URGENT : Coup d'Etat au Gabon - Ali Bongo et sa famille en fuite

  • last year
Des militaires gabonais ont pris le pays par surprise en annonçant à la télévision nationale la dissolution des institutions de l'État et l'annulation des élections contestées qui ont récemment eu lieu. Ce coup d'État survient après la victoire déclarée du président en exercice, Ali Bongo, lors du scrutin présidentiel. Les soldats, se présentant comme le "Comité pour la transition et la restauration des institutions", ont critiqué la gouvernance d'Ali Bongo, affirmant que ses 14 années de mandat ont entraîné une détérioration de la cohésion sociale. La situation est encore confuse, et des coups de feu ont été entendus à Libreville, la capitale. Ce développement inattendu suscite des inquiétudes quant à la stabilité politique du Gabon et de la région.
Le Gabon, pays d'Afrique centrale, est confronté à un coup d'État militaire qui remet en question la légitimité du régime en place. Ali Bongo, au pouvoir depuis 2009, a été déclaré vainqueur de l'élection présidentielle récente, mais cette victoire contestée a conduit à une réaction de la part des militaires. Le pays, qui compte environ 2,3 millions d'habitants, partage ses frontières avec le Cameroun, la République du Congo et la Guinée équatoriale. Ce coup d'État survient dans un contexte régional où les prises de pouvoir militaires se multiplient, comme récemment au Niger. La situation reste tendue et la stabilité politique de la région est mise à l'épreuve. Les développements à venir auront un impact significatif sur le Gabon et ses citoyens, et il convient de suivre de près cette situation en évolution.
#Urgent #Gabon #CoupdEtat #ebenemediatv #mgm #coupdÉtatGabon #militaires #régime #AliBongo #dissolutioninstitutions #électionscontestées #Comitétransition #stabilitépolitique #victoireprésidentielle #gouvernance #cohésionsociale #Libreville #coupdefeu #légitimité #putschgabon #gabonputsch
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00:00 New disturbing news from Gabon, where military have announced they have put an end to the
00:13 Ali Bongo regime.
00:14 The situation is currently very confusing, and we are trying to get more information
00:19 on this unexpected development.
00:21 The military spoke to Gabonese television shortly after the announcement of Ali Bongo's
00:27 victory.
00:28 A group of Gabonese soldiers in uniform made a remark on national television,
00:33 where they declared the dissolution of all institutions of the state and the cancellation
00:36 of the contested elections that took place last week.
00:39 These radical measures were taken in response to Ali Bongo's victory declaration,
00:44 which has been leading the country for many years.
00:46 The soldiers gave a live speech earlier this Wednesday morning, claiming that they were
00:52 acting on behalf of the Committee for the Transition and Restoration of Institutions.
00:56 According to the AFP press agency, they have declared that they would defend peace by putting
01:01 an end to the current regime.
01:02 A spokesman for the group strongly criticized what he called "irresponsible and unpredictable
01:07 governance" of President Ali Bongo, emphasizing that these 14 years of mandates have led to
01:12 a deterioration of social cohesion that risks plunging the country into chaos.
01:15 Shortly after this statement, AFP journalists fired shots in
01:21 the Gabonese capital, Libreville.
01:23 However, it is not yet clear whether clashes are underway.
01:28 According to the Gabonese electoral center, Ali Bongo won the recent presidential election
01:34 with more than 64% of the votes, crushing his main rival, Albert Ondo Ossa, during
01:40 a one-round scrutiny.
01:41 However, the conditions for the outcome of the elections are so opaque, with
01:46 bans on civil participation and electoral frivolity.
01:49 It is important to note that this is not the first time that Ali Bongo has to face
01:54 political challenges.
01:55 In 2019, Gabon was shaken by an attempt by a military coup, during which
02:02 armed officers took hostages and announced the creation of a National Restoration Council
02:07 in order to restore democracy.
02:08 This mutiny was quickly repressed, but this is a testimony to the persistent political tensions
02:14 in the country.
02:15 This development in Gabon occurs in a regional context where military coups
02:20 cause growing concerns.
02:21 Countries such as Mali and Burkina Faso, which have themselves experienced military
02:26 takeovers in recent years, have committed to supporting the Nigerian military government
02:31 against any external threat.
02:32 The popular trend is spreading to Central Africa.
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02:44 Also leave your point of view in the comments.
02:47 (air whooshing)
