Top 10 Movie Spoilers Everyone Should Know By Now

  • last year
If, for whatever reason, you still haven’t seen these movies, now is your last chance to walk away and come back later. For this list, we’re looking at a variety of movie spoilers that mostly everyone should already know, regardless if they’ve seen the movie or not.
00:00 "I don't want your help. Don't you understand? I have to do this."
00:05 Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 movie spoilers
00:11 everyone should know by now.
00:12 "He only half existed to begin with, and now the other half has taken over."
00:18 For this list, we're looking at a variety of movie spoilers that mostly everyone should already know,
00:24 regardless if they've seen the movie or not.
00:26 If for whatever reason you still haven't seen these movies,
00:30 now is your last chance to walk away and come back later.
00:33 Which movie spoiler do you love spoiling for people? Let us know in the comments.
00:38 Hey Mojoholics, for a chance to win cash prizes, play our live daily trivia challenges every day
00:46 at 3pm and 8pm Eastern only at
00:50 Number 10. Tyler Durden is the narrator. Fight Club.
00:56 "Answer me, why do people think that I'm you?"
00:58 "I think you know."
01:00 Fight Club is one of those movies that's frequently brought up in conversation,
01:04 whether it's about how good it was or if it's simply mentioning the first rule of Fight Club.
01:09 The story of Tyler Durden was one hell of a mind game,
01:12 and our brains exploded once we figured out that Tyler Durden
01:16 and the expressionless average Joe are the same person.
01:20 "Say it."
01:20 "Because we're the same person."
01:25 "That's right."
01:26 Considering the movie's age, it's hard to meet someone who hasn't seen Fight Club.
01:31 If you're one of the few who hasn't, then come on, the movie's over 20 years old now.
01:36 What are you waiting for, Christmas?
01:38 "You met me at a very strange time in my life."
01:40 Number 9. Spider-Man snapped away. Avengers Infinity War.
01:45 "You should have gone for the head."
01:51 The tears were flowing with this superhero blockbuster.
01:54 We were expecting a good majority of the MCU heroes to perish in Avengers Infinity War,
01:59 but of them all, we never expected Peter Parker to be one of them.
02:03 Like Disney had just sorted things out with Sony.
02:06 Shortly after the film's opening weekend,
02:09 the internet exploded in memes quoting Spidey's infamous line.
02:13 "Want to start?"
02:13 "I don't feel so good."
02:19 You had to have seen the movie in order to get the joke,
02:22 and given how much money Infinity War made, everyone should have seen it at least once.
02:27 "What did it cost?"
02:29 "Everything."
02:34 Number 8. Snape kills Dumbledore. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.
02:39 "Severus, Severus is who I need. Wake him. Tell him what happened. Speak to no one else."
02:47 Speaking of critical moments in cinematic storytelling,
02:50 the Harry Potter films had quite a few plot twists of their own.
02:54 Of them all, we were not expecting Severus Snape to kill our lovable Dumbledore.
02:58 Well, those people who hadn't read the books.
03:00 "Please."
03:02 "Avada Kedavra."
03:14 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince quickly became the most somber movie
03:18 in the franchise we had seen so far. With the movie earning just under a billion dollars at
03:22 the box office, you can guarantee everyone was talking about it at school or work.
03:27 "Snape! He trusted you!"
03:30 Number 7. Jack dies and Rose still has the necklace. Titanic.
03:36 "I'm sorry, but that didn't build you a stronger ship, young Rose."
03:40 It's a tale as old as film history.
03:42 Okay, well maybe not that old, but Titanic is old enough that almost
03:46 everyone should know what happens in it. The ship sinking is pretty obvious.
03:50 Like, that's what happened to the real Titanic, so that shouldn't be a shocker.
03:54 Then there's Jack's death, which is mainly the reason why people cry over this movie.
03:58 "I'll never let go. I promise."
04:01 The real twist here was that Rose still had the heart of the ocean while Lovett was trying to
04:10 find it. If you haven't seen the movie, surely you must have seen the numerous parodies and
04:15 references made by various movies and TV shows. "Michael, everyone in the engine room drowned."
04:21 "Nope. Thank you, spoiler alert."
04:24 Number 6. Verbal Kint is Kaiser Sose. The Usual Suspects.
04:28 "This won't be an interrogation. Just a friendly chat to kill some time."
04:31 To this day, The Usual Suspects remains one of the most well-crafted movies in history,
04:37 and proof of that comes from the film's ending. Right when Dave Kuyan, played by Chaz Palminteri,
04:42 realizes that Verbal Kint had been lying about his story, it becomes clear that Kint was Kaiser
04:47 Sose the whole time. What followed was one of the most memorable quotes in cinema.
04:52 "Greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist."
