Quran Suniye Aur Sunaiye - 9th August 2023 - Surah e Hijr 15 - Para No 14 - Ayat 83 & 84 - ARY Qtv

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Quran Suniye Aur Sunaiye - Surah e Hijr (15) - Ayat 83 & 84

Topic: Munafiqeen ki Alamat || منافقین کی علامات

Host: Mufti Muhammad Sohail Raza Amjadi

#QuranSuniyeAurSunaiye #MuftiSuhailRazaAmjadi #ARYQtv

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In this program Mufti Suhail Raza Amjadi teaches how the Quran is recited correctly along with word-to-word translation with their complete meanings. Viewers can participate via live calls.

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00:00 Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.
00:02 Alhamdulillahi wa ahta wa salatu wa salamu ala malla nabiyya ba'da wa ala kulli man sahibahu
00:07 wa tabi'ahu bi ihsanin ba'da.
00:09 Allahumma salli ala sayyidina wa maulana Muhammadin wa ala alihi wa ashabihi wa barik wa sallim.
00:16 Muhtaram nazeem wa samaeem, viewers and listeners, I am pleased to be here with you today.
00:23 Muhammadin wa ala alihi wa ashabihi wa barik wa sallim.
00:33 With the program 'Listen and Recite' your host, Muhammad Suhail Raza Amjadi is here with you.
00:45 Viewers, let's go back to Surah Ma'un. This is a Surah from Makkah and it is said that half of it was revealed in Makkah Mukarramah and half in Madinah Munawwarah.
01:00 The Surah revealed in Makkah Mukarramah was about Aas bin Wail and the Surah revealed in Madinah Munawwarah was for Abdullah bin Ubay Salool, the hypocrite.
01:15 It has one Rukoo, seven verses, twenty five words and one hundred and twenty five letters.
01:21 Now, viewers, look here. "arwa'aytalladhi yukadhibu bittin" "see then, he who denies the religion"
01:31 i.e. denies the accountability and reward, despite having clear arguments, denies these things.
01:41 Viewers, these verses are for Aas bin Wail Sahmi and Waleed bin Mughira.
01:47 It is also said that "fadhalikal ladhee yadu'ul yatim" "whether you are a disbeliever or a hypocrite"
01:53 it is said that he is the one who pushes the orphan, he is strict and does not fulfill his rights.
02:06 Viewers, the Prophet (pbuh) said that the best house is the one where there is an orphan and he is treated well.
02:17 And the worst house is the one where there is an orphan and he is treated badly.
02:23 It is said that the one who is with love, the orphan, the children, the orphan, the one who is immature and the shadow of the father is removed from the head,
02:30 the one who puts his hand on the head of the orphan with love, the hair on the head of the orphan is equal to the hair of his sins.
02:42 The second sign is "wala yahuddu alaa tu'aamil miskeen"
02:46 It is said that he does not want to give food to the poor, nor does he feed himself, nor does he encourage others to do so,
02:56 but he forbids others to do so.
03:01 "Wala yahuddu alaa tu'aamil miskeen"
03:04 Viewers, these are the poor and needy people about whom Allah said
03:10 "Lissa'ili wal mahrum"
03:12 "Haqqu lissa'ili wal mahrum"
03:14 It is the right of the poor and needy to be given.
03:18 We do not do good by giving,
03:21 but it is our good that they have given us opportunities to see and attain the pleasure of Allah.
03:28 Remember, if someone thinks that the path of Allah's love is only Salah, fasting, Hajj, Zakat, then he is mistaken.
03:38 All these worships are important in their own place,
03:42 but the path of Allah's love is through the path of the creation of Allah.
03:51 Otherwise, if you choose the other path, then it is the wrong path.
03:58 But the right path is through the love of the creation of Allah.
04:03 You have not read the hadith that Allah said that he was sick,
04:07 so he did not come to take care of me.
04:09 I was thirsty, so he did not come to give me water.
04:12 I was hungry, so he did not come to give me food.
04:14 I needed clothes, so he did not come to give me clothes.
