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The Big Stories || Premix Fuel: Govt installs automated system to ensure sustainable distribution for fishermen - JoyNews



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00:00 So let's talk about premix and there's something interesting happening in the industry really
00:05 about automation and what I hear. We have here the administrator of the national premix secretary
00:11 Nana Yaw, Nana Abrako Asare to help us understand what the issues are. Alright Nana, so
00:17 we hear something called the FUEL automation machine, what really is it about? Thank you very
00:24 much. The automation machine is a system that we have put in place to streamline the sales and
00:34 distribution of premix fuel across the country and if you look at this project it's a clear
00:42 demonstration of government commitment to solving the many issues that have plagued
00:51 the sale and distribution of premix fuel. So this system is going to streamline the sales,
00:57 the distribution to make sure there's efficiency in its distribution, to make sure there's fairness,
01:03 to make sure that the fishermen are content and the fishermen are happy and to make sure that
01:09 right beneficiaries benefit from premix fuel. How does this align with the government's
01:16 commitment towards using technology for nation building? To begin with I would like to give you
01:23 some background. Premix fuel is highly subsidized by government. It was subsidized to a tune of
01:32 about 85 percent and that should tell you that government is committed to understanding the
01:38 plight of fisher folks because the cost of expedition fuel is one of the most expensive
01:43 components as far as fishing is concerned. So government saw it necessary to see how they can
01:50 support our fisher folks. But unfortunately over the years we've had a lot of irregularities
01:56 in the sales, we've had a lot of issues, we've had a lot of hoarding, we've had a lot of issues
02:01 with regards to middlemen buying premix fuel and then selling it to our fisher folks and it's been
02:07 a worry to government, it's been a worry to the fisher folks as well. So what happens is that
02:13 at the end of the day the ordinary fisherman doesn't stand to benefit from the subsidies that
02:19 we are talking about. So government saw it wise to solve this problem. Initially we've done a lot of
02:25 education, we've done a lot of law enforcement but we realized that we are not able to holistically
02:31 prevent these issues from happening. So government saw it wise to introduce cutting-edge technology
02:41 to solve the problems that we find ourselves in so that we can take away the middlemen and make
02:46 sure that the right beneficiaries get the fuel. So this is going to be a game changer as far as the
02:54 fishing expedition or as far as premix fuel is concerned. It's going to make sure that the right
02:59 people are getting the fuel, it's also going to make sure that they buy fuel at the right cost.
03:05 And this is a clear demonstration that government is committed to solving the problems of the fisher
03:12 folks. And this system is going to make use of cutting-edge technology. We live in a modern world
03:20 in the 21st century, it is high time we use technology to make sure we push development
03:27 forward. It's high time we use technology to make sure that at least we're able to solve the
03:32 problems that confront us. So this system is going to be a stopper, this system is going to
03:38 bring a lot of efficiency and it's going to make sure that we have a very clean system as far as
03:43 fuel distribution is concerned. Interesting, I mean when it comes to premix secretariat we thought
03:50 that you deal with the distribution of fuel. So now that you're bringing technology involved then
03:56 there must be some collaborators. What is the collaboration in here? Yes, to begin I would also
04:03 want to take the opportunity to thank his excellency the vice president Dr Mahmoud Bamiya.
04:08 He's the brainchild of this project. You know some time ago he made a declaration that it's high
04:15 time we digitize premix fuel and distribution and he's been a very good supporter of this project.
04:23 I would also take the opportunity to thank the sector minister, she's also been
04:27 on her feet, Honorable Mavis Hawakunsin. It is a collaboration, you know so you look at the
04:33 ministry, we look at stakeholders like the fisher folks themselves, they've been very very supportive
04:39 to this cause because they are the end beneficiaries. We've been working with
04:44 stakeholders like ministry of energy, NPA and all relevant stakeholders to make sure this project
04:50 happens. So it's been a collaborative effort but we can't take out especially the end users.
04:56 They've been very very supportive because in time past they've had a lot of
05:00 middlemen who are cheating them, you've had people who would buy premix fuel, hold it,
05:08 sell it at exorbitant prices etc. So it's been a collaboration with all stakeholders. Of course the
05:13 ministry has been the forefront of this project, the national premix fuel secretariat which is an
05:19 agency under the ministry of fisheries. We are the men on the ground, all the staff, we've made
05:25 sure that this project sees the light of day and if you look across the country, we have 300 landing
05:29 beaches across the country and I can tell you that this project is far advancing. Fisher folks are
05:34 excited about it, all relevant stakeholders are also very much excited about this project.
