The Dick Tracy show - ep. 052 - Tacos tangle

  • l’année dernière
Production : UPA
December 24, 1961


00:00 [musique]
00:08 The Dick Tracy Show! [musique]
00:11 [musique]
00:28 [musique]
00:54 [musique]
00:58 Ah, ça!
00:59 John Dahl!
01:01 L'expert américain!
01:03 [rire]
01:04 Un détective devrait mieux investiguer!
01:07 Hey, José!
01:08 [bip]
01:09 Hey, José Hitsu!
01:11 Don't tell me you forgot your old pal Manuel Tijuana Guadalajara Tampico Gómez Junior!
01:17 [rire]
01:18 Nicky name?
01:19 Go-Go-Gómez?
01:21 Oh, my friend, you do remember!
01:23 Now, what brings you to my humble little country, of which I am sheriff?
01:28 Honorable detective has reason to believe that fight in bullring is not on square!
01:34 [musique]
01:36 Now, remember, bullsy pal, we're partners in this fight.
01:40 When I give the word, you lay down and play dead, see?
01:44 Yeah. [laugh] Yeah, yeah.
01:48 We'll split 50/50. I'll get the money and you'll get the glory.
01:54 [laugh]
01:55 Hurry up!
01:57 Senores y señoras!
02:00 At 135 pounds, Juan Do!
02:05 [applaudissements]
02:06 And at 679 kilos, Billy Boy Bull!
02:12 [musique]
02:23 Oh!
02:24 It's only rubber. I wouldn't double-cross you.
02:28 Look at my eyes. See, I'm honest. See?
02:32 [bruit de bouche]
02:36 Okay, now play dead.
02:38 [bruit de bouche]
02:46 Never mind the act. Drop dead.
02:49 [bruit de bouche]
02:53 It's only ketchup, coward.
02:56 Yeah. [laugh]
03:00 Hey, gringo, yankee, catch!
03:05 Thanks, pal. Now I'm outta here.
03:09 [bruit de bouche]
03:10 [cri]
03:13 José, you are right. The bull fights.
03:16 She is not on the ops and ops.
03:18 Honorable detective, we'll now make arrest.
03:21 Si, José. And I, Manuel Tijuana Guadalajara Tempico Gomez, Jr., will assist you.
03:31 Where he went?
03:33 I'll arrest you in the name of the law.
03:36 Oh, bad news, Bullsy. That little creep is trying to muscle in on our act.
03:41 Sick him!
03:43 [bruit de coup]
03:44 Assault!
03:46 Hold everything, please!
03:49 Joe Jitsu calling Dick Tracy. Come in, please.
03:53 Good to hear from you, Joe. How's it going?
03:56 Have encountered BBIs and am about to take bull by the horns and apprehend same.
04:02 Very good, Joe. Let me know what flight you'll return on and we'll meet you at the airport.
04:06 Oh, will do, Tracy. Six to and even, over and out.
04:11 So sorry.
04:15 I'm getting outta here.
04:19 So sorry.
04:24 Well, Joe, I see you got your man once again. Nice going.
04:28 Oh, correct, Mr. Tracy.
04:30 Hey, Jose, you forgot the other criminal, Big Bully.
04:37 Sayonara.
04:39 Adios.
04:41 Adios.
04:44 [bruit de coup]
04:46 [bruit de coup]
04:55 *Bruit de tonnerre*
04:57 *Bruit de tonnerre*
