Dreading going back to school? Brummies share their advice.

  • last year
School is no longer out for the summer and pupils across the country are set to return to the classroom. I'm here speaking to people in Birmingham to bask in the nostalgia of our school days and find out their worst dreads and greatest excitements about returning after the holidays.
00:00 Worst dread? I don't know. I feel like maybe some of the people I got bullied a little
00:11 bit. I don't know, but I always enjoyed, I was a nerdy kid. I was a lame kid, so I always
00:20 quite liked the classes. I always looked forward to my history class and philosophy and ethics,
00:25 those sort of things.
00:27 Yeah, I think I just really liked going back and seeing all my friends after summer. Summer's
00:31 a really long time to be away from everyone, so I loved going back to that reason really.
00:35 Get you friends.
00:36 Okay, so biggest excitement for returning to school is obviously seeing your friends.
00:44 For me, always going back to play football with your mates, have a kick about and stuff
00:48 like that. Getting new stuff as well, new coats, new bags, all that kind of stuff. Biggest
00:53 fears? Probably getting up in the morning again, those long days of school. Again, getting
00:59 really tired ahead of the weekend, but always good to see your mates back again.
01:03 Yeah, you know, do you?
01:07 I've got to say I didn't like school, so I have no fond memories of school at all.
01:13 I'm the opposite. I love school, so I used to love going back to see all my friends and
01:17 getting back together again. No biggest threats really, just hope that you've got your school
01:22 uniform and everything fitted still. So yeah, I loved school, loved all my mates, so I really
01:27 look forward to going back to school.
01:30 I just, it's really honest, I wasn't really academic, so it was always hard for me. And
01:36 yeah, it was, you would the last couple of weeks of the holiday, you'd always have a
01:41 bit of nerves. Sign new classes, new year.
01:45 My dreads was like, I don't know what new bags are my friends going to have? Like, you
01:50 know, when you go back to school, everyone's got their new stuff. I don't know, I think
01:53 I was more excited about like, I don't think I was really dreadful of school to be fair.
02:00 I did not like, I was more, when you leave school and go into college, that's what I
02:03 was more worried about, making friends and meeting people on the course. And like, it's
02:08 a whole new experience, but going back to school, I think, I feel like if you've got
02:13 your friends and everything, you already know what's going on. Like, I wasn't really scared
02:16 to go back to school. Actually, I was more worried about having to actually stay in school
02:21 and be there for the rest of the term.
02:25 Probably just getting around everywhere, you know, making sure everything is all done.
02:32 So obviously, because a lot of the educational systems here, like, they do give you like
02:38 a lot of work before you leave for the six weeks and going back. It's just basically
02:44 making sure that everything is done and that you're up to date with absolutely everything.
02:49 So you know, just striving to be your best at every point and then with the workload
02:55 you're given on top of that, you know. But the courses here are really good and as long
03:01 as you try your hardest, you can enjoy it.