05:41 You spoke about hoarding and sometimes diversion that we do here. How is this project going to help
05:50 in this in preventing diversion and hoarding of this fuel? All right so we run a carrying system
05:55 where anybody at all can walk to a landing beach and claims he or she is a fisherman
06:01 and premix fuel as we have it is about 90 super so the super that you use for your car
06:06 and premix fuel is about 90 percent super. It just has engine oil mixed with it so premix fuel has
06:12 other uses but we at the ministry of fisheries intend it to power only outboard motors but you
06:21 find people like Okada Riders who come and buy premix fuel and put it in their motorcycles.
06:28 You even find people who are able to buy it in large quantities and when sell it to filling
06:32 stations and then they dilute it and then sell it to unsuspecting victims. You have people who
06:38 buy it for farming activities so because it's highly subsidized so they prefer to buy it very
06:43 very cheap. Premix fuel was sold a gallon of premix fuel was sold for about seven cities 20 pesos.
06:48 It was until recently that we increased it to about 24 cities you know so that should tell
06:53 you the difference because a gallon of fuel today is about 70 cities about 80 cities you know so if
06:58 you compare it people start to benefit a lot if they're able to buy this premix fuel and hold it
07:04 and then resell it. It goes against government so this and many other things we realize that look
07:11 at the end of the government doesn't benefit from it so why don't we safeguard it and make sure that
07:17 the only intended use that is the fisher folks will make sure that at least they get the premix
07:23 before because in previous times you go to landing beaches and fishermen will complain that
07:28 the premix fuel is not enough it's not to our satisfaction it's because other people come in
07:33 also buy people want to make profits at the back of government so at the end of the day you realize
07:38 fishermen were not satisfied so what do we do we just can't sit down and only complain about the
07:43 problems like i said we've done a lot of education we've done a lot of enforcement but this technology
07:48 is going to be a stopper because fishermen today will be given unique cards every canoe is going to
07:54 get a card so if you don't have a card you have no business at our dispensing units and it's going
08:02 to be controlled it's going to be monitored right from tor right to the landing beach so we're also
08:07 going to have a dashboard that sees every the amount of a full every canoe is using so periodically
08:14 we'll be auditing it to make sure that the canoes are getting the full middlemen cannot have access
08:19 to it it would also reduce the quantities that goes into some of these illegal activities we
08:25 are hoping that at least we can reduce it to the very minimum so that after all it's only fishermen
08:30 who are going to get the full there's another twist even to the story where we've been trying
08:34 to fight the issue of light fishing fishermen today use generators to go for fishing which
08:40 is very very illegal and a lot of them after buying fuel for their album would to also buy
08:46 food for their generator you know so all of this puts pressure on the quantities of food we have
08:52 to give to these fisher folks but if you're able to regulate it and going forward we won't even put
08:56 some capping on it and say look we know the kind of expedition that you go for you're entitled to
09:01 let's say 40 drums for the entire month you know this would regulate and make sure that at least
09:06 we safeguard and also make savings to governments you wanted to intentionally uh put some people
09:11 up because if you decide that canoe a will require 40 gallons a month probably in february
09:18 canoe a will need 80 yeah expect him at 40 so he won't get there 40 how does he then get yes um
09:24 like i'm um i'm saying premix fall is highly highly highly highly subsidized and if you look
09:30 nowhere in the world can you enjoy subsidy in perpetuity especially when that commodity has
09:37 other uses you know so if you don't put controls in if you don't put checks in there you'd always
09:43 have issues it's just like fertilizer is subsidized by government so you cannot say you're going to
09:48 give it in perpetuity or as many as you may want because at the end of the day you find people who
09:53 may want to smuggle it to other neighboring countries so you need to put in control so
09:58 this capping system we've now started the engagement we're going to sit with all the
10:03 stakeholders the fishermen themselves they know averagely how much they use just like your car
10:08 you can give an average figure or figure that you you can use for for the for for demand we may not
10:13 be able to get it exactly but we need to start from somewhere and we need to put in controls
10:18 if we want to save governments some money and if we want to make sure that fishermen also benefit
10:23 from this system we of course need to put in some controls to make sure the system is effective
10:27 and it's efficient you made mention of a dashboard yes and other mechanisms is that what is going to
10:34 give you real-time monitoring of what's happening what are some other things you're going to add on