04:18 So, what will happen at that time?
04:20 He will say, "Muhammad, you are hungry, you are thirsty, you need clothes."
04:25 He will say, "If you had taken care of that sick person, then you would have come to me."
04:32 You would have fed that hungry person,
04:34 so it means that you have come to me and done this work.
04:38 So, the path of Allah's love is through the love of the creation of Allah.
04:44 Then Allah says, "So what is the harm in those who pray?"
04:50 "Wail" means harm and it also means a valley of hell.
04:58 So, "Wailulil Musallin" means harm for those who pray.
05:03 So, "Musallin" means those who pray.
05:08 "Alladhina hum 'an salaatihim sahoon"
05:11 "Those who have forgotten their prayers"
05:15 "Those who spend their time in prayer"
05:19 "These are the signs of hypocrites"
05:23 "Those who spend their time in prayer"
05:27 For example, "I will sit for Zuhr prayer, I will pray later"
05:32 "I will pray Asr prayer, I will pray Asr prayer etc."
05:36 "I didn't pray in the morning, I prayed later"
05:38 "In case, I forget to pray or I keep sleeping, that is a different matter."
05:43 "But doing this on purpose is a sign of hypocrites."
05:46 "Alladhina hum yur'a'oona"
05:48 "Those who show off"
05:50 The sign of hypocrites is that they show off every work.
05:53 On the Day of Judgment, when they say, "Mawla, we did this and that"
05:58 Allah will say, "You did it to show off."
06:00 "You became famous for what you did to show off."
06:03 "Now, we will not give you anything from our wealth, go and do your work."
06:07 "Such prayers will be offered to you."
06:10 We discussed this earlier, that if the self is in worship, then it is a place of worship.
06:19 If the self is not in worship, and it is in the attribute of worship,
06:25 then it is okay that it is obligatory, but it is deprived of blessings.
06:29 "Wa yamna'oona al ma'oona"
06:31 "And if you ask for a small thing, they do not give."
06:34 They are so stingy. This is the sign of hypocrites.
06:37 Like in our childhood, we saw that someone needs a match,
06:41 the neighbors need a little ghee, salt, sugar.
06:44 So, this is a good deal.
06:46 But the hypocrites do not do it at all.
06:49 They do not give a small thing.
06:52 Now, you see, number one, the hypocrites reject religion.
07:00 Number two, they are strict with the orphans.
07:04 Number three, they do not encourage the poor, the deprived, or the hungry to eat.
07:10 They neither feed themselves nor encourage them.
07:13 Number four, they spend time in prayer.
07:17 Number five, they show off.
07:20 Number six, they do not give anything to anyone.
07:24 May Allah protect us from these six shortcomings.
07:28 May He enable us to continue.
07:30 Let's go to today's lesson.
07:32 Our lesson today is Surah Al-Hijr, verses 83 and 84.
07:37 Both verses 83 and 84 are included in today's lesson.
07:41 We will read them in the format.
07:43 Please be seated.
07:44 The Qalam-e-Paq is on the screen.
07:46 Please take out today's lesson.
07:48 Please keep a notebook with you.
07:50 If there is anything important, please let us know.
07:52 Let's go to the first segment of today's program.
07:55 The first segment of our program is the language of the Quran.
07:58 Let's start today's lesson by reciting the Ta'awuz.
08:03 [Recitation of Ta'awuz]
08:26 We will recite Musbihina.
08:28 In the form of Waqf, Musbihin will be recited.
08:30 At the end, there is a mark of Waqf.
08:32 It is written in verse 83.
08:33 Verse 83 is being completed here.
08:35 [Recitation of Ta'awuz]
08:43 How many words are there?
08:44 [Recitation of Ta'awuz]
08:50 After this,
08:51 [Recitation of Ta'awuz]
08:55 After this,
08:56 [Recitation of Ta'awuz]
09:02 There are 11 words here.
09:06 Let's read each word separately.
09:08 Please pay attention.
09:10 [Recitation of Ta'awuz]
09:35 Here, there is a mark of Waqf.
09:36 So, Musbihin will be recited.
