China says BRICS has remained true to its goals

  • last year
Minister of China read Xi Jin Ping's speech at the 15th meeting of the Brics Summit Business Forum Leaders. teleSUR
00:00 Thank you, Minister Patel.
00:09 It is my great honor to read out the remarks on behalf of His Excellency Xi Jinping, President
00:14 of the People's Republic of China, at the closing ceremony of the BRICS Business Forum
00:20 2023.
00:21 Your Excellency President Matemala Siruramaphosa, members of the business community, ladies
00:27 and gentlemen, friends, I wish to extend my warm congratulations on the success of the
00:33 BRICS Business Forum in South Africa.
00:35 Ten years ago here in South Africa, we BRICS leaders witnessed the birth of the BRICS Business
00:42 Council.
00:46 Since then, the Council has stayed true to its founding mission.
00:52 It has seized opportunities to deepen cooperation, contributing to economic and social development
00:58 of BRICS countries, and helping sustain global economic growth.
01:06 Right now, changes in the world, in our times, and in history are unfolding in ways like
01:16 never before, bringing human society to a critical juncture.
01:27 Should we pursue cooperation and integration, or just succumb to division and confrontation?
01:33 Should we work together to maintain peace and stability, or just sleepwalk into the
01:38 abyss of a new Cold War?
01:40 Should we embrace prosperity, openness, and inclusiveness, or allow hegemonic and bullying
01:48 acts to throw us into a depression?
01:51 Should we deepen mutual trust through exchanges and mutual learning, or allow hubris and prejudice
01:58 to blind conscience?
02:01 The course of history will be shaped by the choices we make.
02:08 An ancient Chinese thinker observed that following the underlying trend will lead one to success,
02:13 while going against it can only cause one to fail.
02:17 We humankind have achieved notable economic development and social progress over the past
02:22 decades, and that is because we have drawn lessons from the two world wars and the Cold
02:27 War, followed the historical trend of economic globalization, and embarked on the right path
02:34 of openness and development for win-win cooperation.
02:38 Our world today has become a community with a shared future, in which we all share a huge
02:43 stake of survival.
02:45 What people in various countries long for is definitely not a new Cold War or a small
02:50 exclusive bloc.
02:52 What they want is an open, inclusive, clean, and beautiful world that enjoys enduring peace,
02:59 universal security, and common prosperity.
03:02 Such is the logic of historical advance and the trend of our times.
03:07 Ten years ago, I made a proposition of building a community with a shared future for mankind,
03:13 calling on all countries to build this planet we all call home into a harmonious family.
03:18 In the face of high winds, choppy waters, and even treacherous storms, we in all countries
03:24 need to uphold the correct views of the world, of history, and of our overall interests,
03:29 and act to translate the vision of a community with a shared future for mankind into reality.
03:36 We need to promote development and prosperity for all.
03:39 Many emerging markets and developing countries have come to what they are today after shaking
03:44 off the yoke of colonialism.
03:47 With perseverance, hard work, and huge sacrifices, we succeeded in gaining independence and have
03:55 been exploring a development path suited to our national conditions.
04:00 Everything we do is to deliver better lives to our people.
04:05 But some country, obsessed with maintaining its hegemony, has gone out of its way to cripple
04:13 the emerging markets and developing countries.
04:16 Whoever is developing fast becomes its target of containment.
04:20 Whoever is catching up becomes its target of obstruction.
04:23 But this is futile.
04:25 As I have said more than once, the blowing out others' lamp will not bring light to oneself.
04:34 Every country has the right to development, and the people in every country have the freedom
04:38 to pursue a happy life.
04:40 With that in mind, I have proposed the Global Development Initiative with the goal of promoting
04:45 development for all by the international community and boosting the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
04:51 Development.
04:52 With the support of many countries, solid gains have been made in pursuing this initiative,
04:58 with cooperation flourishing in various fields.
05:01 China will work with all other countries to speed up cooperation under the Global Development
05:05 Initiative, strengthen drivers of global development, promote the reform of the World Trade Organization
05:11 in a comprehensive and in-depth manner, meet common challenges together, and make life
05:16 better for people across the world.
05:18 We need to achieve universal security.
05:21 Recent years have seen a turbulent world.
05:24 Many countries and regions are plagued by wars and conflicts, and many people are displaced.
05:30 Members of the international community share the pressing hope to eradicate the root cause
05:35 of conflicts and wars and find a fundamental way to realize enduring peace and security
05:40 globally.
05:42 Facts have shown that any attempt to keep enlarging a military alliance, expand one's
05:46 own sphere of influence, and squeeze other countries' buffer of security can only create
05:52 security predicaments and insecurity for all countries.
05:57 Only a commitment to a new vision of common, comprehensive, cooperative, and sustainable
06:03 security can lead to universal security.
06:07 Last year, I put forward the Global Security Initiative, and it has gained support from
06:11 over 100 countries and international organizations.
06:15 China stands ready to jointly pursue this initiative with all others.
06:19 We should have dialogue and oppose confrontation, forge partnership but not alliance, and pursue
06:26 win-win outcome and oppose zero-sum game, and work together to build a community of
06:31 security.
06:33 We need to stay committed to exchanges among civilizations and mutual learning.
06:39 One flower alone cannot make a beautiful spring.
06:41 The blossoming of a rich variety of flowers can bring spring to the global garden.