10:39 exactly this system is a real-time monitoring device right from our office we are able to even
10:45 see what is happening in the tanks we're able to see the stock level so of course in previous times
10:50 when food is dispensed into the tank there are times where fishermen can even connive with this
10:56 middleman and then siphon everything out in the next one hour or two hours so this is real-time
11:02 and it's going to trigger if anything is going wrong there are triggers at every level to make
11:08 sure that even this canoe is not taking more than is required you know so it gives us real-time
11:13 monitoring we also have a database of all the canoes in the system so any canoe that is not in
11:18 the system cannot buy and even to begin with if you don't have access to the card you can't the
11:23 machine is not even going to dispense food to you so this is an airtight system we want to make sure
11:29 that the controls are there to minimize all the illegalities that confronts us today this brings
11:36 in mind transparency and accountability yes yes you're going to see the real time and what
11:42 yeah how does this system help not you alone but all of us who are stakeholders of this yeah to
11:49 then you know measure how transparent and accountable the system and the secretary
11:57 all right in managing all right so this system is going to be very very transparent if you look at
12:03 the system or current system that we have it's a cash system you know fishermen sometimes come
12:09 to the landing beach and they use manual system in dispensing the food there are times where they
12:14 are even shortchanged you want to buy let's say 40 liters they have their own way of calculating
12:20 sometimes at the end of the day you are giving 35 they are giving 30 i remember very well when we
12:24 test we had to test run the system fishermen were very very excited because they they saw value for
12:29 money going forward we even want to take the cash out of the system where you are able to load your
12:34 money onto your card so when we take cash out of the system it also reduces the corruption it reduces
12:39 people having access to money and using it for some of these illegal activities so it's going to
12:44 be very very transparent from the dashboard journalists can easily come to the secretariat
12:49 we'll be able to project for you to see all the data the fishermen getting the food where this
12:55 food is going to who is receiving what and what have you so it's going to be very very transparent
12:59 we're also working with mpa they are the regulators so on on their system they would also be able to
13:05 monitor what is happening ministry of energy would also have access to it so everybody real
13:10 time will be able to monitor what is happening across the country right down to what is happening
13:15 even in the tank so this is the most transparent and efficient system you can ever have well um
13:21 we live in a country where i mean you just heard the other time when the minister for
13:26 foreign affairs was lamenting yeah about how some people are sabotaging the online passport
13:31 application system yeah so it means that whatever you do people find a way to go around the system
13:35 how will the system you know ensure that it is able to you know cope with people who would want
13:43 to go around it to perpetuate their illegal business yeah that that reminds me of a proverb
13:49 that says that as long as the bird learned how to fly without patching the ant also learned to
13:54 shoot without missing yes of course um when when projects like this are ongoing i'm sure the other
14:00 unscrupulous people would would also be trying to find ways and means to work around the system
14:05 this is an up-to-date machine this is a cutting-edge technology that is able to adapt
14:12 to the changing demands and and and of of our needs you know and at every point in time we
14:19 have engineers that have studied this system to make sure one like i said is very very watertight
14:25 to make sure we close all the loopholes we study the system for some time we know of all the
14:30 illegalities across the chain i think we've started we've piloted this project um currently
14:35 even mp has a way of even monitoring even our tankers right from tour to the landing beach
14:41 but realize that we need a holistic system that we will to reduce all of these um illegalities so
14:46 this system to begin with is is is airtight you know it'll be extremely difficult to circumvent
14:52 your way around it but the second feature about it like i said it has a way of adapting you know
14:59 has a way of changing so as we go along as we realize the challenges along the line we'll be
15:04 able to adapt to the needs of of of what we specifically want want to do when the system
15:09 started initially wasn't even supposed to be a it was supposed to be even a cash system but because
15:15 of the way the card is we realize we will be able to even load money onto the card so it's made in
15:19 such a way that we'll be able to change to suit our specific needs and to make sure that nobody's
15:24 able to circumvent around it okay and and this system will be launched on the 29th of august yes
15:30 in elmina yes how does this tie into government's you know whole issue about technology innovation