04:57 The devil was hiding in plain sight.
05:00 "And like that, he's gone."
05:03 Number 5. It Was Earth All Along. Planet of the Apes.
05:07 "All my life I've awaited your coming and dreaded it. Like death itself."
05:13 The Planet of the Apes franchise has been around for over 50 years now,
05:17 so the fact that the Apes are now the rulers of Earth is pretty common knowledge today.
05:22 After all, the ending scene where Taylor and Nova find what's left of Lady Liberty
05:26 has been referenced across many different movies and TV shows.
05:29 "Oh my God, I'm back. I'm home."
05:36 At this point, the scene has become so iconic that it's impossible not to be familiar with
05:41 it before seeing the movie. You can guarantee that whenever the apocalypse does come,
05:46 we'll be yelling those exact words.
05:48 "God damn you! God damn you all to hell!"
05:56 Number 4. It's People. Soylent Green.
05:59 "Why in my day you could buy meat anywhere. Eggs they had, real butter,
06:04 fresh lettuce in the stores."
06:05 It may not be as frequently discussed as some of the other entries on this list,
06:09 but it holds a plot twist that's been referenced by many ever since its release.
06:14 By the end of Soylent Green, Robert Thorne, played by Charlton Heston, discovers that
06:18 the allegedly nutritious wafers are actually made of people, and the film closes with him yelling,
06:24 "Soylent Green is people!"
06:27 The "food is made of people" trope has been used numerous times across media.
06:31 So if you haven't seen Soylent Green,
06:34 the plot twist has already been spoiled for you at some point.
06:37 "They're making our food out of people. Next thing they'll be breeding us like cattle for food.
06:43 You gotta tell 'em."
06:45 Number 3. The mother of all twists. Psycho.
06:49 "She just goes a little mad sometimes."
06:52 Psycho is one of those movies that everyone needs to see once,
06:56 especially if you're a horror fanatic. As if Marion's death wasn't a curveball already.
07:01 We learn at the end of the movie that Mrs. Bates has been dead for several years,
07:05 revealing Norman to be the killer.
07:07 "Did he kill my sister?"
07:08 "Yes. And no."
07:12 The movie is over 60 years old, and like most of the other entries on this list,
07:17 it's been parodied across several movies and television shows.
07:20 By now, everyone knows not to trust someone who wouldn't harm a fly.
07:24 "I hope they are watching. They'll see. They'll see and they'll know,
07:29 and they'll say, 'Why, she wouldn't even harm a fly.'"
07:33 Number 2. He was dead the whole time. The Sixth Sense.
07:38 "I see dead people."
07:40 This was the movie to launch M. Night Shyamalan's career.
07:44 The Sixth Sense has resonated with so many people because of the mind-blowing ending.
07:48 When Malcolm Crowe recounts the events that have transpired since his gunshot wound,
07:52 he discovers that he's actually been dead the entire time.
07:55 "I think I can go now. I just needed to do a couple things."
08:04 Once you start looking at all the clues,
08:06 it's amazing how it wasn't obvious the first time.
08:09 It's one hell of a twist, and has been used for many jokes around the internet.
08:14 Besides, if the twist hasn't been milked dry,
08:17 you've definitely heard the "I see dead people" quote plenty of times.
08:21 "I see good food at competitive prices."
08:24 "At Big Pete's House of Munch. Stop on by."
08:27 Before we spoil our top pick, here are some spoilery honorable mentions.
08:32 Rosebud was his sled. Citizen Kane.
08:34 Head in the Box.
08:40 7.
08:41 "I tried to play husband. I tried to taste the life of a simple man."
08:46 "Go away!"
08:48 "It didn't work out. So, I took a souvenir. Her pretty head."
08:57 The Dead Man is Jigsaw.
09:00 Saw.
09:00 "Most people are so ungrateful to be alive. But not you. Not anymore."
09:08 "Game over!"
09:15 Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get
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09:29 1.
09:32 Darth Vader is Luke's father. Star Wars Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back.
09:37 Star Wars.
09:42 It's a franchise that's made billions at the box office, celebrated by millions of people across
09:48 the globe, and is constantly lampooned by the very pop culture it influenced. Whenever Star Wars is
09:53 being referenced, you can guarantee someone is gonna say "I am your father" in their deepest voice.
09:59 Then, someone will probably remind everyone that Luke and Leia are siblings that kissed,
10:07 grossing out everyone. Regardless of whether you've seen the movies or not,
10:11 these are spoilers you will never escape.
10:14 "That's impossible!"
10:15 "I don't know. Maybe one of those works. Just use the sound bite probably."
10:29 "That's impossible!"
10:30 "I'm sorry that was so loud. I'm trying to be whiny like Luke."
10:32 "That's impossible!"
10:34 "That's impossible!"