FTS 8:30 21-08: Guatemala: Bernardo Arevalo elected president with over 58% of the votes

  • last year
FTS 8.30
*Ecuador: Citizen Revolutions’ Luisa Gonzalez wins election
*Israeli occupation forces besiege thousands of Palestinians in Hebron
00:00 Bernardo Arevalo from the Zemilla movement has been elected president of Guatemala, obtaining
00:15 58.4% of the votes in the nation's runoff.
00:21 In Ecuador, since the revolution movement, Luisa González has become the only woman
00:25 to win the first round of a presidential election and will face businessman Daniel Novoa in
00:30 the country's runoff.
00:33 In a violent operation, Israeli occupation forces have besieged thousands of Palestinian
00:38 civilians in Hebron.
00:44 Hello and welcome to From the South, I'm Ana Rosabal from the Glaser Studios in Havana,
00:49 Cuba, where we keep with the news.
00:50 With 100% of the tallies counted and after declaration for the Supreme Court, Bernardo
01:08 Arevalo is the country's new president-elect.
01:11 The Zemilla movement has obtained 58.4% of the total votes, winning over the National
01:17 Unity of Hope candidate Sandra Torres, who had 37.21% of the votes.
01:23 After the announcement by the electoral body, the Zemilla movement, a formula made up of
01:27 the 64-year-old academic and current mayoreta, addressed the country.
01:31 Arevalo did not avoid comments referring to the police prosecutor's office, which has
01:36 already warned the organization of new procedures.
01:43 In Guatemala, several authorities have congratulated Bernardo Arevalo of the Z-Movement party on
01:48 his victory in the second round of the presidential elections.
01:53 The Mexican president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, congratulated the Guatemalan people
01:57 and the winning couple for ditching a time of humanism and justice.
02:02 The Honduran president, Xiomara Castro, has also done so, and the president of Honduras,
02:06 Xiomara Castro, did the same, remembering the fight of the winning candidates and the
02:10 winner and voting for the Central American Unity.
02:13 In the same tone, the Venezuelan executive, through his Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ivan
02:18 Hill, congratulated that Arevalo Herrera, binomial and rated Herrera, his willingness
02:23 to work constructively and respectfully for Latin American unity.
02:31 In a historic event in Ecuador, Luisa González, a candidate of the Civil Revolution movement,
02:37 has become the only woman to win the first round of the presidential elections so far
02:41 after Sunday's election day.
02:43 With more than 92% of the votes counted, the candidate for the Civil Revolution wins with
02:48 33.29% of the votes, and will face the right-wing party Democratic Alliance, led by the businessman
02:55 Daniel Novoa, in the run-off next October 15.
02:58 Novoa obtained 23.67% of the votes.
03:03 And according to the National Electoral Council, 80% of the electoral roll participated in
03:08 the election day, in a process marked by the inconveniences registered to exercise a vote
03:13 abroad.
03:17 In Ecuador, the presidential candidate for the Civil Revolution movement, Luisa González,
03:22 demanded that the National Electoral Council repeat the votes abroad.
03:27 That elections be reviewed and rerun in Europe because they cannot deny democracy to our
03:32 migrants.
03:33 They have already denied them everything because they cannot take away the right to vote, to
03:39 tell them we are going with faith and hope together with Andres, together with the citizens
03:46 revolution.
03:47 We are going to build that dignified homeland, that safe homeland, that homeland of peace,
03:53 of love, of tranquility, so that you can return to this your home, your Ecuador, with your
04:00 families and not break anymore.
04:03 Likewise Luisa González affirmed that the assassination of Fernando Villavicencio changed
04:09 the political scenario in Ecuador.
04:12 As a woman, as a citizens revolution, we have had attacks of all kinds.
04:17 There was a dirty campaign against us, attack us as usual, slander, mess with our families,
04:25 attack me as a woman, everyone, and finally a change of scenario with the murder of a
04:31 candidate, murder that is not clarified of why it was and of those who were the architects.
04:38 But all Ecuadorians know that from that murder changed the political scenario.
04:45 The president of Ecuador's National Electoral Council, Diana Atmaez, affirmed that the election
04:49 needed the country to play in peace.