15:38 and and to bring about efficiency in the system yes the system will be launched um on 29th of
15:44 august by the vice president his excellency dr mamoud bamiya like i said earlier on this project
15:52 is his brainchild you know and we thank god for how far we have come and this project is a clear
15:58 demonstration of government's intention to use technology for progress and for advancement
16:05 we live in a world today that we need to take use or take advantage of of technology and there are
16:11 many areas in our country today that we are using technology to to solve or to reduce some of the
16:18 illegalities and i am happy that premix for distribution hasn't been left out you know we
16:24 have always made the case that the only way we can change the funds or the sales and distribution
16:30 is the use of technology we've made the case several times and i'm very excited that by the
16:36 grace of god ending of the month we'll see the launch of this project and then across the length
16:41 of and breadth of the country fishermen can now appreciate the use of technology in their daily
16:47 activities this obviously will not solve the issue about shortage of of things right what are you
16:53 doing in that regard in in one way it it it will go a long way to to solve the shortage and like i
17:00 mentioned to you currently a lot of people who depend on premix are not actual end users like
17:08 i told you the system is so porous today that you find people who are not even fishermen who come and
17:13 buy premix for and use it for their own and these people even buy it and put it in their generators
17:17 at home people put it in their machines that are two-stroke engines etc so if you're able to launch
17:23 this project aside the other benefits that would anneal to us like the health and safety needs
17:28 and and and what have you it also going to reduce all of these people that are not supposed to get
17:35 premixed for so if that is done it means that there will be enough one for fishermen so that
17:41 will also help us address the issue of of shortage that notwithstanding government is still committed
17:46 to ensure that we have enough premise for in the system to be able to fill these machines
17:51 and as i hope that the machines will not even run empty before we refill because now in our office
17:57 we'll be able to tell that this tank is running out so we need to refill so we'll also address
18:02 and we'll go a long way to address the shortages that we've been having and that is our intention
18:06 that at the end of this all the shortages will be solved the hoarding will be solved the sale
18:11 of premixed for exorbitant prices and that we intended to be would also be solved so it is a
18:17 holistic approach in solving all the problems that currently faces us but in the current system if
18:23 it's running out the lbcs will call you that our fuel has run out yes and sometimes we do get
18:29 companies of lbcs who would wait for like a week to you know getting the food that's what i'm asking
18:34 aside this which is a brilliant idea what else are we doing to ensure that together with this we don't
18:40 have this shortage that impacts negatively on the industry yes there's a lot that has been done
18:44 starting from this year we started the use of condensates condensates is a by-product from our
18:51 gas planting you know it's horrible we realized that studies were done between mpa standard board
18:56 realized that because initially premixed fuel is highly like i said about 90 of super and a bit of
19:02 engine oil and super is also influenced by world prices i remember last year was one of our most
19:08 difficult years for us especially on the onset of the ukraine russia war it was difficult for us
19:13 because fuel prices were increasing so it became very difficult for government to bear that whole
19:18 cost but after these studies you realize that we can introduce condensates which we have in abundance
19:23 so it reduced the super components that means it also reduces the amount of subsidy governments is
19:30 pumping into into it so we are we are solving the problems holistically we are looking at how
19:35 we can increase the supply and we also in discussion with tamarai refinery previous
19:41 years they've had challenges we've been talking to them to make sure they have state-of-the-art
19:44 equipment to be able to blend the required numbers that that that we want so that at least they'll
19:50 be full every time for for the fisherfolk so gradually i think we are getting somewhere we
19:54 are making progress and we know definitely um very soon most of the problems that confront us
20:00 will be a thing of the past well um we can't talk about premixed premixed we're not talking about
20:07 politics i've heard that you're running for you're from eswajaman yes in the eastern region and you
20:14 are running for the for the sea yes i'm running i'm running i'm contesting the upcoming primaries
20:19 on the ticket of the mpp i mean what what is that drive yeah that you know gives you the motivation
20:26 that you have to give all right um if you look at the problems um currently in eswajaman um
20:32 there are a lot there are a lot of problems currently confronting my constituency talk
