Do you ever find yourself getting distracted online? You might be on your computer working when you remember that you forgot to send an email or check the weather that day so you click away from your task. Then maybe you check your other emails fast or check your calendar. It's easy to get distracted. Researchers say our attention span only lasts about 47 seconds on an online task these days and it takes 25 minutes to refocus.
00:00 Do you ever find yourself getting distracted online?
00:03 You might be on your computer working
00:04 when you remember that you forgot to send an email
00:07 really quickly or check the weather that day.
00:09 So you click away from your task
00:11 and then maybe you check your other emails fast
00:13 or you check your calendar.
00:15 It is easy to get distracted.
00:17 Researchers say our attention span only lasts
00:20 about 47 seconds on an online task these days
00:24 and it takes 25 minutes to refocus.
00:27 There's a lot causing it,
00:28 but also a few things you can do about it
00:30 like figure out your natural attention span rhythm.
00:33 That's parts of the day where you are hyper-focused
00:35 and other parts where your attention tends to wander.
00:38 - Design your day so that you plan to do those tasks
00:41 that are hardest, that require the most creativity.
00:46 Do those at the times when you're at your peak focus.
00:50 And you know, don't do email, don't read news,
00:54 don't read social media during those times.
00:56 Remind yourself what your goals are
00:58 and what you wanna have completed by the end of the day
01:01 and then time block.
01:02 Focus on one task for 20 minutes
01:04 and resist the urge to click away
01:06 and then reward yourself with five minutes
01:09 of doing something else.