Carolina's Offensive Struggles May Benefit Giants in High-Scoring Game

  • last year
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 - Giants at the moment minus three, 38 flat.
00:07 So this is, there's 39 this morning, Joe,
00:08 down to 38 now, this total heading in the other direction.
00:12 - Yeah, but this smells to me
00:14 because you're talking about a Carolina team
00:15 that got shut out last week with Bryce Young.
00:18 He looked like a deer in the headlights,
00:19 no protection against the New York Jets.
00:21 And we know that obviously the Giants offense
00:24 with second and third teamers,
00:26 DeVito put up points against Detroit,
00:28 but this total is one of the highest on the boards
00:30 this week, 39 and a half.
00:32 It's already down in terms of 38.
00:34 I like the over, you're gonna see why.
00:36 Obviously a little Bryce Young,
00:37 Matt Corral that lit it up.
00:39 Matt Corral potentially could be the best player
00:41 on the field maybe in the second half.
00:43 Don't smirk, Matt Corral is legit, you know that.
00:47 First of all, the Liz Frank injury
00:48 didn't even play last year
00:50 and was one of the top quarterbacks
00:52 in the SEC in college football two years ago.
00:56 A definite first round talent should be starting
00:59 on one of the 32 teams in the NFL.
01:01 (upbeat music)
01:04 (bell ringing)