20:37 about infrastructure job creation um education i realized that the constituency has a lot of
20:43 potential that has been left untapped and it's that drive to make sure we synergize all of this
20:50 potential and make sure that things happen we want to bring hope especially to the youth we
20:54 want to create opportunities we want to create employment we want to make sure that the
20:58 constituency is self-sufficient we want to make sure that at least there is some sort of life
21:03 there's some sort of respite people are happy people are content things are moving on
21:08 infrastructure is connecting to other projects we have a lot of farming communities what are
21:12 we doing agriculture it is this drive to bring solution to my people it is what is pushing me
21:18 to contest for for for the upcoming primaries and then hopefully also win the seat for my
21:24 my party mpp and that is the drive that is keeping me alive what is that dream
21:28 for the show for which it gives you that burning fuel to say let me do this what is the dream for
21:37 i i want a soldier man to be the constituency of choice i want it to be you know if you look at the
21:43 demographics even geographics of a soldier man it is a constituency that i believe has a lot of
21:49 potential and i believe that if you're able to position ourself very well um you look at acro
21:55 now and acro is expanding um i can do from acros to akosombu in about about the district capital
22:00 is atipuku i can do it in an hour you know there's so much we can do um a lot of factories can be
22:06 even be set up we have a very good connecting road to acro you know unfortunately some other roads in
22:11 the constituency are not in the best of shape but if you look at the connecting road from here to
22:15 the district capital um it's not too far from acro that alone is even a plus for us if you look at
22:21 the railway project that is happening then pakadan project i mean it's very soon there's going to be
22:25 a pot today and it's going to it passes through it terminates in my constituency then there's a
22:30 ferry that takes you to the north that alone is a huge huge huge huge huge potential for us it's
22:35 going to open up the constituency you know any constituency that we have a pot there you have
22:39 it's going to increase trading and it can be a hub it can even be a food basket you know because
22:45 there's a road there we're able to transport food to acro and other parts of the country so
22:50 i believe there's a lot of potential we talk about tourism we have almost almost all the best hotels
22:57 you can find in in ghana you you find in the in the constituency one other thing that we also have
23:02 is the river body it's more like an island and i ask myself how many um i'm a farmer myself how many
23:09 agricultural farms we have there that is even utilizing the water body that we have so there's
23:15 so much that is left on top and i believe i'm the right man to put all of these things together to
23:20 make sure the youth in the community in the constituency stay when people have jobs to do
23:25 they don't migrate to acro to look for for anything so that is the hope that i want to bring
23:29 and that is the my core message i've been engaging delegates i've been engaging the constituents
23:35 and they realize that this is the man they want i've been around the constituency for some time
23:40 i've used my foundation i've been helping the constituency for for so many years now and i
23:46 believe now is the time to be able to serve my constituents on a bigger scale when i become
23:52 their mp i'll have the platform to push more for them i'll have the opportunity to bring more
23:57 respite to them i have the opportunity to represent them also in parliament and make
24:01 sure that their voice is heard you're an engineer yes i know you have background in geoscience as
24:07 well yeah petroleum geoscience and law yeah and law as well how do you intend leveraging on all
24:11 of this i think that is leadership i mean leadership you sometimes need a multi-background
24:18 it gives you different perspectives when you are tackling issues you know when it comes to law i
24:23 know how to apply it then when i can when it comes to my engineer i know how to so i'm also a
24:27 businessman you know so that's that's that's multi-background i believe it's also a very
24:32 good trump card for me anytime i'm in the constituency there are times where i've been
24:36 joined my constituents to go to farm because i'm a farmer myself you know i'm able to understand
24:41 their plight and i'm able to give them tailored solutions and to their problems when it comes
24:45 to business there are a lot of local entrepreneurs in the constituency there are times i meet them
24:50 we share ideas we look at how we can progress their business etc so this is the kind of man
24:54 you're looking for aside me even cutting across all the i mentioned about the demographic the
25:00 demographics and the ethnicity so your man also has almost every tribe in the constituency and i
25:05 cut across almost all the tribes also in the constituency so i'm able to relate to constituents
25:11 on every level and it makes them appreciate the kind of work that we want to do and i believe
25:17 if i'm giving the mandate we can do more for the constituency
