"Enter the Dragon," the film that made Bruce Lee an international superstar, is returning to the big screen for its 50th anniversary. Plus, Selena Gomez is hosting her first "Rare Impact Fund Benefit" in support of youth mental health organizations.
00:00 In entertainment news, an iconic martial arts film, a fundraiser for youth mental health and a movie with a technological twist on pregnancy. Are you ready? Here`s David Daniel with the Hollywood Minute.
00:22 "The Dragon," the film that made Bruce Lee an international superstar, is returning to the big screen for its 50th anniversary. The kung fu classic hits theaters on Sunday, August 13th and Wednesday, August 16th. Locations and tickets at fathomevents.com.
00:37 I felt like once I found out what was going on mentally, I found that it was - there was more freedom.
00:44 Selena Gomez is hosting her first Rare Impact Fund benefit in support of youth mental health organizations. The fund aims to reduce the stigma of mental health issues and expand services and education worldwide.
00:56 The October 4th benefit in Hollywood will feature entertainment, including Gomez`s "Only Murders in the Building" co-star, Martin Short. More info at rareimpactfund.org.
01:06 You put us on a wait list to have a baby and an egg.
01:09 No, it`s not an egg.
01:10 It`s an egg.
01:11 Emilia Clarke and Chiwetel Ejiofor star in "The Pod Generation" as a couple in the near future who decide to go through pregnancy by way of an artificial egg-shaped womb.
01:21 The tech paved path to parenthood leads audiences to theaters this weekend. In Hollywood, I`m David Daniel.