06:47 Human civilization is colorful by nature.
06:50 It is precisely because of their differences in history, culture, and system that all countries
06:55 need to interact with each other, draw on each other, and advance together.
07:00 Deliberately creating division with the assertion of democracy versus authoritarianism and liberalism
07:05 versus autocracy can only split the world and lead to clash of civilizations.
07:13 I've put forward the Global Civilization Initiative, calling for promoting diversity of global
07:18 civilizations, the common values of humanity and people-to-people and cultural exchanges
07:24 and cooperation.
07:26 China welcomes all other countries to get involved in cooperation under this initiative.
07:31 We should encourage different civilizations to bring out their best and flourish together.
07:36 We should break barriers to exchanges and renew human civilization.
07:40 Ladies and gentlemen, friends, as an ancient Chinese philosopher observes, change is the
07:45 nature of the universe.
07:47 The collective rise of emerging markets and developing countries represented by BRICS
07:52 is fundamentally changing the global landscape.
07:59 Emerging markets and developing countries have contributed as high as 80% of global
08:06 growth in the past 20 years, and their share in the global GDP has increased from 24% 40
08:15 years ago to more than 40%.
08:17 Just as a line in a Chinese poem reads, "No mountains can stop the surging flow of a mighty
08:22 river."
08:23 Whatever resistance there may be, BRICS, a positive and stable force for good, will continue
08:30 to grow.
08:31 We will forge stronger BRICS strategic partnership, expand the BRICS+ model, actively advance
08:39 membership expansion, deepen solidarity and cooperation with other emerging markets and
08:46 developing countries, promote global multipolarity and greater democracy in international relations,
08:53 and help make the international order more just and equitable.
08:57 The gathering between BRICS countries and more than 50 other countries in South Africa
09:01 today is not an exercise of asking countries to take sides, nor an exercise of creating
09:09 block confrontation.
09:10 Rather, it is an endeavor to expand the architecture of peace and development.
09:16 I am glad to note that over 20 countries are knocking on the door of BRICS.
09:21 China hopes to see more joining the BRICS cooperation mechanism.
09:33 Ladies and gentlemen, friends, China stays committed to an independent foreign policy
09:40 of peace and the building of a community with a shared future for mankind.
09:45 As a developing country and a member of the global South, China breathes the same breath
09:50 with other developing countries and pursues a shared future with them.
09:56 China has resolutely upheld the common interests of developing countries and worked to increase
10:01 the representation and voice of emerging markets and developing countries in global affairs.
10:07 Hegemonism is not in China's DNA, nor does China have any motivation to engage in major
10:13 power competitions.
10:15 China stands firmly on the right side of history and believes that a just cause should be pursued
10:21 for the common good.
10:23 At present, we Chinese, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, are advancing
10:28 the greater rejuvenation of the Chinese nation on all fronts by pursuing Chinese modernization.
10:34 Chinese modernization aims to achieve common prosperity, material and cultural ethical
10:38 advancement, harmony between humanity and nature, and peaceful development for a huge
10:44 population.
10:45 Chinese modernization has created a new form of human advancement and presented a new future
10:50 of modernization.
10:51 I hope that other developing countries can draw on the outstanding achievements of human
10:57 civilizations and find their own paths to modernization in keeping with their national
11:02 conditions.
11:03 Achieving high-quality development is a top priority in China's goal of fully building
11:09 itself into a modernized country.
11:11 We are committed to applying a new development philosophy and creating a new development
11:16 paradigm.
11:17 In the past decade, China has contributed more than 30 percent of annual global growth.
11:22 This year, the Chinese economy has maintained a momentum of recovery and growth.
11:27 China enjoys several distinct advantages, a socialist market economy in systemic terms,
11:34 a super-sized market in terms of demand, a full-fledged industrial system in terms of
11:39 supply, and abundant high-caliber labor force and entrepreneurs in terms of human resources.
11:47 The Chinese economy has strong resilience, tremendous potential, and great vitality.
11:53 The fundamentals sustaining China's long-term growth will remain unchanged.
11:57 The giant ship of the Chinese economy will continue to cleave waves and sail ahead.
12:01 China will remain an important opportunity for the world's development.
12:05 Our door is wide open to anyone who wants to engage in cooperation with us.
12:10 As a super-sized economy, China will remain firm in advancing high-standard opening-up.
12:15 We will continue to expand market access, cut a negative list for foreign investment,
12:19 and further open the modern services sector.
12:22 We will steadily improve the business environment, provide national treatment to foreign investment
12:27 enterprises, foster a world-class market-oriented business environment governed by a sound legal
12:32 framework, and build a globally-oriented network of high-standard free trade areas.
12:37 We will continue to advance ecological conservation, accelerate the building of a beautiful China,
12:43 actively and prudently move toward carbon peak and carbon neutrality, and pursue all-around
12:49 green transition in economic and social development.
12:52 Going forward, as it endeavors to achieve modernization for its more than 1.4 billion
12:58 people, China will surely contribute even more to the global economy and provide even
13:03 more opportunities for the global business community.
13:08 Ladies and gentlemen, friends, a formidable mission is a magnificent and glorious mission.
13:24 As long as we work in unity and strengthen cooperation, we will not be intimidated by
13:29 any risk or challenge on the way ahead, and we will surely steer the giant ship of human
13:34 development to a brighter future.
13:37 Thank you.
13:39 [Applause]