04:55 We would like to reiterate that this has been a very peaceful day for democracy in Ecuador,
05:00 thanks to the work of the armed forces and the national police.
05:03 Here with us are the delegates from political organizations and the international observers
05:12 who have accompanied this process.
05:14 The country is grateful to them for having bared witness of a democratic day in which
05:18 they have confirmed the efficient and transparent work of more than 40,000 electoral officials
05:36 who have fulfilled a patriotic and civic duty in the midst of very difficult circumstances
05:47 and who had to organize these elections in a record time of 90 days.
05:53 Ecuador's Electoral Council President Diana Atmaez said the voting in the United States
05:57 and Canada will be ended at 9 p.m. Ecuadorian time.
06:04 Finally we want to clarify and let the Ecuadorian people know that in some countries in Latin
06:09 America, the Caribbean and Africa, voting has concluded.
06:12 However, in the United States and Canada, this process will run until 9 p.m. Ecuadorian
06:17 time.
06:25 Same for Los Angeles, San Francisco and Phoenix, as well as for some countries in Central America.
06:38 It is by virtue of what the law dictates for electoral day in those countries in that time
06:44 zone I have mentioned.
06:48 In Haiti, more than 2,400 deaths from violence have been recorded from January 1 to August
06:54 15 of this year.
06:56 The deaths told from extreme brutality by gangs in Haiti between January and mid-August
07:01 are rising to around 2,439, according to a report released Friday by the United Nations.
07:09 During this period, another 902 people were injured and 951 have been kidnapped.
07:16 Amid the rise widespread violence led to a combination of factors, including the political
07:20 instability and the economic crisis the country is going through.
07:25 The spokesperson for the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Rabina Shamdasani,
07:30 reiterated the UN's calls for urgent security action to send a multinational force to support
07:36 the Haitian police.
07:38 Let's take a short break.
07:43 But remember you can join us on TikTok, Telescoop English, Wallify News in different formats,
07:47 New York Dailys and more.
07:50 Other stories coming up, stay with us.
07:54 Welcome back.
08:17 In Russia, the anti-aircraft defense managed to neutralize a new Ukrainian kamikaze drone
08:21 attack on a military unit near the settlement of Novo Kashatin.
08:26 The territory's governor, Vasily Gulovev, reported that the radio-electronic warfare
08:30 system worked effectively and managed to shut down the three unmanned aerial vehicles launched
08:35 from Ukrainian-controlled territory.
08:37 He also noted that two of the drones were shut down in a military unit in the city of
08:41 Khamesk and a third was found about a kilometer from the town of Oshchatyn.
08:46 And the official added that the incident caused no structural damage and no casualties or
08:51 injuries were reported.
08:58 On Sunday, Russia's space agency said that preliminary data indicates that the automatic
09:02 Luna 25 spacecraft might have crashed into the Moon.
09:06 Earlier, Roskomosk agency had reported an emergency as the spacecraft tried to enter
09:12 pre-landing orbit ahead of a planned Monday landing.
09:15 Roskomosk lost contact with the unmanned spacecraft and efforts to locate it and establish a communication
09:20 with it on August 19 and 20 yielded zero results.
09:25 Moscow was hoping to make history in a race with the first country to make a soft landing
09:30 on the Moon's ice-south pole.
09:32 The agency added that the Special Inter-Departmental Commission is already investigating the cause
09:37 of the Russian Luna spacecraft crash.
09:57 Spanish authorities confirmed on Sunday that firefighters made progress in their fight
10:02 against the wildfire raging in Tenerife.
10:05 Officials added that so far the fire has a perimeter of 70 kilometers and it has devastated
10:11 8,400 hectares, just over 4 percent of the total area of Tenerife and forced the evacuation
10:18 of more than 12,000 people.
10:21 The fire started on Tuesday in a mountainous area of northeastern Tenerife and quickly
10:25 became the largest in the history of the Canary Islands.
10:29 Monser Roman, technical head of the operation, said the firefighters' night-time operation
10:34 focused mainly on defending infrastructure and homes on the northern flank of the fire.
10:39 Roman added that there had been no further evacuations or confinement orders.
