How to Make Chicken and Pork Congee | Farm To Table

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Aired (August 27, 2023): To show off our own version of a one-pot rice dish, Chef JR Royol cooks the humble lugaw, made with the ingredients he found at Yumi’s Farm.

00:00 [music]
00:04 We have a lot of one-pot rice dishes that are well-known all over the world.
00:12 Different cultures have their own delicious comfort food.
00:18 We have Paella, in other countries, Biryani.
00:22 And to get inspiration from these signature dishes of different countries and cultures,
00:30 we will just make our own version.
00:33 We will just make Lugaw, a very basic and humble dish.
00:37 But we will try to find out what spices and sautéing are available in their farm.
00:44 So we have ginger here.
00:47 Let's just put it.
00:50 This is our new harvest, yellow ginger.
00:53 So once we have washed it well, you can no longer cover it.
00:58 So let's just mix our ginger and yellow ginger.
01:03 Garlic.
01:06 We have native onions.
01:10 Food Explorers will remind you,
01:15 while preparing the garlic and onions for this recipe,
01:20 set aside some because we will use it later.
01:23 And we will now proceed to our proteins.
01:26 We have chicken here, and we also have pork leg.
01:31 So this is our native chicken.
01:42 So the combination of our turmeric and ginger is now ready.
01:46 We can now add our other spices.
01:49 So we will just add the dark meat of our chicken.
01:56 So there's the leg quarter.
01:58 There.
02:01 That smell is already solid.
02:04 Then for more fat, we will also add sliced pork leg.
02:08 Then the whole onion.
02:09 And then the garlic.
02:17 That kind of smell,
02:30 it kind of combines its own characteristics.
02:35 It kind of combines its own characteristics of our stir-fry.
02:38 This is the perfect time to add the star of our dish,
02:43 which is our rice or malagkit.
02:47 I call it star because aside of course of the aromatics that we used,
02:53 it is the most medium that brings all those flavors to your mouth.
03:02 So, compared to our well-known biryani,
03:05 biryani is basically,
03:07 the first difference in making it is the amount of spices that are used in this dish.
03:13 It is really very wide.
03:15 It is a different combination of seeds, there are barks,
03:22 there are also like the ones we used, ginger, garlic, and onion.
03:27 But as far as the technique itself,
03:30 we can say that they are almost the same.
03:33 Once we have mixed it, we have mixed it with the rice,
03:37 we can now add the stock.
03:39 And at this point,
03:46 we will now add the fish sauce,
03:49 a little bit of salt,
03:52 and pepper.
03:54 [Music]
04:16 [Music]
04:37 you
