The Last Voyage of the Demeter Review by Flick Chick Vique

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Vique Rojas and Brad review, “The Last Voyage of the Demeter.” Get the scoop here on the Daily Mix! For more information visit
00:00 Let's all go to the movies.
00:01 Let's all go to the movies.
00:03 Let's all go to the movies this
00:05 weekend and be scared.
00:07 Yeah, thank you.
00:08 How are you?
00:09 I'm doing good.
00:10 How are you doing good?
00:11 You are flick chick Red Vine reviewer.
00:14 Let's remind people why we call you
00:16 the Red Vine reviewer because that's
00:18 how I rate my movies 5 being the best
00:20 of the best probably Oscar worthy one.
00:23 Oh my gosh, just don't even spend that.
00:25 $18.00
00:25 whatever you do so alright we got one
00:28 that's very interesting this week.
00:30 And you told me when I was like I
00:32 kind of want to see this like Brad.
00:35 It's going to be very scary.
00:37 Yeah, 'cause it is a story of Dracula
00:40 and I'm as well people know that,
00:42 but it's really cool is that it is
00:45 not what people think it's going to be.
00:48 Not at all.
00:49 We're talking about the last
00:50 voyage of the Demeter.
00:52 Yes, that's for you.
00:53 The Demeter and the Demeter
00:55 is the name of the ship.
00:57 It's based on just one chapter of
00:59 Bram Stoker's novel Dracula and it's
01:01 about the cargo ship that brought
01:04 Dracula and actually it was.
01:05 I think it was 20 or 24 wooden crates.
01:09 Private cargo on this schooner that
01:11 was leaving Carpathia to London.
01:13 Yes, and when this ship and I'm
01:15 not giving any spoilers here,
01:17 but when the ship arrives in London,
01:20 it crashes on shore and it's a ghost ship.
01:23 There's not a soul on board and all
01:26 you have to go by is the captain's
01:28 log about what happens.
01:30 So you know the thing about this movie is
01:33 this is not the Dracula you're used to.
01:37 He's not swab debonair, charming ladies,
01:39 man. This is an animal.
01:41 He is a beast and he lurks in the shadows.
01:45 Take you know, picking off this
01:47 crew one by one.
01:49 You know the director Andre Overdahl,
01:51 which is the director who did the
01:53 Trollhunter and a Norwegian director
01:55 and got a lot of acclaim for that.
01:58 When you look up the Trollhunter under IMDb,
02:01 there are so many 10 ratings
02:03 from people that watched it.
02:05 It's like a found footage movie.
02:07 Anyway, he directed this movie and he said,
02:10 think of it as alien, but on a ship.
02:13 Yeah, and that's a good.
02:15 That's a guy like that.
02:17 That's a good description.
02:18 Yeah, are watching this and you're
02:20 learning little history and everything
02:22 about how Dracula got from Romania to
02:24 England, which is very interesting,
02:26 but also the crew members in one person
02:29 who is the doctor on board who kind
02:31 of like starts to figure little things out.
02:34 But I think he said something so
02:36 important this movie that was said
02:38 that I don't believe in what was he said,
02:41 but I believe in science and
02:42 stuff and everything like that.
02:44 I forgot there was something
02:46 very interesting, but.
02:47 Grounded in reality,
02:48 so we don't want to believe the
02:50 when the people were getting spooked
02:52 on this right, right?
02:53 So it was very interesting and so,
02:56 but it was very good.
02:57 I was not.
02:58 I really wasn't.
02:59 I thought it was gonna be like
03:01 shock in this place scared,
03:02 but it's kind of like that.
03:04 Like you said, alien and short on scares,
03:06 but really long on tension and
03:08 suspense and the atmosphere is incredible.
03:10 The period detail is beautiful.
03:12 This is like almost like a masterpiece
03:14 theater horror because the acting
03:16 performances are great.
03:17 A lot of the actors are unfamiliar to you,
03:20 but their credentials are amazing.
03:21 Anyway, I give it between 3 1/2
03:24 to 4 red vines.
03:25 There are a few good jump scares
03:27 that I wasn't expecting 'cause
03:29 I'm sitting there tense.
03:30 When I left I was embarrassed and
03:32 you saw how much popcorn was
03:34 scattered all around my chair and
03:36 on me and the floor because I kept
03:38 jumping and then I would find my
03:40 popcorn and what I did was actually
03:43 I was on my way home and I started
03:45 to try to find where I can see.
03:47 Actually, Dracula starring Gary Altman.
03:49 Yeah, because it's a continuation
03:51 of that and now you see.
03:52 Yeah, I believe it picks up to him
03:55 landing in England and the original
03:57 one because he becomes involved
03:59 with Jonathan Harker's.
04:00 He's a man enamored about that
04:01 photo of his girlfriend and that
04:03 he kept and so he goes to find
04:06 Lucy and yeah, it's very good.
04:08 So I wanted to tell you OK,
04:10 the reason why I'm wearing this
04:12 really hot sweater in August is
04:14 because I have been to Carpathian
04:16 Mountains. I have been to Transylvania.
04:18 Have you and I bought this sweater
04:21 in a thieves market at the bottom
04:23 of Brom Castle which they claim
04:25 is Dracula's Castle.
04:26 It's really not and I think that
04:28 once you get to Transylvania you
04:30 find there I am at the bottom of
04:33 the steps to go to the Castle Poyon
04:35 Ari which was a fortress of his.
04:37 1500 steps up.
04:38 There's Brom Castle where I bought
04:41 this sweater and that is at Castle
04:43 Poyon Ari and that's looking down
04:45 and his wife Vlad's wife,
04:47 hurled herself off of that from that
04:49 view because when they were being invaded,
04:52 there's the trip up to Castle Poyon Ari.
04:54 Oh my God, yeah,
04:55 so this is yeah,
04:57 there's a lot going on with this.
04:59 And so it's kind of funny is that you know,
05:02 I started think who is Dracula's
05:04 urban says he's a vampire.
05:05 But when you see this movie,
05:07 you're going to see some crests
05:09 and some things that people say.
05:11 It's Vlad is what is very interesting.
05:13 The dragon.
05:14 Yeah, dragon.
05:14 Do you have to go?
05:16 Yeah, Dracul that was Vlad Tempest.
05:18 And that's why he is,
05:19 you know,
05:20 Bram Stoker took the stories of him
05:22 and how we slaughtered people.
05:23 But you know, in Romania he's a hero.
05:26 Oh yeah, that's a hero because he
05:28 stopped them from being invaded.
05:30 Yeah, he made it so scary that
05:32 when invaders came they went.
05:33 Oh, we don't want to miss it.
05:35 And that's the whole part right there.
05:38 Awesome.
05:38 Alright, where can they find you?
05:40 Usually in Romania.
05:41 The mother country every Friday with you,
05:43 Brad, if at all possible.
05:44 And on Facebook under flick check Vicky
05:47 V IQ you eat is alright. Thank you.
05:50 Thanks for watching.
