Andrew Wilson's emotional Jindera farewell

  • last year
Andrew Wilson addresses his Jindera players for the last time after his final game as coach of the Bulldogs
00:00 I see everything's nice, mate, thanks Super.
00:03 We spoke about this before the game,
00:05 and I'd like to mention that you're like the recruits
00:08 that have been a decade or up here, mate.
00:10 You've been twisted in, you've done Super,
00:12 you've done it wholeheartedly.
00:13 You've come down, you've been on the committee,
00:15 you've coached the nerds, and you've been just a
00:17 Super player, mate.
00:18 Be proud, we love you, and you've done a super job.
00:21 Well done, mate.
00:22 (applause)
00:28 To Aussie, obviously 150, mate.
00:31 Unbelievable.
00:33 I've been difficult for the last three years,
00:35 just to keep going and going, mate.
00:37 You've got to that 150 mark, and be super proud of it.
00:40 You're no different to big darts, we all love you a lot.
00:43 Whether you strap them on again, mate, or not,
00:46 or whether they're in, it's all the same.
00:48 That's 150 and out, mate.
00:50 (applause)
00:53 (applause)
00:55 Just quickly, obviously, I just want to thank
01:02 all these people, community, that sort of thing.
01:05 Without you guys, pubs, dishes, these boys can't get
01:09 to roll out and play footy and that sort of stuff,
01:11 so thank you very much.
01:13 To my team on the coaching side of it,
01:16 so that's with Yvonne, Maddy, Sass, and Danny
01:20 with the cameo today, a little bit.
01:22 Maddy, Lou, and Miles.
01:24 It takes a lot of people to do that role,
01:28 it's just not me.
01:30 And I just thank you all for your input
01:32 and allowing me to do what I've been asked to do.
01:35 To these boys, this is where it gets hard, look.
01:38 (laughter)
01:40 This is what I cherish, this is what I'll miss,
01:46 being a part of this, and I just thank you
01:49 for allowing me to be a part of it.
01:51 Obviously, special mention to Speedy,
01:54 who's been the captain from day dot.
01:57 Mate, you've been super, and I love you, thanks.
02:00 The other one I want to mention is
02:03 my little mate over here.
02:05 (laughter)
02:07 So many people don't know the work he's done
02:12 behind the scenes, getting this group together.
02:15 When he was up in Queensland, he and I were
02:17 communicating for Heath, and he's, you know,
02:20 just as responsible as I am to get this group together.
02:24 Mate, you know, words, how tough this last 12 months
02:27 has been for you, doesn't do it justice.
02:30 Mate, you should be super proud, just like I am of you.
02:33 I'm struggling, Bob.
02:37 (laughter)
02:45 Obviously, to mum and dad as well.
02:48 They brought me to the club when I was probably
02:51 an eight or nine year old, so three decades later.
02:54 And they'll be here, and I'm not looking at them at all.
02:57 (laughter)
02:59 You know, they've been a role model for me,
03:01 and I want to obviously be a parent to my three girls.
03:04 They would have missed, you know, 10 games,
03:06 my footy career, whether it's just coaching,
03:09 that sort of thing.
03:11 They say very little, but their actions are
03:14 absolutely huge.
03:16 Role model to my three girls.
03:20 How lucky I've been, you know, I started footy with no girls.
03:23 Yeah, a treat for your hand, the boys have really got to know.
03:26 Especially the little assistant coaches in Bells,
03:30 who have helped me over the last 12 months,
03:32 they've been huge.
03:34 He's been responsible for the boards,
03:36 Bells has been responsible for a lot more harsh comments
03:39 towards the boys.
03:41 But for them to be able to see, you know,
03:44 what I've been able to do and appreciate it.
03:47 They do the car rides, we're able to phone calls,
03:49 go to the place, you know, drop school drop off
03:52 and school pick up.
03:53 They know not to repeat words that are said
03:55 on the other end.
03:56 (laughter)
03:57 Maybe a sauce in that side too.
03:59 (laughter)
04:00 But, you know, to be able to share this last 12 months
04:03 has been huge.
04:05 And most of all,
04:07 to love.
04:10 (laughter)
04:12 She's enabled me to do it for this long.
04:16 To, you know, the rest of the group probably wouldn't know it
04:19 if it wasn't for her, you know, five years ago,
04:21 I wouldn't be standing here.
04:23 She's the one that, you know, gave me the belief,
04:26 "Oh, you coach me to at least have a crack at it."
04:29 Because it wasn't something that, you know,
04:31 probably sat that comfortable with me.
04:33 So she's been absolutely super along the way.
04:36 Again, I'm not going to look to see where you are.
04:38 (laughter)
04:39 But yeah, thanks for coming.
04:41 You're a legend, and yeah, we look forward to more family time.
04:44 (applause)
