देखें वीडियो : जनआधार कार्ड में जोड़ दिए जानवरों के नाम

  • last year
जन आधार कार्ड में इंसानों की फोटों की जगह जानवरों और फूलों के फोटों और नाम तक लिख दिए गए। मामले का खुलासा तब हुआ जब कार्डधारक फसल मुआवजे के लिए ग्राम विकास अधिकारी के पास पहुंचा।
00:00 This case has come to my attention today.
00:03 There is a woman named Kalpana.
00:06 And in her personal information,
00:09 she has tried to connect some members with private citizen's SSO ID.
00:15 She tried to connect them on 8th August.
00:18 But the process of connecting names in the public information is three-level.
00:24 In the first level, the Gram Sachiv is the SSO.
00:30 In the second level, the SSO is the Development Officer.
00:33 And in the third level, the SSO is the computer.
00:38 In this case, the attempt has failed in the first level.
00:43 That is, the Gram Sachiv has rejected the attempt in the first stage.
00:52 We have sent a report to Jaipur to find out who has connected the SSO ID to the person's name.
01:05 We will get to know from there who has the SSO ID.
01:10 Only after that, we can say anything about this.
01:13 This is a case of 400 BC.
01:16 So, we will proceed according to the procedure.
