• 2 years ago
90 Day Fiancé_ Big Ed and Liz Dish on their Controversial Relationship _ E! News


00:00 I feel like I already know the answer to this question,
00:01 but what's the status of you all's relationship as of today?
00:05 - For the first time.
00:06 - This is kind of our last chance to really make it work.
00:09 - Five 90 day couples will come together.
00:12 - I've been miserable for two and a half years.
00:14 - Our marriage is pretty rocky right now.
00:16 - To face their relationship demons.
00:18 - The network, the people, they absolutely love y'all,
00:21 the relationship.
00:22 Let's just start off.
00:23 What makes this 90 day series different from others
00:26 that you've actually been a part of together?
00:29 - I think the first thing that's different
00:32 is it's gonna be multiple couples
00:35 interacting with each other.
00:37 - In one location.
00:38 - Yeah.
00:39 - And then there's a huge therapy component.
00:42 So we'll be able to interact with other couples
00:45 rather that are dealing with the same things
00:48 that we're dealing with.
00:49 - We love to see that therapy component
00:51 because I feel like it allows us for you all
00:53 to not only kind of measure your progress
00:56 with other couples,
00:57 but then it's like, you know,
00:58 you're really internally finding yourself
01:00 like right before our eyes.
01:01 What did you all learn?
01:02 I know you speak of therapy.
01:04 What did you all learn while in the resort?
01:06 - I learned I was once a three foot tall leprechaun
01:13 in a previous life.
01:16 Yeah, I know.
01:17 So we have different therapists
01:19 that have their different techniques.
01:21 And one in particular, you know,
01:23 I think we both really enjoyed was the transgression
01:27 therapy where they take you back
01:29 to where you were in a previous life.
01:31 And I was, I don't want to spoil it too much,
01:34 but can I say what happened or no?
01:37 - No.
01:38 - Yeah, no.
01:39 Okay, so, you know, but it's pretty awesome.
01:43 Very in depth, very introspectual, I guess,
01:47 in many different ways.
01:48 And of course, you know, there was a lot of partying
01:50 going on.
01:52 - Partying?
01:53 (laughing)
01:54 - Yeah.
01:54 - You should not be going to therapy
01:56 when you've had a few drinks in you.
01:59 - But a lot of us, some of us,
02:02 not all the time, but some of us would,
02:05 because there would be breaks in between
02:07 and we would, 'cause it was so hot.
02:09 I think you're required to drink alcohol.
02:12 - Go on a resort.
02:14 - I mean, we're in the middle of the most beautiful resort
02:17 in America and you're in all these meetings
02:21 and there was a bar right by the beach.
02:24 - In this beautiful location, so that's where we spent.
02:27 - Oh, fellas.
02:28 Would you all do this whole experience over again?
02:31 I know we haven't seen it yet, but would you all?
02:33 - We went through a lot of therapy in two weeks
02:39 and we not only learned things that we needed
02:42 to deal with together, we needed to learn things
02:45 about ourself that we needed to work on individually.
02:48 So it was couples therapy,
02:51 but then it was also individual therapy.
02:54 And I love that we came into this with,
02:57 like in our history of our relationship,
03:01 I've gone to like his therapist and stuff
03:04 and it kind of was just nice having like mutual bounding.
03:07 And like, we have three therapists,
03:11 we, you know, they're analyzing us.
03:13 They're just, we just learned so much from it.
03:16 - Yeah, it was a lot.
03:18 It was like, almost like therapy bootcamp.
03:21 - What's the number one thing that each of you learned
03:23 from the therapy while at the resort
03:26 that you're now working on actively every day?
03:29 - For me, becoming a better listener, I think.
03:34 And just being more, you know, in tune
03:37 with what makes me happy,
03:39 because you realize in a relationship,
03:42 you expect the other person to tow the load
03:45 and make you happy.
03:46 And you have to really be happy within yourself
03:49 to contribute to your partner.
03:51 - Liz.
03:53 - I'm a total people pleaser.
03:55 And I learned that I need to use my voice
03:58 and like not being so quiet.
04:01 So that definitely comes out a lot with me speaking up.
04:05 But I also learned too,
04:06 like I think something that we both learned
04:08 is we both self-sabotage.
04:11 - Yeah, definitely.
04:13 And a lot of our friends in relationships,
04:17 we don't like to point it out,
04:18 but they fall in that same trap
04:21 where they wanna give up too soon
04:24 or they don't wanna put in the work.
04:26 And a relationship I once heard was,
04:28 it's 50/50 and it's not.
04:30 It's 100% and 100% all of the time.
04:35 - Okay, he's not so smart.
04:36 Liz, I know you're compromising.
04:39 - He's using big words.
04:40 - Yes, I know you're like, "That's my man."
04:44 - I learned a bunch of big boy words and I'm using them.