25:20 you said you have an NGO so it means that you're gonna take in some of
25:24 oh we've done a lot of projects just not too long ago just last two weeks we're able to partner with
25:29 our partners from the USA we've got a lot of medical supplies and worth about 50 000 us dollars
25:36 to the constituency we've done a lot of screening breast screening doing breast cancer awareness
25:42 so we've done so many things for the constituency education we've been there for them we've been
25:47 there for them and we hope to do more more for them you feel you can beat them it's it's not a
25:53 problem at all um it's not a problem we we have the strategies and we know how to win the seat
26:00 we're just hoping that um at the end of the day our premise is coming up shortly
26:04 and the premise is my is my is my focus now right after the primaries of course we have plans for
26:09 the general election as well i have everything well planned and wait and see at the end of the day i'm
26:16 the incoming mp for the german constituency okay great beautiful i love your guts yeah okay all
26:23 the best but um now as you said your focus is on the pending primaries yes your delegate will be
26:30 watching you now what kind of message you have for them yes it's so simple um i've just i've
26:35 continuously been preaching for unity we need a united front so german is not a difficult constituency
26:40 especially for the mpp and the gap has always been very close the last election we lost
26:45 just a little under 1200 you know if we put our acts together very well we get a right candidate
26:51 i think we've also had issues in terms of candidate if you're able to position ourselves
26:55 very well present a very formidable front and we are united and we should be able to clinch the
27:00 seat from from from the ndc we've had an mp that has been there for eight years it was a dc for
27:05 four years 12 years cumulatively we've not seen much change we've not seen much improvement so
27:10 we need to be united it's an internal elections all delegates to be rest assured we are one family
27:14 after the elections god willing i'm going to be the pc let's all unite our funds and go into this
27:20 election and i know definitely we'll be victorious all the best yeah thank you very much i'm sure
27:25 and i know other things will be happening great but just before i let you go right um nigeria
27:30 all right has taken off subsidy from premix yes why aren't we able to do same it's a process
27:35 you know um i believe um we we stand um if you look at if you compare nigeria and ghana
27:41 they are it's a different um zone as compared to us um if you look at our fishing we do a lot
27:47 of fishing than nigeria we have very suitable um what do you call it conditions as far as fishing
27:51 is concerned and we need to take it in steps um initially like i told you the subsidy was about
27:57 85 we've reduced the subsidy to about about 50 we have to sit down with the fishermen for them to
28:02 understand um the way forward you know and our fisher folks have also been very supportive to
28:08 our gdp they've contributed a lot to to the country and if you look at our protein intake
28:12 fish is one of the most uh we're taking fish even more than we take we take meat so whatever
28:18 decision that we take we must think about it very carefully and also make sure we stagger it
28:22 make sure they understand it we are talking about this technology this technology comes in
28:26 and they embrace it and it's working for them we can also introduce other measures then we can take
28:31 them off slowly if we want to if we want to take it off so um if you go anywhere in the world even
28:37 the us other countries they still put in some subsidies for fisher folks so will there be a
28:42 time where probably subsidies will be that's that's an entirely um government decision um i
28:48 wouldn't be able to say a yes or no to it um but for now what i can say is government is committed
28:53 to supporting fisher folks the support can come in various angles there have even been people who
28:58 have postulated that okay the subsidy can even be taken off and giving them some insurance we've
29:03 been trying to look at it from various angles you know but i want to take it progressively you know
29:08 because premixful has been there for what about about about 20 years now you know so if you want
29:13 to take them off um suddenly it may also create its own problems you know it can even affect a
29:20 whole lot fish is going to be very we are beneficiaries of premise you don't get premixful
29:24 you don't take premise for but at the end of the day you buy fish at a certain price because
29:29 government is subsidizing it for you so if you want to take subsidy we also you're also a stakeholder
29:34 you know so it's a it's a it's a whole thing you know we have to look at it critically and
29:39 carefully but it's an entirely government decision to take of course we are there as policy makers
29:44 we are there as guides there are times where government engages us we also tell them what
29:48 is on the ground by the end of the day governments will take that decision but for now what i can say
29:53 is that government is committed in ensuring that they support our fisher folks that is what they
29:57 are committed to doing now thank you
