Long await arts project set to be completed at te end of the year, after being left in limbo 20-years ago. Artists Carl Merten and Joan Relke are thrilled to see the project have new life breathed into it, on Thursday, August 30.
00:10 >> A lot of my work is focused on female imagery and mythology.
00:22 So when I was asked if I wanted to do this project and
00:26 to do something that related to the Southern Cross,
00:30 I thought that it would be nice to have some female deity kind of form,
00:36 bringing the Southern Cross down to earth,
00:40 grabbing it with her hands and pulling it down to earth, designing the piece.
00:46 We have a double-decker bus at home that we lived in for
00:49 three years when we first moved out there, and it's the same height as this stone.
00:53 So I did a very large template, a full-size template of the piece just in
00:58 Masonite and got up on a ladder and had Carl hold it up there on top of the bus
01:05 so that I could see the Southern Cross going through her hands.
01:14 >> This sculpture is called Corrina, and it precedes the Southern Cross
01:21 across the Circumpolar Arc. So Corrina rises first, followed by the Southern Cross.
01:27 Now, Corrina was originally named after the Argonauts.
01:36 And so I looked at the, but it's in the Southern Square.
01:42 In the Northern Hemisphere, you can hardly see it.
01:45 You only see it at certain times of the year.
01:47 But in Australia, it's there all the time.
01:50 It's a very strong sculpture.
01:52 It's also associated, it's very close to a first Australian's view of the night sky.
01:58 They saw an emu, but they see the dark patches in the Milky Way.
02:05 So I sort of referenced that.
02:08 There's a certain serpent form in there which represents the Milky Way.
02:12 There's also, it also relates to my own background as a French horn player
02:18 and an orchestra and things like that.
02:20 So that also incorporates a sort of a modified treble cliff.
02:24 So the music of the spheres and all that sort of stuff all comes into it.