04:48 - Okay, well, I feel like I already know the answer
04:50 to this question,
04:50 but what's the status of you all's relationship as of today?
04:54 - I don't think we're allowed to say.
04:57 - Yeah.
04:58 - There's definitely a lot to come.
05:00 - This is a new location, we can say that.
05:02 - We're in a new location.
05:03 Honestly, we're sitting next to each other.
05:05 - In a new city, in a new town, out of California.
05:10 - Smiling from ear to ear right now, okay.
05:12 We've seen a lot of ups and downs
05:14 throughout your relationship,
05:15 and thank you for being so transparent
05:17 and showing that with us.
05:19 What keeps you all drawn together?
05:21 Because I believe it's reported
05:22 that you guys have broken up, what, 10, 11 times?
05:26 - I don't think we actually know the count anymore,
05:29 to be honest.
05:30 - We've been counting.
05:31 - 11.
05:32 - I have enough diamonds to make up for every breakup, though.
05:35 So if he wants to throw a couple more in, we're good to go.
05:39 (laughing)
05:40 - What keeps you all drawn to each other?
05:42 - We're keeping up.
05:44 - We're drawing together.
05:46 - I don't know.
05:48 - I think it's my mug, honestly.
05:50 I think it's my attractiveness.
05:51 No, I think I-
05:52 - As crazy as we are,
05:53 we do seem to balance each other out very, very nicely.
05:58 - And we're learning to become, you know,
06:00 no matter what happens, we're learning to-
06:01 - He's learning to become submissive?
06:03 I'm kidding.
06:03 (laughing)
06:04 I'm totally kidding.
06:05 - Yeah, early on.
06:06 But I think we're learning to become best friends.
06:10 No matter what happens, we'll always be friends.
06:12 - That's a good answer.
06:14 We've learned, we've actually-
06:16 That was really good.
06:17 Aw.
06:18 (laughing)
06:19 That was really sweet.
06:20 - Extra cuddles tonight for Ed.
06:22 Extra cuddles tonight.
06:23 I'm curious, at the same time,
06:26 what kept driving you all apart?
06:29 Do you feel like you'll be able to break the cycle?
06:30 Like, what kept-
06:31 - It was me.
06:33 (laughing)
06:35 But, you know, insecurities, all the jealousy,
06:39 but all that stuff is gone.
06:41 Like, we don't, we're not dealing with that anymore.
06:43 - We don't have jealousy right now.
06:45 It's so, it's so different.
06:48 Everything that we've learned through it.
06:51 There just isn't-
06:54 Aw.
06:56 - What?
06:58 (laughing)
06:59 - Your eyes are all glossy.
07:00 Yeah, the jealousy is gone.
07:03 We have, like, more freedom.
07:06 We've been, I mean, communication's always a huge barrier,
07:09 but, yeah.
07:11 - We just, we're able to let a lot of the junk go
07:15 and just, you know, learn to,
07:18 learn more about each other, I guess.
07:20 - And we're still learning.
07:21 - Yeah.
07:23 - Why are you getting emotional, Ed?
07:25 - Oh.
07:26 (coughing)
07:28 I'm not.
07:29 (laughing)
07:30 Yeah.
07:32 (laughing)
07:34 - I would just, when we talk about this whole experience,
07:37 it's just crazy how much we've grown
07:39 and just have learned from each other.
07:41 - But we're in a great place.
07:43 That, that I can tell you.
07:45 - Speaking of places,
07:47 are you still living in separate houses?
07:49 Do people want to know?
07:50 I know, in a-
07:51 (laughing)
07:53 - Can we tell them?
07:54 I don't think so.
07:55 - I don't know if we're allowed to tell you.
07:56 I mean, we did say we're in a new location, so.
08:00 - But we didn't tell you how many locations.
08:03 - I'm still wearing a ring,
08:05 but that's also to be determined.
08:08 (laughing)
08:09 - I gotta ask like these double down questions
08:11 because my viewers, they will come after me.
08:13 They're gonna be like,
08:14 "You have to ask the follow up question," you know?
08:16 - There you go.
08:18 - What does your family and friends
08:19 think of your relationship?
08:20 We're curious.
08:21 - My family adores Liz.
08:24 They, they, they actually like her more than me,
08:28 which is not surprising.
08:30 And they'll tell me, "Look, you know,
08:32 if anything ever happens to Liz, we choose her."
08:35 I mean, they've made that very, very clear.
08:38 So, and we're learning.
08:41 We're meeting new friends,
08:42 which is always a slow process
08:43 because one thing that Liz and I did early on
08:46 without even realizing it
08:47 is that you let people in your life
08:50 that shouldn't be in your life.
08:51 We didn't take the time
08:53 to really get to know who they were
08:55 and that backed up on us.
