Data shows women spend more on out-of-pocket expenses

  • last year
Health professionals have raised concerns that out of pocket medical costs are disproportionately affecting women with suggestions there is systemic gender bias within Medicare.


00:00 So, the ABC has been doing a series on out-of-pocket costs.
00:05 Most recently we looked at the out-of-pocket costs of radiology and in response to that
00:10 the issue of pregnancy ultrasounds came up.
00:12 But obstetricians and gynecologists, who obviously treat women a lot, got in touch with us to
00:17 basically say they've really observed in Medicare what they believe is gender bias.
00:23 And that relates to the out-of-pockets you get for Medicare, some comparisons between
00:28 female-related scans versus male-related scans and the ensuing out-of-pocket that patients
00:33 pay.
00:34 The concern is they basically say it's indicative of a wide-scale under-investment in women's
00:41 health across the board.
00:42 And what does the data show?
00:44 So there's some interesting data.
00:46 Now we know women live longer, but academics have found that they are more likely to have
00:51 out-of-pocket costs, but also it's because of both rising costs of maternity costs, but
00:57 also they have a larger burden of chronic disease.
00:59 So while they're living longer, they're not living well.
01:02 They're living with a lot of chronic disease, but also they're less likely to have the financial
01:06 resources to pay for some of those out-of-pockets.
01:10 And what are some of the stories that you've been hearing from women?
01:12 So it doesn't just cover obstetric care, although anyone who's had a baby will tell you the
01:16 costs start to add up pretty quickly.
01:19 It's also things like breast cancer.
01:21 So for example, at the moment with the breast screen, the screening programs are free, but
01:26 once you're diagnosed, there's an out-of-pocket for those continual scans that so many women
01:31 need.
01:32 But also things like endometriosis, there are significant costs to patients.
01:36 Now the government says it's actually looking at it.
01:38 It's got a committee, it's looking at gender bias, and it's got a survey, and it's encouraging
01:42 people to complete the survey and let them know their experiences.
01:46 And any timeframe on when they might report back?
01:49 The survey closes in October, and they've even got a hashtag, #endgenderbias.
01:53 So have a look.
01:54 Find yourself the survey, if you've got something to say, let the government know.
