THE MORNING SHOW Season 3 Trailer 2 2023 Reese Witherspoon Jennifer Aniston

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THE MORNING SHOW Season 3 Trailer 2 2023 Reese Witherspoon Jennifer Aniston
00:00 They're making moves.
00:02 Seems like everybody is.
00:05 I wanted to make a difference.
00:14 I'm all over this network. I need to have a say in the future of this place.
00:22 What you are asking is unprecedented.
00:26 I am unprecedented.
00:30 You want that seat at the grown-up table.
00:32 But it's not your turn, Alex.
00:35 Don't forget to shut the door on your way out.
00:38 Boop.
00:40 Three, two, one.
00:44 We're off air.
00:49 What's happening?
00:50 Someone's in the system.
00:51 Get that music turned off!
00:53 The UBA has been the target of a cyber attack.
00:58 This hack is nuclear.
01:00 Certain things may come to light.
01:03 Did you ever tell anybody?
01:05 Personal things that were never meant to be shared.
01:08 Let all the secrets come out!
01:10 They did not protect me.
01:11 They didn't protect you, but I did.
01:14 We are flirting with financial disaster.
01:19 We need someone with more money than God.
01:23 I am offering you a lifeline.
01:26 Take the money.
01:28 How well do you know this guy?
01:31 What does that mean? Do you know how much is at stake here?
01:33 This is a chance to create something better, but you have to really, really want it.
01:40 It's refreshing to get stabbed in the stomach instead of the back, so thanks.
01:44 He's making moves.
01:47 Seems like everybody is.
01:49 What do you think, Stella? Want to run this place?
01:54 I know I made a huge mistake, but I am handling it.
01:58 Fix it, or I will.
02:00 You broke every rule. How do you sit in that chair every night?
02:05 It is time to smash and shatter. Let's burn it all down.
02:13 We should finish what we started.
02:16 We should finish what we started.
02:17 When I rule the world.
02:24 [Music]