08:56 So now that we kind of have a new, you know, city,
09:00 we can kind of start over.
09:02 - It's been, we've learned a lot.
09:05 We have, leaving the therapy bootcamp,
09:10 the craziness of all of it.
09:13 Yeah, we came out with a clear, fresh start.
09:16 And for us, it's been the best thing
09:19 that we could have ever done.
09:20 And we were even hesitant to go to it.
09:23 And there's gonna be so much to share
09:25 within our journey through it, but it's-
09:28 - Except for the heat, the extreme heat
09:31 and mowing lawns, I've never had.
09:32 Since I was 15.
09:35 Other than those two things, I love where we live.
09:38 - What's been the relationship with your children,
09:42 each other's kids,
09:43 your relationship with your mother and daughter?
09:45 Where do you all stand and do you all talk?
09:48 So I'm gonna ask.
09:49 - So mom's back.
09:50 I talk to her every day.
09:51 We talk to her, you know, almost every day.
09:54 She comes out to visit.
09:56 She's thinking about moving out of here,
09:59 but not with us, no offense, mom.
10:00 My daughter is still on her journey.
10:05 She still has her forgiven dad, as far as my side.
10:09 And then I'm just happy to be around my family
10:14 that I've been away from for 40 years.
10:16 - If your daughter was watching your interview now,
10:20 what would you wanna say to her?
10:22 (laughing)
10:24 - That's a good one.
10:29 - Talking about his daughter
10:30 is always very hard and emotional,
10:32 but he calls her, he reaches out to her every week.
10:36 He sends her messages all the time.
10:38 - Yeah.
10:41 Come home.
10:42 - I understand.
10:45 What's next for both of you?
10:47 Because we see a bright future.
10:50 We've been seeing it play out over the past few years,
10:52 just this brightness that you guys bring to our screen.
10:55 But what is next?
10:56 Could you see yourself moving to Hollywood?
10:58 - I don't even know if we're allowed to say.
11:03 We already just, it's been a crazy couple months already.
11:07 Another move is a lot to think about.
11:12 - I don't think I've ever moved, but it's,
11:14 you know, it's a pain.
11:16 So we're just settling in now.
11:18 - We had a, after we left the resort,
11:20 we had a drastic change two weeks after, so just.
11:24 - Hollywood's not there at the moment.
11:26 - Okay, I was gonna say in Hollywood right now?
11:28 Okay, okay, okay.
11:29 Okay, okay.
11:31 And I wanna go back to your ring.
11:33 It's beautiful.
11:34 I'm guessing you guys are engaged.
11:38 - We can't tell.
11:40 - We can't tell.
11:42 - The ring's on there, though.
11:43 - The ring's on here, yeah.
11:45 - I don't have a ring yet, but that's.
11:48 - So there is engagement potential or something.
11:51 Okay, I love.
11:52 - I'm sorry, what?
11:56 - She couldn't get it out of us.
11:57 You're good.
11:58 - I'm sorry.
12:00 These are my favorite interviews
12:01 because I know you can't talk a lot,
12:02 but I try my best to like dance with you
12:05 and see like how much you're willing to.
12:08 We're curious, just a couple more questions for you.
12:11 If you're friendly with anyone on the franchise,
12:13 are you guys kind of like double dating?
12:15 Do you talk to another couple?
12:17 - Yeah, can I say something?
12:18 So something may have happened between Jovi and I.
12:23 That's all I wanna say.
12:24 - Talk about jealousy.
12:26 - Yeah.
12:27 - I've learned to get over my jealousy.
12:28 - Jovi and I got really, really close.
12:30 So that's all I wanna say about that.
12:31 And then with Twelo, his kids, oh my God, they were there.
12:36 I love his little kid's marshmallow.
12:38 We named him Marshmallow.
12:40 What did a marshmallow sound like?
12:41 - Marsh because it feels like a little marshmallow.
12:43 And Liz, I saw her bond with, believe it or not.
12:47 I love Kalani.
12:48 - I saw her bond.
12:49 I hate Angela.
12:50 - Angela.
12:51 - Who knew?
12:52 Who would've known?
12:52 - Angela, I swear she's like the realest person.
12:57 Like you either hate her or you love her.
13:00 And I just, yeah, she's awesome.
13:04 - I've always, I have always loved Angela.
13:06 She's a little bit of a train wreck.
13:08 When eating, when sharing a McMuffin with her
13:10 at a restaurant, you can't sit too close
13:12 'cause she spits her food.
13:13 Other than that, I love Angela.
13:15 (laughing)
13:16 - Oh.
13:17 - And she smokes, but whatever.
13:19 - A real catch there, spitting food.
13:21 Okay, okay.
13:22 - Get out of that place.
13:24 - Has TLC talked to you all at all about your own show?
