give the word to the President of the Parliaments.
00:07 Good morning to everyone present here today.
00:13 President Duda, it is an honor and a privilege to be invited to participate here in this
00:27 debate, this summit regarding the Hamasans.
00:35 I would like to salute the Governor and also add that it is a pleasure to be here in the
00:49 capital city of his state.
00:59 And also, I would like to thank you and the lady there next to you for your participation
01:12 and the role you have played here in this summit.
01:24 I already salute the ministers who are present here with us, but I would like also to salute
01:31 the health professionals that are present here with us today.
01:47 To us, it's a pleasure to be here and be able to receive you all and welcome all of the
01:57 presidents of the heads of state who are here.
02:13 The eight countries who share the Hamas territory have sent professional specialists here to
02:27 discuss and be able to analyze the problems that the Hamas is having.
02:51 In 2019, when I was leading the Commission of International Affairs, we supported the
03:07 eight countries who integrated the summit that we were holding in 2019.
03:28 After we overcome the problem of isolation during the pandemic, we were able to meet
03:33 here.
03:35 We celebrated a meeting in Colombia, where heads of state of Colombia gave us a very
03:47 warm welcoming.
03:54 And I would also like to ask President Petro to transmit our kind regards to the Colombian
04:04 people.
04:17 I would also like to say that the work that the Parlamas have been doing is mostly for
04:31 all the countries who are gathered here today.
04:39 We are working to unite their forces to be able to face the problems that the Hamas has.
05:05 After the assassination of the activist and indigenous journalists that we all witnessed
05:27 a time ago, I would like to ask the President, in the name of the rest of the partners who
05:46 work with me in the Parliament, I would like to present two documents.
06:09 This does not count as an institutional organization, and I would like to ask, in the name of my
06:20 partners and the partners also of Parla Sur, is that we need most of all the institutionalization
06:32 of these two organizations.
06:53 We need to preserve the forest, and we need to implement natural resources for development
07:02 of our economy.
07:05 I would also like to highlight the importance of natural resources for improving national
07:18 economies.
07:26 We would also like to present another document in the name of Parlamas, which is a result
07:41 of a large investigation carried out through the members of this organization.
07:55 I would like to thank President Lula for hosting this meeting and giving us the opportunity
08:02 to participate in order to create and develop social politics.
08:27 I would like to thank you all, and thank you very much for having me here today.
