Damian Penaud et Thomas Ramos Les stars du XV de France avec leurs sublimes compagnes respectives

  • last year
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Damian Penaud et Thomas Ramos : Les stars du XV de France avec leurs sublimes compagnes respectives à la plage

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00:00 While they are about to face Australia for their last match before the Rugby World Cup,
00:13 Damian Penault and Tomás Ramos offered each other a nice day with their lovers earlier
00:16 in the week.
00:17 CIST one last general rehearsal before the big show, but some seem worried about this
00:27 match against Australia, as the adversity could be high and the intensity would be high.
00:34 A few weeks ago, Romain Tamac, one of the best players in France's U15s, got seriously
00:41 injured in a friendly match of this type and since then, the psycho has won the ranks
00:46 of the fans.
00:47 For some, it is risky to have the team of type CIST 27 play, as planned by the selector
00:56 Fabien Galtier and everyone prays that no player gets injured a few weeks before the
01:01 start of the competition.
01:02 Who says team type, says Damian Penault and Tomás Ramos, two of the top players of
01:09 the French team for several years now.
01:12 Two very good players who had the chance to spend a little time with their darling a
01:20 little earlier in the week.
01:21 Damian Penault, in a relationship for several years with the sublime Morgane Vernet, chose
01:29 to spend the day at the beach, on the side of Sordos Gores, in the Landes.
01:36 A day that ends with a beautiful sunset in front of the ocean, as the beautiful blonde
01:42 showed in her story, which can be found in the diaporama, on Instagram.
01:47 Very in love and in love since last year, the two turtles also offered a nice picnic
01:55 with pizza and fruit salad.
01:57 Tomás Ramos still as in love with Sophie on his side, Tomás Ramos was able to spend
02:06 his day off with Sophie, the woman who shares his life, as he showed on Instagram.
02:11 The couple also went to the beach to enjoy a moment with two.
02:21 A very close couple, especially in the face of the disease since the young woman has been
02:27 affected for several years by a disease that affects a woman out of 10, endometriosis.
02:31 "I knew I wasn't always there when I needed to be.
02:38 The fact of hiring me, CIST to show that the role of the man, of the spouse is very
02:46 important, explained the 28-year-old rugby player, who became ambassador of the Ando
02:51 France association, whose president is Marene Leticia Milou.
02:55 Some good times for Damian Penault and Tomás Ramos, who were able to recharge the batteries
03:02 before this last preparation match against Australia.
03:10 "I'm very happy to be here with you, I'm very happy to be here with you.
03:16 I'm very happy to be here with you.
03:19 I'm very happy to be here with you.
03:22 I'm very happy to be here with you.
03:25 I'm very happy to be here with you.
03:28 I'm very happy to be here with you.
03:31 I'm very happy to be here with you.
03:34 I'm very happy to be here with you.
03:37 I'm very happy to be here with you.
03:40 I'm very happy to be here with you.
03:43 I'm very happy to be here with you.
03:46 I'm very happy to be here with you.
03:49 I'm very happy to be here with you.
03:52 I'm very happy to be here with you.
03:55 I'm very happy to be here with you.
03:58 I'm very happy to be here with you.
04:01 I'm very happy to be here with you.