09:38 [Recitation of Ta'awuz]
09:41 In the form of Ma,
09:42 The mark of Ma is called the separate subject.
09:44 It is also called the permissible subject.
09:45 It should be recited with a minimum of 3 Alif.
09:47 You can recite it with a maximum of 5 Alif.
09:50 [Recitation of Ta'awuz]
09:53 We will recite it separately.
09:55 [Recitation of Ta'awuz]
09:57 The Mim is present in the form of Hum.
09:58 We will recite it with the Mim of Ma.
10:00 We will recite it with the Mim's voice.
10:02 [Recitation of Ta'awuz]
10:09 Here, there is a mark of Waqf.
10:10 So, we will recite it with the Ma.
10:11 Let's go to the part of research and translation
10:14 in the language of words.
10:15 First, we will write the lesson of the day.
10:17 Then, we will discuss the words in it.
10:18 We will discuss the meanings of the names and letters.
10:20 We will discuss the research and translation.
10:23 We will discuss the Quran and Urdu.
10:24 We will discuss the words that are usually used in the Quran.
10:27 They are also used in Urdu.
10:28 We will discuss the meanings of these words.
10:30 [Recitation of Ta'awuz]
10:32 [Recitation of Ta'awuz]
10:35 [Recitation of Ta'awuz]
10:38 [Recitation of Ta'awuz]
10:41 [Recitation of Ta'awuz]
10:44 [Recitation of Ta'awuz]
10:47 [Recitation of Ta'awuz]
10:50 [Recitation of Ta'awuz]
10:53 [Recitation of Ta'awuz]
10:56 [Recitation of Ta'awuz]
10:59 [Recitation of Ta'awuz]
11:02 [Recitation of Ta'awuz]
11:05 [Recitation of Ta'awuz]
11:08 [Recitation of Ta'awuz]
11:11 [Recitation of Ta'awuz]
11:14 [Recitation of Ta'awuz]
11:17 [Recitation of Ta'awuz]
11:20 [Recitation of Ta'awuz]
11:23 [Recitation of Ta'awuz]
11:26 [Recitation of Ta'awuz]
11:29 [Recitation of Ta'awuz]
11:32 [Recitation of Ta'awuz]
11:35 [Recitation of Ta'awuz]
11:38 [Recitation of Ta'awuz]
11:41 [Recitation of Ta'awuz]
11:44 [Recitation of Ta'awuz]
11:47 [Recitation of Ta'awuz]
11:50 [Recitation of Ta'awuz]
11:53 [Recitation of Ta'awuz]
11:56 [Recitation of Ta'awuz]
11:59 [Recitation of Ta'awuz]
12:02 [Recitation of Ta'awuz]
12:05 [Recitation of Ta'awuz]
12:08 [Recitation of Ta'awuz]
12:11 [Recitation of Ta'awuz]
12:14 [Recitation of Ta'awuz]
12:17 [Recitation of Ta'awuz]
12:20 [Recitation of Ta'awuz]
12:23 [Recitation of Ta'awuz]
12:26 [Recitation of Ta'awuz]
12:29 [Recitation of Ta'awuz]
12:32 [Recitation of Ta'awuz]
12:35 [Recitation of Ta'awuz]
12:38 [Recitation of Ta'awuz]
12:41 [Recitation of Ta'awuz]
12:44 [Recitation of Ta'awuz]
12:47 [Recitation of Ta'awuz]
12:50 [Recitation of Ta'awuz]
12:53 [Recitation of Ta'awuz]
12:56 [Recitation of Ta'awuz]
12:59 [Recitation of Ta'awuz]
13:02 [Recitation of Ta'awuz]
13:05 [Recitation of Ta'awuz]
13:08 [Recitation of Ta'awuz]
13:11 [Recitation of Ta'awuz]
13:14 [Recitation of Ta'awuz]
13:17 Dear viewers, there are four names.
13:20 The questions are as follows.
13:23 The first verb is "Akhadhat".
13:26 [Recitation of the Verb]
13:29 The first verb is "Akhadhat".
13:32 The second is "Aghna".
13:35 The third is "Qanu".
13:38 The fourth is "Yaksiboon".
13:41 [Recitation of the Verb]
13:44 "Aghna"
13:47 [Recitation of the Verb]
13:50 "Aghna"
13:53 [Recitation of the Verb]
13:56 "Aghna"
13:59 [Recitation of the Verb]
14:02 "Aghna"
14:05 [Recitation of the Verb]
14:08 "Aghna"
14:11 [Recitation of the Verb]
14:14 "Aghna"
14:17 [Recitation of the Verb]
14:20 "Aghna"
14:23 Dear viewers, there are four words.
14:26 Now, we will see how many letters are there in each word.
14:29 The first word is "Fa".
14:32 The second is "Ma".
14:35 The third is "An".
14:38 There are three letters.
14:41 "Ma"
14:44 "An"
14:47 "An"
14:50 There are four letters, four verbs and three letters.
14:53 There are eleven words in total.
14:56 There are eleven words in total.
14:59 [Recitation of the Verb]
15:02 [Recitation of the Verb]
15:05 [Recitation of the Verb]
15:08 [Recitation of the Verb]
15:11 [Recitation of the Verb]
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