HEARTS UNDER THE OLIVE TREE Trailer 2023 Romance Movie HD

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HEARTS UNDER THE OLIVE TREE Trailer 2023 Romance Movie HD
00:00 Just who is Georgina Cardwell?
00:04 Who indeed?
00:05 While the YA fantasy author has won numerous awards for her first two novels, she has never
00:11 made a public appearance.
00:14 Breaking news!
00:16 Georgina Cardwell has announced on social media that she is two weeks away from completing
00:21 her third novel.
00:22 Mom, can you maybe buy me an extra month or two?
00:26 I mean, isn't that what agents are for?
00:27 Darlene, you signed a contract.
00:29 I suggest you go upstairs and start packing, because I booked us on a 10-day writing retreat.
00:34 Really?
00:35 An olive farm?
00:36 My name is Ben Pulley.
00:38 I am the owner, but I'm also going to be your guide on your journey through the wonderful
00:43 world of olive oil.
00:44 Right.
00:45 Bad news.
00:46 Olive flies have gotten into the crop.
00:47 Not going to be producing a lot of oil this year.
00:50 Okay, Mom, I'm just not one of those people who can wake up and sit down and start working.
00:54 Well, then we will just find somebody who is.
00:58 You help her finish her manuscript, and in exchange, we will use her influencer status
01:02 to help give this place a much-needed PR.
01:05 To figure out a solution, I first have to diagnose the problem, and that means seeing
01:08 your work environment.
01:09 Blanket for it.
01:10 Well, no, it's actually more like a blanket mausoleum.
01:13 The blindfold lets you block out external stimuli and access your subconscious.
01:19 You are Georgina Cardwell.
01:21 I am just Mel, the girl who apparently can't write anymore.
01:27 Instead of forcing you to write today, let's go outside and see if inspiration strikes
01:31 you that way.
01:32 That's good.
01:33 All right, you can ease up on the reins a bit.
01:34 Yeah, but how do I drive her?
01:35 I mean, steer?
01:37 We just need to keep the words flowing.
01:38 Make sure your mind is in the optimal creative state.
01:41 You might be the last person in the world I would have thought could dance.
01:45 That would make two of us.
01:46 We're being spontaneous.
01:47 Go!
01:48 She knew she wasn't making the journey alone.
01:58 You Mel, you're amazing.
02:00 You, not Georgina Cardwell.
02:02 The third and final book of the Moonlight Magic trilogy was completed during my stay
02:09 here at the Babbling Brook Farm.
02:12 And I will be publishing it under my real name.
02:15 Would you like to dance?
02:18 Always.