13:26 We'd love to see it.
13:27 - Oh gosh, as if people already can't get enough of us
13:32 or want more, that's just like, that's a whole other.
13:36 I mean, we're still trying to like,
13:39 we still just put up with each other every day.
13:41 - I'll tell you, on a different level,
13:44 being in a relationship,
13:46 let alone having the world know everything about you.
13:49 - There's just no privacy.
13:51 - And there's no way to describe it.
13:53 I mean, the divorce rate is like, I think over 64%.
13:57 And those people aren't on TV, right?
13:59 So for us, it's always gonna be a real challenge.
14:02 And as far as other TV shows,
14:04 we'll really have to sit down
14:06 and think about how much of the world,
14:09 because everybody comes up to us everywhere
14:12 in every restaurant, in every gas station,
14:14 like, how are you guys doing?
14:16 Tell them, you know,
14:17 they know more about my life than I do.
14:19 It's just like, oh yeah, your mom said this.
14:22 I'm like, what?
14:22 So, you know, it's bittersweet.
14:27 It's great because you meet someone
14:29 and you're making their day, which makes us feel good.
14:32 But then if you're eating or at the gym,
14:36 it can get kind of frustrating.
14:38 Like, you have no privacy.
14:41 One thing I find really ironic
14:43 in this whole journey of being on TV
14:45 is that there are real celebrities
14:49 like Pete Davidson, Andrew Schultz, a comedian,
14:54 Tiger Belly.
14:57 They are fans all over us.
15:00 And I'm like, what?
15:01 I don't get it.
15:02 Like, we watch the silver screen
15:03 and we like, if I ever met a star, I would freak out.
15:06 But when they meet me or they call me,
15:10 they comment online, I'm like blown away.
15:13 I don't get it.
15:15 It's reality.
15:16 The Hollywood is obsessed with reality stars in general,
15:20 not just us.
15:22 - But how awesome is that?
15:23 The fact that you can say that people like Pete Davidson
15:25 are obsessed with like-
15:26 - Oh, come on.
15:27 When Pete Davidson says that,
15:30 if he saw Leonardo walking down the street,
15:33 he'd be like, whatever.
15:34 But if he saw Big Ed or Liz, he'd lose his mind.
15:39 So for me, it's like, okay,
15:41 the million things I do wrong,
15:43 I hopefully have done a couple of things right.
15:46 Being on TV.
15:47 - Oh, thanks.
15:49 I was gonna say you're like, not sure.
15:52 Hello?
15:52 I love you.
15:54 I should do something right, you know?
15:56 - I was gonna say,
15:56 the thing that's something right is right on the left of you.
15:59 - Yeah, and Liz would never shower with rats.
16:02 That's all I'm gonna say.
16:03 - I don't know.
16:04 I'm pretty adventurous.
16:06 - What?
16:06 I'm not.
16:08 - You two have been such a joy
16:10 and we're so excited to see what's next.
16:12 I'm hoping for a TLC wedding special.
16:15 - Well, I would say though,
16:17 this has been my favorite season to shoot.
16:21 It was very hard for me coming into Ed's world.
16:24 I mean, I broke down more times than none,
16:27 trying to have your own life, a TV life.
16:29 And this season is by far completely different.
16:33 It's my favorite season.
16:35 It's probably gonna be the first season I watch
16:37 'cause I've never seen any of my seasons with Ed.
16:40 (laughing)
16:41 - If I could piggyback on that,
16:43 there's been a paradigm shift at TLC
16:47 where you have all these couples in turmoil.
16:51 And this is the one show that we got to participate in
16:54 that actually they want to help you.
16:57 They wanna help you.
16:58 Instead of watching us destroy ourselves,
17:01 they actually brought in therapists.
17:03 So for me, I'm really happy.
17:05 And I feel like this is the best show
17:08 I've ever done for TLC.
17:10 - Yeah.
17:11 - And Warner and Max and whoever else owns you guys.
17:14 (laughing)
17:16 - That says a lot because you guys have been through a lot
17:18 with the network and this lifestyle.
17:21 That means a lot.
17:22 And I'm glad you're getting out of it
17:24 just as much as what the people are seeing
17:26 while they're watching.
17:26 Because it's one thing for you to be entertaining to people,
17:29 but it's another thing for you to feel
17:31 like it's cathartic for you.
17:34 - Yeah, and there's a couple, I'll say this.
17:38 There's a couple of haunted house relationships in the mix.
17:43 And there's a couple of Cinderella stories.
17:46 - Thank you guys so much.
17:46 You're a pleasure and God bless you both.
17:48 Really appreciate it.
17:49 And congratulations on all your success.
17:50 We're excited to see you continue to soar.
17:53 - God bless you.
17:54 - Thank you.
17:54 (upbeat music)
17:57 (upbeat music)
