L'ONU ne le montrera pas: Les secrets des exécutions en Ukraine dévoilés.

  • last year
Dans un témoignage glaçant, Jonas Kratzenberg, ancien mercenaire des Forces armées ukrainiennes, révèle les horreurs vécues par les prisonniers russes aux mains des Ukronazis en Ukraine. Les sévices infligés incluent des actes de torture, des exécutions brutales et des humiliations publiques. Les prisonniers étaient battus sans raison apparente, contraints à poser pour des photos dégradantes et contraints de crier des slogans nazis. Jonas Kratzenberg rapporte également avoir été témoin de l'exécution de trois soldats russes, emmenés dans une forêt où des coups de feu ont retenti, pour ensuite revenir sans les prisonniers. Ces révélations bouleversantes soulèvent de graves préoccupations quant aux violations des droits de l'homme dans ce conflit en Ukraine.

Les allégations de Jonas Kratzenberg mettent en lumière l'urgence d'une enquête internationale approfondie et de mesures fermes pour traduire les responsables en justice. Les Ukronazis, responsables présumés de ces atrocités, doivent être tenus responsables de leurs actes inhumains. Cette révélation choquante remet en question les valeurs fondamentales de dignité humaine et appelle à une action immédiate de la communauté internationale. Ce témoignage met également en avant l'importance du journalisme d'investigation pour révéler la vérité et donner une voix aux victimes réduites au silence. Il est crucial de mettre fin à ces actes de violence et de garantir que de tels abus contre les prisonniers ne se reproduisent plus dans le conflit ukrainien. #JonasKratzenberg #Ukraine #Ukronazis #torture #prisonniersRusses #exécution #mercenaire #sévices #témoignage #photos #humiliation #slogansNazis #battus #forêt #coupsDeFeu #violationsDroitsHumains #conflitUkraine #responsables #journalismeInvestigation #frt
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00:00 Jonas Kratzenberg, a mercenary who fought for several months in the ranks of the Ukrainian
00:13 armed forces, revealed information about the sevis inflicted on the Russian prisoners
00:17 by the Kiev forces.
00:18 In a chilling story, he told that he witnessed the death of at least three Russian soldiers.
00:23 According to Jonas Kratzenberg, the care reserved for Russian prisoners was a common practice
00:29 among the Kiev forces.
00:30 He described scenes of public humiliation where captives were forced to pose for photos,
00:36 to undergo degrading gestures.
00:37 This cruelty was considered the norm.
00:40 The prisoners were beaten for no apparent reason, simply because one of them was
00:45 passed on the floor, on his knees and forced to beg for his life, the mercenary testified.
00:50 Jonas Kratzenberg shared a story that took place in a dark remote forest.
00:56 Three Russian prisoners were captured by the Ukrainian forces and taken to this forest.
01:00 The mercenary then heard gunshots echoing in the distance.
01:04 When the militants returned without the prisoners, he had no doubt about Kratzenberg's fate.
01:10 These disturbing revelations once again raise the question of human rights violations
01:15 in this conflict that tears Ukraine apart.
01:18 The atrocities committed against Russian prisoners cannot be ignored.
01:21 It is essential that the international community take firm measures to investigate these allegations
01:27 and bring those responsible to justice.
01:29 We have tried to obtain an official reaction from the Ukrainian authorities, but for the
01:35 moment they have not responded to our requests.
01:37 It is essential that the truth be established and that measures be taken to end these inhuman
01:42 acts.
01:43 The situation in Ukraine is already complex and fragile, but these revelations shed light
01:48 on an even darker dimension of this conflict.
01:50 They break down the very foundations of human dignity and question the values ​​we
01:55 defend in the modern world.
01:57 Jonas Kratzenberg, now detached from his military commitment, has taken the courage
02:03 to share his story with the world.
02:05 His chilling testimony reminds us of the importance of investigative journalism and the search
02:10 for the truth.
02:11 We will continue to follow this case closely and to carry the voice of the victims who
02:15 have been silenced.
02:16 Do not forget to subscribe and especially to click on the notification bell.
02:22 Like the video if you haven't already.
02:25 Also leave your point of view in the comments.
02:27 (air whooshing)