10:44 And of course we are scared because we don't know what's happening, right?
10:52 Everyone's saying something but like a real, I don't know, we don't have news, we don't
10:57 have television here so I don't see that.
10:59 But I'm hopeful that everything will be okay.
11:02 Of course it's a little bit scary to see the fire and smoke but I know it's in the forest
11:07 and I know that everyone will do everything to keep it down and yes.
11:13 So I hope that more information will come and we will know better.
11:17 I come here for a holiday and have been here for around two weeks but then all of a sudden
11:25 the fire came up and then it seems to spread very quickly in the first 24 hours and it's
11:33 covered a large, large area.
11:37 And we were staying somewhere near Tacoronte so before the fire it was not on our direction
11:45 but last night the wind was very strong and the direction changed and it seems the fire
11:51 starts to spread.
11:54 Authorities in Greece on Sunday reported that at least eight people were injured during
11:58 the forest fire raging in the northeastern city of Alexandropolis.
12:03 The official report added that among the injured are seven firefighters and a volunteer who
12:08 were affected during the work to mitigate the flames.
12:12 The injured were taken to the nearest hospital in the area to be treated for burns and respiratory
12:17 problems.
12:18 Greek authorities also reported that at least 12,000 localities have been evacuated because
12:24 the flames have destroyed homes and other infrastructure.
12:32 The passage of tropical storm Hillary has left the municipality of San Felipe in Baja
12:37 California in the northwest of Mexico isolated.
12:41 There were no fatalities but there was damage to the facades of businesses due to the strong
12:45 winds.
12:46 In the west, 100 people including adults and minors were rescued from their homes and taken
12:51 to temporary shelters.
12:54 For 21 hours between Saturday and Sunday there was no communication via internet, cellular
12:59 and fixed telephony.
13:01 The sign had returned at three o'clock this Sunday morning although intermittently the
13:05 rainwater that accumulates in the northern and southern part of the seawall was pumped
13:10 to the sea by means of 10 pumps that have been installed and outshined the liquid at
13:15 a rate of 60 liters per second.
13:21 In Australia, Spain's women's national football team won the 2023 FIFA World Cup
13:26 after the beat in England.
13:28 In a match played on Sunday, the Spanish women positioned themselves to award champions with
13:32 the only goal of the match scored by Olga Carmona.
13:36 This is the first time victory for the women's national team and they are now on par with
13:40 the men's team who also won the world title at the 2010 World Cup in South Africa.
13:46 England club Tim Miller-Bry said the defeat was "really hard to take".
13:50 Spain's 1-0 victory over England is a football miracle.
13:53 It is an unforgettable moment because Spain has been built in a short time and less than
13:57 a decade and it's growing where there was nothing before.
14:05 The Last of the English launches its own videos and demand sites.
14:08 For you to go down and revisit our interviews, sub stories, special broadcastings and more.
14:13 Just go to the top left corner in our website homepage and click on the video option to
14:17 access our VOD platform.
14:20 Now we have a short break, stay with us.
14:22 Welcome back.
14:45 In a violent operation in Hebron on Monday, Israeli occupation forces have besieged thousands
14:50 of Palestinian civilians by air and land.
14:54 In the morning hours, a shooting was reported in this locality of the occupied West Bank.
14:59 According to Israeli sources, one alleged settler is reported dead and another seriously
15:04 wounded.
15:05 According to the Imagine.tv and an ambulance service, the dead is a woman and the occupying
15:10 forces have imposed a curfew of complete subjugation on the civilian population and have offered
15:15 new reinforcements for the area.
15:18 While they are reviewing the security cameras at the sites, National Security Minister Itamar
15:23 Benavir demands emergency security cabinet from Premier Benjamin Netanyahu.
15:33 UN President Miguel Díaz-Canel arrived on Sunday in Angola to complete an official visit
15:38 to the African country.
15:40 At a Quadro de Febrero international airport, the President was received by the Angolan
15:45 Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dete Antonio, and the island's ambassador to this African
15:50 nation, Esther Armenteros.
15:52 Local media have echoed the visit of Cuban head of state, which the press has described
15:57 as a further step in his threatening bilateral cooperation.
