Les BRICS atteignent un nouveau cap contre l'hégémonie occidentale

  • last year
Les BRICS remettent en question la domination occidentale grâce à leur émergence sur la scène mondiale. Selon l'ancien diplomate sud-africain Kingsley Makhubela, les BRICS, comprenant le Brésil, la Russie, l'Inde, la Chine et l'Afrique du Sud, suscitent un intérêt croissant dans de nombreux pays, y compris en Afrique, en offrant une alternative à l'économie qui utilise le dollar américain comme une arme.
Cette remise en question de la suprématie occidentale suscite une certaine terreur chez les pays occidentaux en raison des réalisations et du potentiel d'expansion des BRICS. Makhubela envisage même une fusion future entre les BRICS et l'Organisation de coopération de Shanghai (OCS), créant ainsi une entité unique regroupant les membres des deux organisations. Les pays africains voient dans les BRICS une plate-forme alternative pour la coopération économique, tandis que les BRICS remettent en question l'ordre mondial unipolaire dominé par les États-Unis et leurs alliés.
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00:00 In the spheres of economic, social and sporting power, Western countries have long been the
00:14 great dominators.
00:15 But this supremacy is today questioned by the emergence of BRICS, namely Brazil,
00:21 Russia, India, China and South Africa.
00:24 According to former South African diplomat Kinsley Macubla, this rise in BRICS power
00:29 arouses a real terror in Western countries, due to their realization and
00:33 their potential for expansion.
00:34 For Kinsley Macubla, the West feels threatened by BRICS, because they send
00:40 a frightening message by questioning Western domination in many areas.
00:44 Former ambassador to Africa from the South to Portugal and Kenya, Macubla is a specialist
00:50 recognized in conflict resolution.
00:51 According to him, BRICS could even merge with the Organization of Cooperation of Shanghai
00:57 (OCS), which already has common members such as China, India and Russia.
01:02 This merger would create a single entity grouping the members of the two organizations.
01:06 According to Macubla, BRICS could play a role of transition to a stronger Organization
01:12 of Cooperation of Shanghai, including all current and future members of BRICS.
01:17 This perspective particularly interests African countries, which see in BRICS an alternative
01:22 platform for economic cooperation, in line with their aspirations.
01:26 One of the crucial aspects that draws attention to BRICS is the functioning of their new
01:31 development bank, as well as their desire to reduce dependence on the American dollar.
01:36 Macubla emphasizes that successive American administrations have made a serious mistake
01:40 in using the dollar as a weapon.
01:42 Today, this currency no longer arouses as much interest and confidence, and many people
01:48 are looking for alternatives.
01:49 BRICS offer a platform for important economic interactions, regardless of the dollar.
01:55 According to the former diplomat, BRICS could contribute to the emergence of a multipolar
02:00 world, thus ending the unipolar world dominated by the United States and its allies.
02:04 This evolution is fundamental, because it reflects the rise in power of different
02:09 international actors.
02:10 Macubla also emphasizes that Western governments often tend to demonize those
02:16 who do not share their opinions, or who have different ideological positions.
02:20 BRICS therefore represent an alternative way that finds an echo as much in Africa as in
02:24 the rest of the world.
02:25 In conclusion, the emergence of BRICS is shaking the established order and raises the question
02:30 of Western domination in various areas.
02:33 Western countries are feeling a certain terror in the face of this rise in power, because
02:38 BRICS represent a credible alternative and a different way in world affairs.
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02:52 (air whooshing)
