'स्टूडेंट सुसाइड कम करना है, तो आज से सनसनीखेज बातें बंद करें'

  • last year
00:00 If we want to reduce the suicide rate in India, we must stop the mass murder.
00:09 The suicide rate is increasing in Kota, children are committing suicide,
00:16 the pressure of education is forcing them to commit suicide.
00:20 We must avoid such sensationalist things and we must start this immediately.
00:27 Children, if you are thinking of harming yourself,
00:31 if you are thinking of being negative, then share it.
00:35 Dial the Indian government's tele-manas helpline, 14416.
00:41 You will always find psychological help here and you will definitely get help.
00:46 Talk to your loved ones.
00:48 We don't want to leave life.
00:50 We can leave the preparations, but you don't want to leave life.
00:54 Take counselling, take proper treatment, take proper advice.
00:57 If you want to move away from there, then move away,
01:00 but you have to live life.
01:02 It is very important for you to stay alive to win life.
01:06 Immediately, all parents should give this facility to their children.
01:11 From today, from now, from now, if they are unable to prepare,
01:17 if they are not able to do it, then they can leave the preparations.
01:21 Give them an option because many times a child feels very uncomfortable,
01:26 he feels pressured and think how difficult the subject is.
01:29 Instead of leaving the preparations, he leaves life.
01:32 So give the children the facility, give them the freedom to say that I don't want to prepare.
01:38 The rest is the education system,
01:41 that coaching and the 12th's studies, the competitive exams,
01:46 how to make a new balance in them,
01:49 in that, the educational, psychological, psychiatric and all the people responsible in it,
01:55 they can make a preventive planning in the long term,
01:59 so that such incidents do not happen.
02:02 The pressure of the education system should not be so much on us,
02:06 that children choose the option of taking their life.
02:09 It is very necessary to protest on this,
02:11 and it will be possible to discuss this issue throughout the country and get a meaningful solution.