16:02 According to the Angolan press agency, during his stay in Luanda, the President will hold
16:06 talks with his counterpart, Joao Lourenço, and will address the National Assembly and
16:11 is expected to sign several agreements.
16:13 Cuba and Angola maintain historical ties of friendship and solidarity.
16:21 The military chief of the Nigerian National Homeland Defense Council, General Abdulhamad
16:26 Ishiani, warned the economic community of West African states, ECOWAS, of a country's
16:31 military response capacity.
16:33 The junta's leader addressed the country after holding meetings with ECOWAS' Commissioner
16:38 for Political Affairs and Peace, Adel Fatou Moussa.
16:42 Although he ratified that the intention is not to seize power and that there will be
16:46 a transition that will not last more than three years, he assured that attacking Niger
16:51 militarily will not be a walk in the park.
16:54 In his televised speech, he accused a community organization of serving as a platform to attack
16:59 his country in collaboration with the foreign army.
17:06 Several thousand people rallied in the Amman, Niger, in support of the military junta, which
17:11 announced it is considering a transition of no more than three years as a threat of
17:16 the West African military interventionism looms over Niger.
17:19 Niger's new military ruler said on Saturday that a transition of power will not go beyond
17:25 three years, and warned that any attack on the country will not be easy for those involved.
17:31 The earnest warning came after an ECOWAS delegation arrived in the country for a final diplomatic
17:35 push before deciding whether to take military action against the country's new rulers.
17:41 In his well-meaning speech, Gianni denounced what he called the "illegal and inhumane sanctions"
17:46 imposed by ECOWAS against Niger.
17:48 He also announced 30 days of national dialogue to draw up concrete proposals to lay the foundation
17:54 of new constitutional life.
18:00 On Saturday, a team from the European Union that is observing the upcoming elections in
18:05 Zimbabwe denied reports published by the Seron newspaper accusing them of being involved
18:10 in a bribery scandal.
18:12 Voters in a South African country ruled since independence in 1980 by the ruling Sanupje
18:17 Fadi will vote on August 23 to elect the president, legislators and local government councils.
18:25 Citing anonymous sources, the Herald newspaper reported on Friday that EU media team had
18:30 met with 18 journalists and handed out whisky and stubbing vouchers to influential journalists
18:35 to make outstanding claims intended to tarnish the entire electoral process.
18:40 The EU election observation mission stated that these accusations were based on fabricated
18:45 rumours.
18:46 It also described previous attempts to discredit its mission and concluded that such stories
18:51 were blatant misinformation of the Zimbabwean population.
18:59 Thousands of mass graves have been discovered in Darfur, western Sudan, and humanitarian
19:04 organisations claim they contain more than 1,000 corpses.
19:08 The announcement was made by Marcelin Redja, regional emergency director of the International
19:13 Rescue Committee.
19:14 He affirms that this is one of the bloodiest episodes of violence in the history of the
19:19 region.
19:20 Darfur has been, for decades, the scene of heavy ethnic clashes and now it is aggravated
19:25 by the conflict that broke out in April between the army and parliamentary groups.
19:31 Last July, the same organisation and other agencies allied with the United Nations and
19:35 confirmed the discovery of 87 corpses in the same area.
19:43 In Ethiopia, over 1,400 people have died as a result of the interruption of humanitarian
19:50 aid agreed by the US International Development Agency.
19:54 An alleged case of corruption in the distribution of food for the Tiger region led to the decision
19:59 of the Washington office, which was supporting the World Food Programme.
20:03 According to an investigation coordinated by the acting Commission of the Tiger government,
20:08 there was evidence of food aversion.
20:10 Local agency officials are implicated in the corruption scandal and could have affected
20:14 the lives of over 3,000 people.
20:17 However, Ushuaia's punitive measure has cost the lives of some 1,400 people who died of
20:23 starvation.
20:28 We have come to the end of this week's Brief.
20:30 You can find this and many other stories on our website, butelucidenglish.net.
20:34 And join us on social medias, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Twitter and TikTok.
20:40 For TELUS Uri English, I'm Ana Rosabal.
20:42 Thank you for watching.
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