• last year
How does the average German travel to work? Do they lunch in the cafeteria and is there time for romance? We've got all the answers.


00:00 Last episode, we followed Micheal Müller, our average German,
00:04 as he woke up, had breakfast and got ready for work.
00:07 Now we're joining him for a day at work.
00:19 But what does he do? How much does he earn?
00:22 Does he have an office crush? Let's find out.
00:25 We're going to lose him! Looks like he's going that way.
00:30 OK, I have him in sight.
00:32 Like our Micheal, most Germans leave their home to work.
00:35 10% ride their bikes, however, staying true to their reputation of being a nation of car lovers,
00:40 the preferred way to commute is driving.
00:42 77.5% of Germans commute up to 25km to their workplace
00:49 and 40% of them admit to driving under 5km to work.
00:54 Winter is cold in Germany.
00:56 70% of Germans commute to work in under 30 minutes
01:05 and when travelling by car, they spend up to 58 hours a year in traffic jams.
01:10 Only 25% of Germans work at least partly from home,
01:19 but when it comes to the future workplace, 65% of Germans want a mixture of home and office work.
01:25 [Sigh]
01:27 In Germany, it's polite to say hello when you enter the elevator.
01:36 According to the German Etiquette Council, you should refrain from making too much small talk,
01:42 Guys, did you see that weather last night? It was like raining, pouring, it was thunder, lightning.
01:47 talking on the phone,
01:48 Hey Mum!
01:49 and mentioning potential disasters.
01:51 What happens if the elevator falls down? What are we going to do?
01:54 Should we just jump before it falls?
01:57 In Germany, office jobs are the most common jobs.
02:03 Michael has just arrived at the average office.
02:06 As an average full-time employee, he'll work 40.4 hours this week,
02:10 that's 8.08 per day and earn 22.65 euros per hour.
02:18 Statistically, he has a 50/50 chance of doing overtime.
02:23 70% of German office workers decorate their desks.
02:29 Today, Michael has brought a photo from his recent hiking holiday.
02:33 Like two-thirds of Germans, Michael is either alone in the office or with one other person.
02:39 Today, Julia is here.
02:42 Hi!
02:44 Hi.
02:47 32% of German employees admit to kissing a colleague.
02:51 And the office summer party was just last week.
02:55 Around midday, 59% of Germans like to greet each other by saying,
03:01 Mahlzeit!
03:02 Mahlzeit!
03:04 which means meal in English.
03:11 64% of Germans say they never buy food from the work canteen,
03:16 with most preferring to bring lunch from home.
03:18 Popular lunch items include sandwiches, salads and leftovers from last night.
03:24 Thrifty.
03:26 Most Germans spend between 15 and 30 minutes eating lunch.
03:31 Michael ate his sandwiches in 13.2 minutes, so he has time for a coffee.
03:39 On average, Germans drink four cups of coffee a day.
03:42 This is only Michael's third.
03:45 Michael doesn't mind his job.
04:01 In fact, 60% of Germans are satisfied with their job,
04:04 and 29% are very satisfied.
04:08 It's 5pm, which means Feierabend.
04:11 In Germany, Feierabend means end of working day.
04:16 Where's Michael going?
04:37 Is he going on a date?
04:38 Like and subscribe for more Average German.
