Décision choc : Poutine défie une nouvelle fois les pays de l'Occident

  • last year
Le président russe Vladimir Poutine prévoit des voyages à l'étranger cet automne, bien que les détails précis de ses destinations et de son itinéraire n'aient pas encore été divulgués. Selon le porte-parole du Kremlin, Dmitri Peskov, le public sera informé en temps utile de ces voyages. Cette annonce intervient alors que la Cour pénale internationale (CPI) a émis un mandat d'arrêt contre Poutine, l'accusant de "transfert forcé de population" en référence à l'évacuation de mineurs des zones de combat en Ukraine. Malgré ces accusations, Poutine maintient ses engagements diplomatiques et prépare des rencontres avec d'autres dirigeants, notamment le président turc Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Les observateurs internationaux surveillent attentivement ces voyages, anticipant les implications géopolitiques et les prochaines étapes pour la Russie sur la scène mondiale.
Alors que le président russe Vladimir Poutine se prépare à des voyages à l'étranger cet automne, les détails de ses destinations et de son itinéraire sont encore tenus secrets. Le porte-parole du Kremlin, Dmitri Peskov, a déclaré que le public serait informé en temps utile de ces voyages, qui surviennent alors que la Cour pénale internationale (CPI) a émis un mandat d'arrêt contre Poutine pour "transfert forcé de population" en lien avec l'évacuation de mineurs des zones de combat en Ukraine. Malgré ces accusations, Poutine maintient ses engagements diplomatiques et se prépare à des rencontres avec d'autres dirigeants, notamment le président turc Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Ces voyages sont scrutés avec attention par les observateurs internationaux, qui attendent de voir les conséquences géopolitiques et les prochaines étapes pour la Russie sur la scène mondiale.
#VladimirPoutine #décision #Occident #ebenemediatv #mgm #PrésidentRusse #VoyagesÉtranger #Automne #Détails #Destinations #Itinéraire #DmitriPeskov #PorteParoleKremlin #CourPénaleInternationale #MandatDarrêt #TransfertForcéDePopulation #Évacuation #Mineurs #Ukraine #Rencontres
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00:00 Russian President Vladimir Putin has once again decided to challenge the Western powers
00:13 with a new surprise decision, announcing trips despite the implementation of a
00:17 international arrest warrant against him.
00:19 According to the Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, the public will be informed in time
00:25 useful details of these trips, but for the moment, destinations and itineraries
00:29 remain confidential.
00:30 The question of Putin's trips abroad was raised during a press conference
00:35 where journalists questioned Peskov about the possibility that the Russian president
00:39 go abroad, despite the arrest warrant issued against him by the International Criminal Court
00:43 (CPI).
00:44 In his response, the spokesman confirmed that visits were planned for the fall, but
00:50 he refused to mention specific destinations, explaining that he preferred not to announce
00:55 them in advance for obvious reasons.
00:56 However, Peskov also announced that a meeting between Putin and Turkish President Recep
01:02 Tayyip Erdogan was in preparation and would take place soon.
01:05 Although the date and official location of this meeting have not yet been announced,
01:10 information circulates that the two leaders will meet in Sochi, a
01:14 Russian balneary station, on September 4.
01:17 However, other sources indicate that the meeting could take place in Moscow on September 8,
01:22 and that it will focus on the relaunch of the Black Sea Cereal Corps.
01:26 Putin recently participated at the Summit of the Bricks in South Africa, but via a
01:31 video link, because he did not personally attend the event.
01:34 The Russian delegation was led by the Foreign Affairs Minister, Sergey Lavrov.
01:40 In addition, the Kremlin announced that Putin did not plan to attend the meeting
01:45 of the G20 leaders who will hold in New Delhi on September 9 and 10.
01:49 It should be noted that the CPI formally accused Putin and the Russian commissioner of the
01:53 right of the child to be forced to be transferred from the population, issued at the request of Ukraine.
01:58 Russia rejected these accusations and criticized the CPI, stating that the court of
02:03 the AIA was politically compromised.
02:04 In addition, Russia emphasizes that it did not ratify the 1998 Rome Statute establishing
02:10 the CPI, and that consequently, the body has no authority over it.
02:15 In this context, Putin's trips abroad are of particular importance.
02:20 While the CPI is issuing a suspension mandate against him, the Russian president maintains
02:25 his diplomatic commitments and prepares his visits abroad.
02:28 The whole world is watching with interest his movements.
02:32 Do not forget to subscribe and especially to click on the notification bell.
02:36 Like the video if you haven't already.
02:39 Also leave your point of view in the comments.
02:42 (air whooshing)
